D.C. Act 25-499. Fiscal Year 2024 Revised Local Budget Adjustment Emergency Act of 2024.


To adjust, on an emergency basis, certain appropriations in the Fiscal Year 2024 Local Budget Act of 2023 to maintain a balanced budget for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024.

BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this act may be cited as the "Fiscal Year 2024 Revised Local Budget Adjustment Emergency Act of 2024".

Sec. 2. (a) The appropriations set forth in the Fiscal Year 2024 Local Budget Act of 2023, effective August 29, 2023 (D.C. Law 25-47; 70 DCR 9700), are increased by $53,162,018 (including $74,929,736 added to local funds, ($5,824,910) rescinded from dedicated taxes, $11,555,843 added to Medicaid payments, ($3,874,699) rescinded from other funds, ($42,419,323) rescinded from federal payment funds for COVID relief, $26,511,021 added to enterprise and other funds – dedicated taxes, and ($7,715,651) rescinded from enterprise and other funds), to be allocated as follows:

Governmental Direction and Support

The appropriation for Governmental Direction and Support is decreased by ($9,407,947) (including ($8,873,279) rescinded from local funds, ($234,668) rescinded from dedicated taxes, and ($300,000) rescinded from other funds), to be allocated as follows:

(1) Advisory Neighborhood Commissions: $353,520 is added to local funds;

(2) Captive Insurance Agency: $715,337 is added to local funds;

(3) Department of General Services: ($6,140,077) is rescinded (including ($5,905,409) rescinded from local funds and ($234,668) rescinded from dedicated taxes);

(4) Department of Human Resources: ($899,842) is rescinded from local funds;

(5) Employees' Compensation Fund: ($841,904) is rescinded from local funds;

(6) Executive Office of the Mayor: ($55,000) is rescinded from local funds;

(7) Office of Contracting and Procurement: ($333,513) is rescinded from local funds;

(8) Office of Employee Appeals: ($40,000) is rescinded from local funds;

(9) Office of Finance and Resource Management: ($601,139) is rescinded from local funds;

(10) Office of the Chief Financial Officer: $1,600,000 is added to local funds;

(11) Office of the Chief Technology Officer: ($1,829,050) is rescinded (including ($1,529,050) rescinded from local funds and ($300,000) rescinded from other funds);

(12) Office of the City Administrator: ($730,000) is rescinded from local funds;

(13) Office for the Deaf, Deafblind, and Hard of Hearing: ($60,000) is rescinded from local funds;

(14) Office of the Inspector General: ($940,949) is rescinded from local funds;

(15) Public Employee Relations Board: ($5,331) is rescinded from local funds; and

(16) Tax Revision Commission: $400,000 is added to local funds.

Economic Development and Regulation

The appropriation for Economic Development and Regulation is increased by $118,010,152 (including $156,258,753 added to local funds, ($5,158,189) rescinded from dedicated taxes, ($1,153,636) rescinded from other funds, and ($31,936,776) rescinded from federal payment funds for COVID relief), to be allocated as follows:

(1) Commission on the Arts and Humanities: ($5,091,650) is rescinded from dedicated taxes;

(2) Department of Housing and Community Development: $2,219,920 is added to local funds;

(3) Department of Small and Local Business Development: ($217,373) is rescinded from local funds;

(4) Housing Authority Subsidy: ($12,774,548) is rescinded from local funds;

(5) Housing Production Trust Fund Subsidy: $159,351,857 is added (including $191,288,633 added to local funds and ($31,936,776) rescinded from federal payment funds for COVID relief);

(6) Office of Cable Television, Film, Music, and Entertainment: $2,974,898 is added to local funds;

(7) Office of Planning: ($520,953) is rescinded from local funds;

(8) Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development: ($27,827,493) is rescinded (including ($26,759,647) rescinded from local funds, ($66,539) rescinded from dedicated taxes, and ($1,001,307) rescinded from other funds);

(9) Office of the Tenant Advocate: ($152,329) is rescinded from other funds;

(10) Office of Zoning: $50,000 is added to local funds; and

(11) Rental Housing Commission: ($2,177) is rescinded from local funds.

