§ 1–632.03. Police officers and fire fighters appointed after the date this chapter becomes effective.
(a) The following provisions shall not apply to police officers and fire fighters appointed after the date that this chapter becomes effective as provided in § 1-636.02:
(1)(A) Section 5-541.01, note;
(B) Sections 5-101.02, 5-105.01(a), 5-133.03, 5-133.07, 5-123.01, 5-133.08, and 5-133.10;
(C) Sections 5-127.03, 5-105.03, 5-133.09, 5-133.10, and 5-111.01;
(D) Section 5-105.04;
(E) Section 5-105.06;
(F) Sections 5-105.07 and 5-403;
(G) Section 5-133.04 [repealed];
(H) Sections 5-111.03 and 5-406;
(I) Section 5-410;
(J) Sections 5-131.01 through 5-131.05;
(K) Section 5-133.12;
(L) Sections 5-402(a), 5-404, and 5-407;
(M) Section 5-405;
(N) Section 5-408;
(O) Section 5-409;
(P) Section 5-701 et seq.;
(Q) Sections 5-1001 through 5-1003;
(R) Section 5-901 et seq.;
(S) Section 5-542.01 et seq.;
(T) Section 5-501.01;
(U) Sections 5-521.01, 5-521.02, and 5-521.03 insofar as it affects police officers and firefighters employed by the District of Columbia;
(V) Section 5-521.02;
(W) Sections 5-1302 and 5-1303;
(X) Section 5-1304 insofar as it affects police officers and firefighters employed by the District of Columbia;
(Y) Section 5-1305;
(Z) Sections 5-105.05, 5-127.01, and 5-133.06;
(AA) Section 5-133.02;
(BB) Sections 5-131.02, 5-131.03, and 5-131.04; and
(CC) Section 5-127.02.
(2)(A) Reorganization Order 39, June 18, 1953, as amended (relating to fire trial boards); and
(B) Reorganization Order 48, June 26, 1953, as amended (relating to police trial and review boards).
(b) Notwithstanding subsections (a) or (c) of this section, no provision of law affecting the United States Park Police, United States Secret Service Uniformed Division or Secret Service shall be deemed to be affected.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a)(1)(B) of this section, or of any other law or regulation, for members of the Metropolitan Police Department, the Assistant Chiefs of Police, Deputy Chiefs of Police, and inspectors shall be selected from among the lieutenants and captains of the force and shall be returned to the same civil service rank when the Mayor so determines as provided in § 5-105.01.