§ 1–1162.14. Hearings.
(a)(1) After determining that there is reason to believe a violation has occurred based upon the presentation of evidence by the Director of Government Ethics pursuant to § 1-1162.12(b) or § 1-1162.13(e), the Board shall conduct an open and adversarial hearing at which the Director of Government Ethics shall present evidence of the violation. A hearing need not be conducted if a matter is dismissed pursuant to § 1-1162.16(a).
(2) If the Director of Government Ethics fails to present a matter, or advises the Board that insufficient evidence exists to present a matter or that an additional period of time is needed to investigate a matter further, the Board may order the Director of Government Ethics to present the matter as provided in paragraph (1) of this subsection.
(b) Any hearing under this section shall be of record and shall be held in accordance with Chapter 5 of Title 2.
(c) Any witness has a right to refuse to answer a question that might tend to incriminate the witness by claiming his or her Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination.