§ 2–577(Perm). Meeting procedures.
*NOTE: This codification is not the most current, due to recent law changes. To see the current law (including emergency and temporary legislation, if relevant) click this link: Current Version*
(a) A meeting may be held by video conference, telephone conference, or other electronic means; provided, that:
(1) Reasonable arrangements are made to accommodate the public’s right to attend the meeting;
(2) The meeting is recorded; and
(3) All votes are taken by roll call.
(b) All provisions of this subchapter shall apply to electronic meetings.
(c) E-mail exchanges between members of a public body shall not constitute an electronic meeting.
(d) When an emergency meeting is convened, the presiding officer shall open the meeting with a statement explaining the subject of the meeting, the nature of the emergency, and how public notice was provided.