Public Safety and Justice

The appropriation for Public Safety and Justice is increased by $14,211,445 (including $16,689,817 added to local funds and ($2,478,372) rescinded from federal payment funds for COVID relief), to be allocated as follows:

(1) Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure: ($363) is rescinded from local funds;

(2) Criminal Code Reform Commission: ($124) is rescinded from local funds;

(3) Criminal Justice Coordinating Council: ($100,000) is rescinded from local funds;

(4) Department of Corrections: $3,743,333 is added to local funds;

(5) Department of Forensic Sciences: $19,000 is added to local funds;

(6) Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services: $7,000,000 is added to local funds;

(7) Judicial Nomination Commission: ($1) is rescinded from local funds;

(8) Metropolitan Police Department: $7,600,000 is added to local funds;

(9) Office of Administrative Hearings: ($360,000) is rescinded from local funds;

(10) Office of Human Rights: ($827,121) is rescinded from local funds;

(11) Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement: ($313,529) is rescinded from local funds;

(12) Office of Police Complaints: ($59,378) is rescinded from local funds;

(13) Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants: ($2,470,394) is rescinded (including ($12,000) rescinded from local funds and ($2,458,394) rescinded from federal payment funds for COVID relief); and

(14) Office on Returning Citizens Affairs: ($19,978) is rescinded from federal payment funds for COVID relief.

Public Education System

The appropriation for Public Education System is decreased by ($6,209,620) (including ($8,105,028) rescinded from local funds, $2,098,408 added to other funds, and ($203,000) rescinded from federal payment funds for COVID relief), to be allocated as follows:

(1) Department of Employment Services: $1,954,242 is added (including ($144,166) rescinded from local funds and $2,098,408 added to other funds);

(2) Department of Parks and Recreation: ($567,500) is rescinded from local funds;

(3) Non-Public Tuition: ($100,000) is rescinded from local funds;

(4) Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education: ($1,069,049) is rescinded from local funds;

(5) Office of the State Superintendent of Education: ($6,834,491)is rescinded (including ($6,631,491) rescinded from local funds and ($203,000) rescinded from federal payment funds for COVID relief);

(6) Special Education Transportation: $4,304,829 is added to local funds;

(7) State Board of Education: ($182,000) is rescinded from local funds; and

(8) University of the District of Columbia Subsidy Account: ($3,715,651) is rescinded from local funds.

Human Support Services

The appropriation for Human Support Services is increased by $40,955,887 (including $37,251,882 added to local funds, ($50,663) rescinded from dedicated taxes, $11,555,843 added to Medicaid payments, and ($7,801,175) rescinded from federal payment funds for COVID relief), to be allocated as follows:

(1) Child and Family Services Agency: ($1,737,312) is rescinded from local funds;

(2) Department of Aging and Community Living: ($1,595,790) is rescinded from local funds;

(3) Department of Behavioral Health: ($15,601,486) is rescinded (including ($13,548,947) rescinded from local funds and ($2,052,539) rescinded from federal funds for COVID relief);

(4) Department of Health: $415,966 is added to local funds;

(5) Department of Health Care Finance: $16,351,212 is added (including $4,846,032 added to local funds, ($50,663) rescinded from dedicated taxes, and $11,555,843 added to Medicaid payments);

(6) Department of Human Services: $44,509,693 is added (including $50,258,329 added to local funds and ($5,748,636) rescinded from federal payment funds for COVID relief);

(7) Department on Disability Services: ($1,008,261) is rescinded from local funds;

(8) Office of the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services: ($231,555) is rescinded from local funds; and

(9) Office of the Ombudsperson for Children: ($146,580) is rescinded from local funds.

