(1) “Conduit” means any pipe or other hollow protective sleeve through which cable may be inserted.
(2) “Private structure” means all privately-owned fixtures on public space or in the public rights of way.
(3) “Public rights of way” means the surface, the air space above the surface (including air space immediately adjacent to a private structure located on public space or in a public right of way), and the area below the surface of any public street, bridge, tunnel, highway, lane, path, alley, sidewalk, or boulevard used pursuant to District law for public services, including rail lines and electric, natural gas, water, sewer, and communication utilities.
(4) “Public space” means all the publicly-owned property between the property lines on a street, park, or other public property as such property lines are shown on the records of the District, and includes any roadway, tree space, sidewalk, or parking between such property lines.
(5) “Public structure” means all publicly-owned fixtures on the public space and in the public rights of way.