Code of the District of Columbia

§ 42–2501(Perm). Definitions.

*NOTE: This codification is not the most current, due to recent law changes. To see the current law (including emergency and temporary legislation, if relevant) click this link: Current Version*

For the purposes of this chapter, the term:

(1) “Agency” means the District of Columbia Housing Finance Agency.

(2) “Agreement” means the housing allowance agreement required, pursuant to § 42-2504, to be entered into between a Participant and the District of Columbia government.

(3) “Deferred payment loan” means funds made available to Participants in the Program by the District to assist with the purchase of housing units and for which payment of the principal is deferred until the property is sold, transferred, or otherwise ceases to be the principal residence of the Participant.

(4) “Department” means the District of Columbia Department of Housing and Community Development.

(4A) “Educator" means:

(A) A principal, assistant principal, school teacher or instructor, assistant teacher, or a paraprofessional who is employed by or has accepted an offer of employment with the District of Columbia Public Schools or a District of Columbia public charter school; or

(B) An employee working as a full-time professor or instructor at the University of the District of Columbia;

(4B) "First-responder" means a District of Columbia police officer, correctional officer, firefighter, paramedic, or emergency medical technician, or an individual who has accepted an offer of employment as a District of Columbia police officer, correctional officer, firefighter, paramedic, or emergency medical technician.

(5) “First-time homebuyer” means a purchaser who has no ownership interest in a principal residence at any time during the 3-year period ending on the date of the application for assistance, but includes an applicant who has divorced or separated during the 3-year period where a formal settlement did not convey an ownership interest in a principal residence which had been jointly owned.

(6) “Household” means all of the persons living in a housing unit.

(7) “Housing unit” means any room or group of rooms forming a single-family residential unit, including a semi-detached condominium, cooperative, or semi-detached or detached home that is used or intended to be used for living, sleeping, and the preparation and eating of meals by human occupants.

(8) “Matching contribution” means those funds made available to Participants in the Program by the District to assist the Participants in saving toward a down payment.

(9) “Participant” means a person who has applied to the Program and who has met the eligibility requirements set forth in § 42-2503.

(10) “Program” means the District of Columbia Government Employer-Assisted Housing Program established pursuant to § 42-2502.