Operations and Infrastructure

The appropriation for Operations and Infrastructure is decreased by ($9,058,722) (including ($4,157,861) rescinded from local funds, ($381,390) rescinded from dedicated taxes, and ($4,519,471) rescinded from other funds), to be allocated as follows:

(1) Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration: ($740,967) is rescinded (including ($13,577) rescinded from local funds, ($381,390) rescinded from dedicated taxes, and ($346,000) rescinded from other funds);

(2) Department of Buildings: ($1,452,301) is rescinded from local funds;

(3) Department of Energy and Environment: $5,703,599 is added (including $6,568,755 added to local funds and ($865,156) rescinded from other revenue funds);

(4) Department of For-Hire Vehicles: ($2,436,393) is rescinded from local funds;

(5) Department of Insurance, Securities, and Banking: ($3,006,715) is rescinded (including ($139,900) rescinded from local funds and ($2,866,815) rescinded from other funds);

(6) Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection: ($1,288,276) is rescinded (including ($846,776) rescinded from local funds and ($441,500) rescinded from other funds);

(7) Department of Motor Vehicles: ($1,244,245) is rescinded from local


(8) Department of Public Works: ($1,817,276) is rescinded from local


(9) District Department of Transportation: ($2,776,148) is rescinded from local funds.

Financing and Other

The appropriation for Financing and Other is decreased by ($114,134,547) in local funds, to be allocated as follows:

(1) Non-Departmental Account: ($1,000,000) is rescinded from local funds;

(2) Pay-As-You-Go Capital Fund: ($93,322,394) is rescinded from local funds;

(3) Repayment of Contingency Reserve Fund: $22,657,393 is added to local funds;

(4) Repayment of Loans and Interest: ($88,288,571) is rescinded from local funds;

(5) Workforce Investments Account: $45,819,025 is added to local funds.

Enterprise and Other

The appropriation for Enterprise and Other is increased by $18,795,370 (including $26,511,021 added to enterprise and other funds – dedicated tax, and ($7,715,651) rescinded from enterprise and other funds), to be allocated as follows:

(1) Ballpark Revenue Fund: $26,511,021 is added to enterprise and other funds – dedicated taxes;

(2) Green Finance Authority: ($4,000,000) is rescinded from enterprise and other funds; and

(3) University of the District of Columbia: ($3,715,651) is rescinded from enterprise and other funds.

(b) Section 2 of the Fiscal Year 2024 Local Budget Act of 2023, effective August 29, 2023 (D.C. Law 25-47; 70 DCR 9700), is amended as follows:

(1) Paragraph (5) under the heading Governmental Direction and Support is amended by striking the figure "$45,000" and inserting the figure "$150,000" in its place.

(2) Paragraph (1) under the section heading Public Education System is amended as follows:

(A) Strike the phrase "provided, that the Department of Employment Services is authorized to spend appropriated funds for the purposes set forth in the Workforce Development Participant Food Purchase Authorization Amendment Act of 2023, passed on 2nd reading on June 13, 2023 (Enrolled version of Bill 25-202);" and insert the phrase "provided, that the Department of Employment Services is authorized to spend appropriated funds to provide food and non-alcoholic beverages and monetary and non-monetary incentives for participants in its programs, as provided by other District or federal law, and to provide food and non-alcoholic beverages to its employees, as provided by other District or federal law;" in its place.

(B) Strike the phrase "the Reed Fund Act," and insert the phrase "the District of Columbia Jobs Trust Fund, the Reed Fund Act," in its place.

(c) Applicability.

Subsection (b)(2)(A) of this section shall apply as of June 1, 2024.

Sec. 3. Section 1 of An Act To authorize funds for ceremonies in the District of Columbia, approved July 11, 1947 (61 Stat. 314, D.C. Official Code § 1-333.09), is amended as follows:

(a) Subsection (a) is amended by striking the figure "$100,000" and inserting the figure "$150,000" in its place.

(b) Subsection (b) is amended by striking the figure "$100,000" and inserting the figure "$150,000" in its place.

Sec. 4. Capital project rescissions and increases.

