Code of the District of Columbia

§ 38–2903(Perm). Foundation level.

*NOTE: This codification is not the most current, due to recent law changes. To see the current law (including emergency and temporary legislation, if relevant) click this link: Current Version*

(a) The foundation level or cost of providing public education services is $13,046 per student for Fiscal Year 2024 and subsequent fiscal years. The foundation level may be revised in subsequent years in accordance with provisions for inflation, revenue unavailability, and periodic review and revision of the Formula, pursuant to §§ 38-2909 [repealed], 38-2910, and 38-2911.

(b) By December 31, 2018, and annually thereafter, the Mayor shall transmit to the Council the algorithm that will be used to determine the next fiscal year's Formula foundation level, which shall include variables for the cost of teachers and other classroom-based personnel and for both school-based and non-school-based administrative personnel. The Office of the State Superintendent of Education shall publish the algorithm on its website.