The 108th Congress Public Laws Pub. L. 108-489. District of Columbia Retirement Protection Improvement Act of 2004. Pub. L. 108-457. An act to amend the District of Columbia College Access Act of 1999 to reauthorize for 2 additional years the public school and private school tuition assistance programs established under the Act. Pub. L. 108-450. District of Columbia Mental Health Civil Commitment Modernization Act of 2004. Pub. L. 108-447. Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005. Pub. L. 108-386. 2004 District of Columbia Omnibus Authorization Act. Pub. L. 108-335. District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2005. Pub. L. 108-199. Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2004. Pub. L. 108-133. District of Columbia Military Retirement Equity Act of 2003. Pub. L. 108-7. Consolidated Appropriations Resolution, 2003.