In Fiscal Year 2024, the capital project appropriations for Fiscal Year 2024 shall be increased or decreased as set forth in the following tabular array:

100006-AM0.AB102C.ARCHIVES 3030300 ($31,000,000.00)
100007-AM0.AMS11C.MCMILLAN SITE REDEVELOPMENT 3030300 ($12,323,129.00)
100008-AM0.AS1ACC.ACCESS AND SECURITY INFRASTRUCTURE 3030304 ($3,627,697.00)
100011-AM0.BC101C.FACILITY CONDITION ASSESSMENT 3030300 ($500,000.00)
100012-AM0.BRC37C.BRENTWOOD RECREATION CENTER 3030300 ($2,113,811.00)
100014-AM0.BRM03C.DC GENERAL CAMPUS RENOVATIONS 3030300 ($1,500,000.00)
100026-AM0.BRM22C.ENGINE COMPANY 6 3030300 ($1,400,000.00)
100039-AM0.COM37C.CONGRESS HEIGHTS MODERNIZATION 3030300 ($24,358,034.00)
100052-AM0.FMF01C.FLEET MAINTENANCE RESERVE FACILITY 3030300 ($25,000,000.00)
100053-AM0.FTDAVC.FORT DAVIS RECREATION CENTER 3030300 ($12,235,345.50)
100055-AM0.FTLPKC.FORT LINCOLN PARK 3030300 ($2,332,770.00)
100060-AM0.GI5JAC.JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT LAUNCHPAD 3030300 ($3,145,150.00)
100060-AM0.GI5JAC.JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT LAUNCHPAD 3030309 ($3,878,890.00)
100061-AM0.GI5PKC.EARLY ACTION PRE-K INITIATIVES 3030300 ($4,500,000.00)
100062-AM0.GM101C.ROOF REPAIRS 3030300 ($600,000.00)
100063-AM0.GM102C.HVAC REPLACEMENT - DCPS 3030300 ($10,311,454.00)
100065-AM0.GM121C.MAJOR REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE - DCPS 3030300 ($1,437,816.00)
100067-AM0.GM1SNC.DCPS SCHOOL NAME CHANGE 3030300 ($1,502,963.70)
100067-AM0.GM1SNC.DCPS SCHOOL NAME CHANGE 3030304 ($1,500,000.00)
100068-AM0.GM303C.ADA COMPLIANCE 3030300 ($3,900,000.00)
100069-AM0.GM304C.LIFE SAFETY - DCPS 3030300 ($2,500,000.00)
100085-AM0.JELRCC.JELLEFF RECREATION CENTER 3030300 ($16,411,818.00)
100091-AM0.LC837C.RELOCATION OF ENGINE COMPANY 26 3030300 ($16,950,000.00)
100111-AM0.NG715C.YOUTH CHALLENGE EDUCATIONAL CAMPUS 3030300 ($30,636.00)
100118-AM0.NWCRMC.NEW COMMUNITY CENTER @ CRUMMELL SCHOOL 3030300 ($22,645,120.50)
100157-AM0.QD137C.CAMP RIVERVIEW REHABILITATION 3030300 ($4,856,372.00)
100160-AM0.QE334C.HARRY THOMAS RECREATION CENTER 3030300 ($1,000,000.00)
100161-AM0.QE511C.ADA COMPLIANCE 3030300 ($9,338,668.00)
100162-AM0.QE834C.SMALL PARK IMPROVEMENTS 3030300 ($2,562,654.00)
100163-AM0.QE8SWC.SOUTHWEST TOWN CENTER PARKS 3030300 ($2,412,692.00)
