§ 38–2851.01(Perm). Definitions.
*NOTE: This codification is not the most current, due to recent law changes. To see the current law (including emergency and temporary legislation, if relevant) click this link: Current Version*
For the purposes of Chapter 28A of Title 38, the term:
(1) "Central Administration" means the programs, services, and employees that support the functions necessary for the governance of the DCPS school district as a whole, including general oversight and management of support services, such as procurement, human resources, and financial administration, whose costs are not attributable to School Support, School-Wide, or Local Schools.
(2) "DCPS" means the District of Columbia Public Schools system.
(3) "ELL" means English language learner.
(4) "Local Schools" means the individual schools comprising the DCPS system and whose programs, services, and employees are paid with funds under the control and direction of the individual school principals.
(5) "Projected enrollment" is the number of students projected to be enrolled at a specific DCPS school at the time the Mayor's budget is proposed to the Council.
(6) "School Support" means the programs, services, and employees that provide system-wide support to DCPS schools, such as curriculum development, instructional superintendents, teacher evaluations, and professional development, whose costs are not attributable to Central Administration, School-Wide, or Local Schools.
(7) "School-Wide" means the programs, services, and employees that directly support schools and are budgeted centrally but provided directly to individual schools, such as food service, security, fixed costs, speech therapists, itinerant ELL services, and substitute teachers, whose costs are not attributable to Central Administration, School Support, or Local Schools.
(8) "Uniform Per Student Funding Formula" means the formula for funding DCPS and the District's public charter schools established pursuant to the UPSFF Act.
(9) "UPSFF Act" means subchapter I of Chapter 29 of Title 38.