Code of the District of Columbia

Chapter 7C. Migrant Services and Supports.

§ 4–773.01. Migrant services and supports.

*NOTE: This section was created by emergency legislation that will expire on October 20, 2024.*

"(a) The Mayor may establish an office and administer programs to provide time-limited services and supports to recent immigrants to the United States, including the following services and supports:

"(1) Welcome and other reception services;

"(2) Food, clothing, baby supplies including formula, if baby formula is reasonably available for purchase in the District and other necessities;

"(3) Temporary shelter which:

"(A) May be provided in a congregate setting; provided, that families with minor children shall be prioritized to be housed in non-congregate shelter units; and

"(B) Is maintained in a safe, clean, and sanitary condition that meets all applicable District health, sanitation, fire, building, and zoning codes for residential dwellings.

"(4) Medical services, including health insurance;

"(5) Relocation services; including:

"(A) Services associated with traveling to a secondary destination outside of the District; and

"(B) Services associated with settling recent immigrants in the District when a person intends to make the District their permanent home.

"(6) Cash assistance for food and other necessities, transportation, relocation, and other identified needs; and

"(7) Social and legal services and referrals to external social and legal service

programs and providers."

§ 4–773.02. Eligibility.

*NOTE: This section was created by emergency legislation that will expire on October 20, 2024.*

(a) The Mayor shall establish and publish eligibility and termination criteria for services and supports funded pursuant to this chapter within 30 days of April 24, 2023; provided, that the eligibility and termination criteria:

(1) May include statutory, regulatory, or programmatic categories of immigration, means of entering the District, and length of time in the United States or the District;

(2) Shall ensure that individuals are provided with adequate written and oral notice in the individual's requested language when services are denied or terminated pursuant to the established eligibility criteria; and

(3) Shall be published online in English and Spanish.

(b) No provision of this chapter shall be construed to create an entitlement, either direct or implied, on the part of any individual or family to any services and supports provided under this chapter.

§ 4–773.03. Relationship to other services.

*NOTE: This section was created by emergency legislation that will expire on October 20, 2024.*

Services and supports provided under this chapter shall not be considered Continuum of Care services under Chapter 7A of this title.

§ 4–773.04. Grants.

*NOTE: This section was created by emergency legislation that will expire on October 20, 2024.*

Notwithstanding part B of subchapter XII-A of Chapter 3 of Title 1, the Mayor may make grants to nonprofit organizations and other entities to provide services and supports to recent immigrants to the United States arriving in the District.

§ 4–773.05. Rulemaking.

*NOTE: This section was created by emergency legislation that will expire on October 20, 2024.*

If the Mayor authorizes an expenditure pursuant to § 4-773.01, the Mayor, pursuant to subchapter I of Chapter 5 of Title 2 shall issue rules to implement the provisions of this chapter, which shall include the eligibility and termination criteria required by § 4-773.02(a).