Code of the District of Columbia

§ 7–2509.08. Concealed pistol licensing appeals.

(a) The Office of Administrative Hearings shall hear appeals from:

(1) A denial of an application or renewal application for a license to carry a concealed pistol in the District pursuant to this unit;

(2) A summary suspension or limitation of a license to carry a concealed pistol; or

(3) A limitation or revocation of a license to carry a concealed pistol.

(b) Repealed.

(c) Repealed.

(d)(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the procedures for appeals under this section shall be governed by 1 DCMR § 1200 et seq. until such time as the Chief Administrative Law Judge may repeal them or re-establish procedures by rule pursuant to § 2-1831.05.

(2) The burden of production of evidence and the burden of persuasion for an appeal brought under this section shall be upon the Chief of the Metropolitan Police Department or the Chief's designated agent. This provision controls over, and may not be altered by, any rule of procedure or regulation promulgated by either the Office of Administrative Hearings or the Metropolitan Police Department.

(e) Hearings conducted pursuant to this section shall be confidential and not open to the public.

(f) Repealed.