100165-AM0.QE940C.RUMSEY AQUATIC CENTER 3030300 ($11,200,000.00)
100170-AM0.QK438C.DOUGLAS RECREATION CENTER 3030300 ($10,643,668.00)
100175-AM0.QM701C.CHEVY CHASE RECREATION CENTER 3030300 ($18,495,098.00)
100180-AM0.QN501C.LANGDON COMMUNITY CENTER REDEVELOPMENT 3030300 ($10,412,437.00)
100181-AM0.QN637C.UPSHUR RECREATION CENTER 3030300 ($17,100,000.00)
100182-AM0.QN702C.ATHLETIC FIELD AND PARK IMPROVEMENTS 3030300 ($2,140,265.00)
100189-AM0.QN7JEC.JEFFERSON FIELD IMPROVEMENTS 3030300 ($300,000.00)
100190-AM0.QN7JRC.JACKIE ROBINSON FIELD 3030300 ($920,000.00)
100195-AM0.RE017C.PARKVIEW REC CNTR 3030300 ($13,320,000.00)
100196-AM0.RFKCXC.THE COMPLEX AT RFK STADIUM 3030300 $500,000.00
100197-AM0.RG001C.GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS 3030300 ($2,000,000.00)
100198-AM0.RG003C.PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT 3030300 ($93,758.00)
100198-AM0.RG003C.PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT 3030304 ($1,578,232.00)
100199-AM0.RG004C.HVAC REPLACEMENT 3030300 ($1,000,000.00)
100203-AM0.RG0APC.ANACOSTIA POOL REPLACEMENT 3030300 ($5,600,000.00)
100204-AM0.RG0FFC.FRANCIS FIELD 3030300 ($2,700,000.00)
100205-AM0.RG0FWC.FITNESS AND WELLNESS HUBS 3030300 ($3,500,000.00)
100206-AM0.RG0HCC.HILLCREST INDOOR AQUATIC CENTER 3030300 ($13,500,000.00)
100212-AM0.RG0WPC.WATKINS ES PLAYGROUND 3030300 ($700,000.00)
100215-AM0.RPR37C.ROSEDALE POOL REPLACEMENT 3030300 ($5,464,704.00)
100218-AM0.SET38C.SOUTHEAST TENNIS AND LEARNING CENTER 3030300 ($12,956,625.00)
100223-AM0.SGARBC.RITA BRIGHT COMMUNITY CENTER 3030300 ($16,650,000.00)
100248-AM0.TFS01C.SMALL CAPITAL PROJECTS 3030300 $300,000.00
100252-AM0.THK18C.SINGLE SHELTER REPLACEMENT 5 3030300 ($18,000,000.00)
100256-AM0.UMV01C.SAINT ELIZABETHS MEDICAL CENTER 3030309 $1,700,000.00
100258-AM0.W4PLCC.WALTER REED POOL 3030300 ($13,584,476.00)
100342-CE0.CCL37C.CHEVY CHASE LIBRARY 3030300 ($17,828,349.00)
100344-CE0.DNL37C.DEANWOOD LIBRARY 3030300 ($23,500,558.00)
100347-CE0.LB310C.GENERAL IMPROVEMENT- LIBRARIES 3030300 $825,000.00
100349-CE0.NWL37C.NORTHWEST LIBRARY 3030300 ($4,023,532.00)
100350-CE0.PTL03C.PARKLANDS TURNER COMMUNITY CAMPUS 3030300 ($19,837,169.00)
100354-CE0.SPL37C.SHEPHERD PARK LIBRARY 3030300 ($5,000,000.00)
100371-CU0.ISM23C.IT SYSTEMS MODERNIZATION - DOB 3030301 $50.00
