§ 42–3502.02b. Independence of the Rental Housing Commission; transfer provisions.
(a)(1) Nothing in this chapter may be construed as granting the Department of Housing and Community Development or any other agency of the District government power or authority over the Rental Housing Commission's powers, duties, or personnel.
(2) For as long as the Rental Housing Commission's budget is captured by a program code within the Department of Housing and Community Development, the Rental Housing Commission shall have exclusive authority to administer the Rental Housing Commission's budget, subject to compliance with District law;
(b)(1) Within 30 days after October 1, 2019, all positions, property, records, and unexpended balances of appropriations, allocations, assessments, and other funds available or to be made available to the Rental Housing Commission, while captured as a program code within the Department of Housing and Community Development, relating to the duties and functions assigned to the Rental Housing Commission pursuant to §§ 42-3502.01 through 42-3502.02a, shall be transferred to the Rental Housing Commission.
(2) All rules, orders, obligations, determinations, grants, contracts, licenses, and agreements of the Department of Housing and Community Development relating to functions transferred to the Rental Housing Commission pursuant to the Rental Housing Commission Independence Clarification Amendment Act of 2018 [D.C. Law 22-200, February 22, 2019], shall remain in effect according to their terms until lawfully amended, repealed, or modified.
(c) The Mayor shall provide funding for the Rental Housing Commission in the annual budget request to the Council as a separate agency code.