Council Period 4 D.C. Law 4-714. D.C. Law 4-264. D.C. Law 4-210. Nuclear Weapons Freeze Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-209. D.C. Law 4-208. D.C. Law 4-206. D.C. Law 4-205. Summary Abatement of Life-or-Health Threatening Conditions Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-204. Alcoholic Beverage Control Amendments Temporary Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-203. Anti-Intimidation and Defacing of Public or Private Property Criminal Penalty Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-202. District of Columbia Sentencing Improvements Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-201. D.C. Law 4-200. District of Columbia Adoption of the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Marital or Parent and Child Long-Arm Jurisdiction Amendments Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-199. D.C. Law 4-198. State Revenue Officers Registration Improvements Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-196. Rental Housing Conversion and Sale Act of 1980 Amendment Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-194. Child Restraint Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-193. Youth Employment Act of 1979 Amendments /Job Skills and Placement Programs for Public Housing Residents Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-174. Eviction Limitation, Fire and Casualty Amendment Act, and Anti-Drunk Driving Clarifying Amendments Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-173. District of Columbia Protection of Minors Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-172. D.C. Law 4-171. D.C. Law 4-167. D.C. Law 4-166. District of Columbia Mandatory-Minimum Sentences Initiative of 1981. D.C. Law 4-165. Real Property Tax Rates for Tax Year 1983 Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-164. District of Columbia Theft and White Collar Crimes Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-163. Day Care Policy Act of 1979 Amendment Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-158. District of Columbia Board of Education Leasing Authority Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-157. Alcoholic Beverage Control Amendments Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-156. D.C. Law 4-155. D.C. Law 4-154. Project Setoff Liability Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-152. District of Columbia Bail Amendment Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-150. International Banking Facilities Tax, District of Columbia Redevelopment Act of 1945 Amendment, and Cable Television Communications Act of 1981 Technical Clarification Amendment Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-149. Drug Paraphernalia Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-148. Enclosed Sidewalk Cafe Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-147. Unemployment Trust Fund Revenue and Conformity Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-146. D.C. Law 4-145. D.C. Law 4-144. Proceedings Regarding Intrafamily Offenses Amendment Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-143. District of Columbia Soil and Water Conservation Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-142. D.C. Law 4-141. District of Columbia Child Placing Authority Act Amendments Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-140. Redevelopment Land Agency Disposition Review Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-138. Statehood Convention Procedural Amendments Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-137. Hotel Occupancy Tax Increase Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-136. District of Columbia Weighing and Measuring Equipment Inspection Charge Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-133. Medical Equipment Sales Tax Exemption Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-131. District of Columbia Tax Enforcement Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-130. Technical Amendments to the District of Columbia Financial Institutions Tax Act of 1980 and alley closing in square 569 Amendment Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-129. Homeowner Deductions Application Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-128. Real Property Tax Deferral Simplification Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-127. Council of the District of Columbia Independence Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-125. Presidential Inauguration Special Regulations and Rule of Interpretation Concerning Nonrevival of Statutes Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-124. Youth Employment Act of 1979 Amendment Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-123. District of Columbia Retirement Regulations Adoption Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-122. D.C. Law 4-121. District of Columbia Flag Display Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-120. D.C. Law 4-119. District of Columbia Arson Reporting Immunity Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-118. District of Columbia Individuals, Estates, and Trusts Federal Conformity Tax Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-115. District of Columbia Protective Services Police Identification Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-114. Assistance to Neglected Children Funding Authorization Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-113. D.C. Law 4-112. Nonprofit Housing Developments’ Water and Sanitary Sewer Service Rate Charges Reduction and the Consumer Credit Interest Rate Amendments Clarification Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-111. D.C. Law 4-108. District of Columbia Administration of Oaths, Public Assistance Technical Clarification, and Police Service and Fire Service Schedule Approval Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-107. D.C. Law 4-106. Reprogramming Policy Act of 1980 Amendments Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-105. Candy, Confectionery, Soft Drink, and Chewing Gum Sales Tax Amendment Act of 1981. D.C. Law 4-104. District of Columbia Criminal Statute of Limitations Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-103. Stable and Reliable Source of Revenues for WMATA Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-102. District of Columbia Workers’ Compensation Act of 1979 Amendments Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-101. District of Columbia Public Assistance Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-100. D.C. Law 4-99. Life Insurance Act Amendment of 1981. D.C. Law 4-97. Motor Vehicle Services Fees and Driver Education Support Act of 1982. D.C. Law 4-96. D.C. Law 4-93. D.C. Law 4-92. D.C. Law 4-90. District of Columbia Automobile Financing and Repossession Act of 1981. D.C. Law 4-89. D.C. Law 4-88. District of Columbia Election Code of 1955. D.C. Law 4-87. D.C. Law 4-86. Unemployment Trust Fund Revenue Temporary Act of 1981. D.C. Law 4-85. Uniform Commercial Code Amendments Act of 1981. D.C. Law 4-82. D.C. Law 4-81. D.C. Law 4-80. D.C. Law 4-79. D.C. Law 4-78. D.C. Law 4-77. District of Columbia Legal Holiday Clarification Act of 1981. D.C. Law 4-73. D.C. Law 4-72. Technical Amendments to the District of Columbia Revenue Act of 1980 Act of 1981. D.C. Law 4-71. Cigarette Tax Amendment Act of 1981. D.C. Law 4-70. Consumer Credit Interest Rate Amendment Act of 1981. D.C. Law 4-69. Natural Death Act of 1981. D.C. Law 4-68. Uniform Determination of Death Act of 1981. D.C. Law 4-67. D.C. Law 4-66. Access to Clinical Psychologists and Optometrists Act of 1981. D.C. Law 4-64. District of Columbia Unemployment Compensation Act Amendments Act of 1981. D.C. Law 4-61. D.C. Law 4-60. D.C. Law 4-59. Antique Slot Machine Act of 1981. D.C. Law 4-57. Community Park West Designation Act of 1981. D.C. Law 4-55. Credit Union Life Insurance Ceiling Amendment Act of 1981. D.C. Law 4-52. D.C. Law 4-51. Real Property Tax Rates for Tax Year 1982 Act of 1981. D.C. Law 4-50. District of Columbia Local Business Investment Act of 1981. D.C. Law 4-48. D.C. Law 4-46. D.C. Law 4-45. Extension of the Moratorium on Retail Service Station Conversions Act of 1981. D.C. Law 4-44. Home Purchase and First Right Assistance Fund Act Amendments Act of 1981. D.C. Law 4-43. D.C. Law 4-42. Governmental Reorganization Procedures Act of 1981. D.C. Law 4-41. D.C. Law 4-40. D.C. Law 4-39. Good Faith Donor and Donee Act of 1981. D.C. Law 4-38. D.C. Law 4-36. D.C. Law 4-35. D.C. Law 4-34. D.C. Law 4-33. D.C. Law 4-31. D.C. Law 4-30. D.C. Law 4-29. District of Columbia Uniform Controlled Substances Act of 1981. D.C. Law 4-28. District of Columbia Housing Finance Agency Act Amendments Act of 1981. D.C. Law 4-27. Rental Housing Conversion and Sale Act Amendment Act of 1981. D.C. Law 4-25. D.C. Law 4-24. District of Columbia Nonprofit Corporation Act and Business Corporation Act Amendments Act of 1981. D.C. Law 4-23. D.C. Law 4-19. D.C. Law 4-17. Multistate Tax Compact Membership Act of 1981. D.C. Law 4-16. D.C. Law 4-14. D.C. Law 4-10. D.C. Law 4-7. D.C. Law 4-3. D.C. Law 4-2.