100371-CU0.ISM23C.IT SYSTEMS MODERNIZATION - DOB 3030304 $68,444.57
100381-EB0.EB012C.33 K STREET NW 3030301 ($35,134,062.00)
100382-EB0.EB013C.BARRY FARM, PARK CHESTER, WADE ROAD 3030300 ($2,704,150.00)
100382-EB0.EB013C.BARRY FARM, PARK CHESTER, WADE ROAD 3030301 ($55,989,717.50)
100385-EB0.EB422C.HILL EAST 3030300 ($12,549,334.00)
100449-GO0.BU405C.PRIMARY BUS TERMINAL 3030301 ($217,159.00)
100452-HA0.QH750C.PARK IMPROVEMENTS - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 3030300 ($1,250,000.00)
100456-HA0.RN001C.EMERY RECREATION CENTER 3030300 ($5,250,000.00)
100474-HT0.UMV01C.SAINT ELIZABETHS MEDICAL CENTER 3030343 ($1,700,000.00)
100498-KA0.BR005C.H STREET BRIDGE 3030300 ($24,246,295.00)
100505-KA0.CBS02C.CAPITAL BIKESHARE EXPANSION 3030343 ($159,156.00)
100527-KA0.CIR14C.CIRCULATOR BUSES 3030300 ($7,735,532.00)
100527-KA0.CIR14C.CIRCULATOR BUSES 3030304 ($34,325,358.87)
100535-KA0.ED0D5C.11TH STREET BRIDGE PARK 3030300 ($19,500,000.00)
100552-KA0.LMB02C.ASPEN STREET NW 3030300 ($14,000,000.00)
100555-KA0.LMB09C.CONNECTICUT AVENUE NW 3030343 ($17,500,000.00)
100557-KA0.LMB15C.PHASE II CLEVELAND PARK STORMWATER MANAG 3030300 ($19,000,000.00)
100566-KA0.LMB38C.NORTH CAPITOL STREET SAFETY & MOBILITY I 3030343 ($80,161.00)
100567-KA0.LMB47C.BLACK LIVES MATTER PLAZA 3030300 ($2,996,063.00)
100573-KA0.LMC02C.K STREET TRANSITWAY 3030300 ($1,958,813.14)
100575-KA0.LMC06C.CIRCULATOR BUS GARAGE / S. CAP ST 3030304 ($51,306,697.59)
100623-KA0.LMPDWC.SIDEWALKS 3030301 $350,000.00
100623-KA0.LMPDWC.SIDEWALKS 3030300 $1,000,000.00
100636-KA0.LMS21C.ANACOSTIA METRO BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN BRI 3030300 ($18,000,000.00)
100642-KA0.LMT01C.STREETCAR VEHICLE PROCUREMENT 3030300 ($22,683,749.00)
100878-KA0.SR098C.WARD 8 STREETSCAPES 3030300 ($19,000,000.00)
100957-KV0.TPS01C.TICKET PROCESSING SYSTEM 3030300 ($5,201,143.68)
100957-KV0.TPS01C.TICKET PROCESSING SYSTEM 3030304 ($12,000,000.00)
100971-RM0.HX501C.NEW MENTAL HEALTH HOSPITAL 3030301 ($62,500.00)
101008-TO0.N9101C.DC GOVERNMENT CITYWIDE IT SECURITY PROGR 3030343 ($16,718.00)
101123-AM0.RN0FPC.FT LINCOLN REC CENTER 3030300 ($10,729,708.00)
300064-KA0.BUZSGN.SIGNAGE BUZZARD PT SOCCER STDM (MOU/DGS) 3075750 ($220,091.74)
IBA_1000XX-THE HENDERSON BUILDINGS 3030300 $9,000,000.00
TOTAL ($1,026,642,748.47)

