Council Period 5 D.C. Law 5-196. Child Abuse Reform Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-195. D.C. Law 5-194. Metropolitan Police Department Presumption of Ownership from Possession Amendment Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-193. Medicaid Provider Fraud Prevention Amendments Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-189. Prohibition of the Buying and Selling of Human Body Parts Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-188. Water Pollution Control Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-187. District of Columbia Comprehensive Plan Act of 1984 Land Use Element Amendment Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-186. D.C. Law 5-184. Driver License Compact Adoption Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-183. District of Columbia Residential, Commercial, and Institutional Structures Fire Protection Study Commission Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-179. District of Columbia Comprehensive Bicycle Transportation and Safety Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-178. Hacker’s License Requirements Amendment Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-176. Motor Vehicle Definition Wheelchair Exception Amendment Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-175. D.C. Law 5-174. Day Care Policy Act of 1979 Amendments Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-173. Fees for Clinical Services and Asbestos Abatement Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-171. D.C. Law 5-168. District of Columbia Automatic Data Processing Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-166. D.C. Law 5-165. District of Columbia Air Pollution Control Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-164. District of Columbia Government Quick Payment Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-162. Automobile Consumer Protection Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-161. D.C. Law 5-160. Life Insurance Amendments Reform Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-159. D.C. Law 5-156. Adult Protective Services Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-155. D.C. Law 5-154. D.C. Law 5-153. D.C. Law 5-150. District of Columbia Public Assistance Act of 1982 Temporary Amendments Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-147. D.C. Income and Franchise Tax Conformity Amendment Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-146. District of Columbia Right to Overnight Shelter Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-145. Extension of the Moratorium on Retail Service Station Conversions Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-140. D.C. Law 5-139. Smoke Detector Act of 1978 Amendment Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-138. Health Spa Consumer Protection Act Amendments Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-137. Pawnbroker Industry Improvement Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-136. Employment Services Licensing and Regulation Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-133. District of Columbia Daylight Saving Time Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-130. Real Property Tax Appellate Provisions Amendment Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-129. Neglect Representation Equity Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-128. District of Columbia Confidentiality Library Records Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-125. Real Property Tax Rates Setting Procedures Amendment Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-124. District of Columbia Unemployment Compensation Act Second Amendments Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-123. Percentage and Support Proceedings Reform Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-122. Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Compact Amendment Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-121. D.C. Law 5-119. Alcoholic Beverage Control Act Amendments Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-118. D.C. Law 5-117. District of Columbia Real Estate Licensure Act of 1982 Amendment Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-116. D.C. Law 5-113. District of Columbia Revenue Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-112. District of Columbia Commission on Baseball Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-111. D.C. Law 5-107. Foster Care Goals Act Amendment Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-106. Alcoholic Beverage Anti-Discrimination Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-105. D.C. Law 5-104. D.C. Law 5-103. Hazardous Waste Management Amendments Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-102. District of Columbia Unemployment Compensation Act Amendments Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-100. Public Assistance Payments Increase Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-97. Prohibition on the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages at Gasoline Stations Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-96. D.C. Law 5-94. Correctional Officers Meritorious Service Recognition Amendment Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-93. First Source Employment Agreement Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-92. District of Columbia Cooperative Housing Association Proportionate Voting Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-91. District of Columbia Public Transit Vehicle Safety Amendment Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-90. Eviction Procedures Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-89. District of Columbia Economic Development Finance Corporation Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-86. Health-Care Assistance Reimbursement Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-85. D.C. Law 5-84. District of Columbia Funeral Services Regulatory Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-83. D.C. Law 5-82. Right to Cure a Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Default Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-79. D.C. Law 5-77. D.C. Law 5-76. District of Columbia Comprehensive Plan Act of 1984. D.C. Law 5-72. D.C. Law 5-70. D.C. Law 5-69. District of Columbia Historic Rhodes Tavern Preservation Initiative of 1982. D.C. Law 5-66. D.C. Law 5-65. Education Commission of the States Participation Act of 1983. D.C. Law 5-64. Mayoral Agent for Service of Process Fee Increase Act of 1983. D.C. Law 5-62. Interest Rate Ceiling Amendment Act of 1983. D.C. Law 5-60. Residential Gardens and Open Space Real Property Tax Classification Amendment Act of 1983. D.C. Law 5-58. D.C. Boat Titling Act of 1983. D.C. Law 5-57. District of Columbia Cooperative Housing Association Proportionate Voting Temporary Act of 1983. D.C. Law 5-56. General Rule of Severability Adoption Act of 1983. D.C. Law 5-55. D.C. Law 5-53. Public Assistance Act of 1982 Amendments Act of 1983. D.C. Law 5-52. D.C. Law 5-51. Alcoholic Beverage Control Act Amendments Act of 1983. D.C. Law 5-50. D.C. Law 5-48. Health-Care and Community Residence Facility Hospice and Home Care Licensure Act of 1983. D.C. Law 5-47. D.C. Law 5-46. D.C. Law 5-45. Successor in Interest to a Gasoline Products Marketing Agreement Act of 1983. D.C. Law 5-44. District of Columbia Criminal Justice Act Amendments Act of 1983. D.C. Law 5-42. D.C. Law 5-40. Fire and Casualty Act Amendment Act of 1983. D.C. Law 5-39. Farmers Street Market Space Charge Increase Act of 1983. D.C. Law 5-38. Rental Housing Conversion and Sale Act of 1980 Amendments and Extension Act of 1983. D.C. Law 5-36. Cable Television Communications Act of 1981 Clarification Amendment Act of 1983. D.C. Law 5-33. Weights and Measures, and Markets Act Amendment Act of 1983. D.C. Law 5-32. District of Columbia Income and Franchise Tax Conformity Act of 1983. D.C. Law 5-31. Lower Income Homeownership Tax Abatement and Incentives Act of 1983. D.C. Law 5-30. Foster Care Goals Act of 1983. D.C. Law 5-26. D.C. Law 5-24. D.C. Law 5-23. Day Care Policy Act of 1979 Amendment Act of 1983. D.C. Law 5-22. D.C. Law 5-19. Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975 Amendments Act of 1983. D.C. Law 5-18. D.C. Law 5-17. D.C. Law 5-16. District of Columbia Election Code of 1955 and Related Election Practices Amendments Act of 1983. D.C. Law 5-14. D.C. Law 5-13. D.C. Law 5-10. D.C. Law 5-9. D.C. Law 5-4. Foster Care Goal Temporary Act of 1983. D.C. Law 5-3. District of Columbia Unemployment Compensation Act of 1983.