Code of the District of Columbia

§ 6–229.03(Perm). Rent Supplement Program Tenant-Based Allocation Fund quarterly reporting.

*NOTE: This codification is not the most current, due to recent law changes. To see the current law (including emergency and temporary legislation, if relevant) click this link: Current Version*

(a) The Department of Human Services shall submit to the Council, within 30 days after the end of each fiscal quarter, a Rent Supplement Program Tenant-Based Allocation Fund report.

(b) Each report shall include the following information with respect to the Rent Supplement Program Tenant-Based Allocation Fund:

(1) The total amount of money in the fund at the beginning and end of the reporting period;

(2) The amount of money in the fund transferred to the Authority for each tenant-based voucher assistance program during the reporting period, listed separately by the program

(A) In which the household is currently participating, including the Permanent Supportive Housing, Targeted Affordable Housing program, and the Rapid Rehousing program if applicable, and categorized by individual households and family households; and

(B) To which the household is being referred, including the Permanent Supportive Housing and Targeted Affordable Housing program;

(3) The amount of money remaining in the fund at the end of the reporting period, listed separately by the program in which the household is participating, including the Permanent Supportive Housing, Targeted Affordable Housing program, and the Rapid Rehousing program, and categorized by individual households and family households;

(4) The number of households, categorized separately as individual households and family households, matched with a tenant-based voucher assistance program during the reporting quarter, listed separately by the program in which the household is participating, including the Permanent Supportive Housing and Targeted Affordable Housing program; and

(5) The amount of money expended from the fund during the reporting period on administrative costs, which shall contain a breakdown by category of expense.