Code of the District of Columbia

§ 32–1693.05. Memoranda of Understanding.

(a) No later than November 1, 2021, and by November 1 annually thereafter, the WIC shall execute Memoranda of Understanding ("MOUs") with the University and the University of the District of Columbia Foundation, Inc. ("Foundation") for the purpose of implementing the Program at the University and authorizing the intradistrict transfer of funds in accordance with the terms of this subsection.

(b) The MOU with the University shall, among other things, include funding from the WIC to support the following purposes in amounts to be determined by the parties:

(1) Tuition, required fees, equipment, supplies, tools, and memberships for Program participants who are full-time or part-time students at UDC and UDC-CC seeking to obtain an RN to BSN degree or an LPN to AASN degree; provided, that the BON has approved such degree paths by the date of execution of the MOU; provided further, that the parties may modify the MOU to incorporate funding for BON-approved degree paths following BON approval.

(2) Required academic fees, equipment, supplies, tools, certification exam preparation fees, and memberships for Program participants who are students enrolled in WDLL courses, and the salaries and fringe benefits of faculty and staff directly engaged in the provision of such courses;

(3) Reasonable costs of facilities and equipment upgrades necessary for providing Program training through UDC-CC, including WDLL;

(4) Marketing and recruitment activities to attract District residents to the Program;

(5) Development of dual enrollment guidance and policy for the expansion of dual-enrollment programs; and

(6) The salary and fringe benefits of faculty or staff who teach or support classes or training in nursing and related health fields in which program participants may enroll at the University.

(c) Repealed.