Sec. 5. Designated fund transfers.

(a) Notwithstanding any provision of law limiting the use of funds in the accounts listed in the following chart, the Chief Financial Officer shall transfer in Fiscal Year 2024 the following amounts from certified funds and other revenue in the identified accounts to the unassigned fund balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia:

Fiscal Year 2024 Fund Sweeps
Agency Code Fund Number Fund Name Amount
AM0 1060206 Eastern Market Enterprise Fund ($27,870.00)
AM0 1011014 West End Library/Firehouse Maintenance ($911,844.00)
AT0 1060052 Recorder of Deeds Surcharge ($957,834.00)
BD0 1010107 Targeted Homeowner Grant Program ($67,223.00)
BG0 1010094 Disability Compensation Fund ($4,920,605.00)
BX0 1060004 Arts and Humanities Enterprise Fund ($2,529,845.00)
BX0 1011002 Dedicated Taxes ($4,608,566.00)
CB0 1060051 Child Support Interest Income ($2,428.00)
CB0 1060094 Litigation Support Fund ($2,561,356.00)
CB0 1060092 Nuisance Abatement ($33,615.00)
CB0 1060415 Tenant Receivership Abatement Fund ($51,709.00)
CF0 1060104 DC Jobs Trust Fund ($908,187.00)
CF0 1060103 Wage Theft ($194,856.00)
CF0 1060416 Apprenticeship Fees ($39,029.00)
CI0 1010095 Designated Fund Balance ($1.00)
CI0 1060009 Special Purpose Revenue Fund ($430,872.00)
CQ0 1060261 Rental Unit Fee Fund ($302,678.00)
CR0 1060283 Corporate Recordation Fund ($3,136,955.00)
CR0 1060267 Occupational and Professional Licensing Special Account ($1,298,839.00)
CR0 1060277 DC Combat Sports Commission Fund ($412,351.00)
CR0 1060272 Basic Business License Fund ($229,500.00)
CR0 1060284 Vending Regulation Fund ($125,392.00)
CR0 1060266 Real Estate Appraisal Fee ($37,488.00)
DH0 1060129 Operating Utility Assessment ($847,584.00)
DJ0 1060127 Advocate For Consumers ($44,008.00)
EB0 1060131 Economic Development Special Account ($1,001,307.00)
EB0 1011017 Walter Reed Redevelopment ($66,539.00)
EB0 1011016 St Elizabeth East Campus Redevelopment ($855,560.00)
EN0 1060134 Small Business Capital Access Fund ($6,184.00)
EN0 1010108 Ward 7 and Ward 8 Entrepreneur Grant Fund ($5,520.00)
EN0 1060303 Streetscape Loan Relief Fund ($11,225.00)
FB0 1060016 FEMS Reform Fund ($2,000,000.00)
FL0 1060006 Corrections Trustee Reimbursement ($410,826.00)
FO0 1010043 Private Security Camera Incentive Fund ($354,539.00)
FO0 1010042 Community-Based Violence Reduction Fund ($300,000.00)
FX0 1060419 Medical Examiner Pathology and Toxicology ($244,760.00)
GA0 1060147 DCPS School Facility Fund ($1,140,372.00)
GB0 1060324 Administrative Fees ($1,000,000.00)
GD0 1010106 Special Education Enhancement Fund ($5,800,000.00)
GD0 1010110 Common Lottery Board Fund ($225,082.00)
GD0 1010112 School Safety and Positive Climate ($6,384.00)
GD0 1060102 Student Residency Verification Fund ($182,416.00)
GD0 1060107 Child Development Facilities Fund ($99,611.00)
GD0 1011008 Healthy Schools ($1,072,560.00)
HA0 1060026 Enterprise Fund Account ($1,103,211.00)
HC0 1010001 General Purpose Local Fund ($3,783,461.00)
HC0 1010096 Health Professional Recruitment Fund ($457,097.00)
HC0 1010189 Howard University Hospital Centers of Excellence ($398,222.00)
HC0 1060151 Board of Medicine ($4,658,202.00)
HC0 1060050 SHPDA Fees ($1,162,624.00)
HC0 1060133 Pharmacy Protection ($448,527.00)
HC0 1060186 DOH Regulatory Enforcement Fund ($20,307.00)
HC0 1060171 ICF/MR Fees and Fines ($7,338.00)
HC0 1060166 SHPDA Admission Fee ($4,155.00)
HT0 1060386 Individual Insurance Market Affordability and Stability ($6,804,203.00)
HT0 1060128 Medicaid Collections-Third Party Liability ($2,824,833.00)
HT0 1060132 Bill of Rights (Grievances and Appeals) ($1,065,715.00)
HT0 1060137 Medicaid Recovery Audit Contractor ($1,401.00)
HT0 1011010 Hospital Assessment Tax ($137,629.00)
HT0 1011009 Stevie Sellows ($1,431,003.00)
HT0 1011011 DC Provider Fee ($6,528,736.00)
HT0 1011003 Nursing Homes Quality of Care Fund ($6,872,308.00)
HT0 1011007 Healthy DC Fund ($9,473,628.00)
HT0 1060138 Assessment Fund ($5,889.00)
HY0 1010001 General Purpose Local Fund ($1,455,600.00)
JA0 1060039 SSSI Payback ($188,089.00)
JZ0 1060421 US Marshall Detention Services Agreement ($192,317.00)
KA0 1060428 Vision Zero Enhance Omnibus Amendment Act ($4,346,555.00)
KA0 1060281 DC Circulator Fund NPS Mall Route ($596,249.00)
KA0 1060280 WMATA Projects ($334,084.00)
KA0 1060340 Vision Zero Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety ($203,307.00)
KE0 1060019 Parking Meter WMATA ($8,125,164.00)
KE0 1011002 Dedicated Taxes ($7,160,848.00)
KG0 1010161 CRIAC Relief Fund ($312,107.00)
KG0 1010181 Lead Service Line Replacement Fund ($94,175.00)
KG0 1060174 Renewable Energy Development Fund ($6,605,692.00)
KG0 1060330 Energy Assistance Trust Fund ($1,252,216.00)
KG0 1060366 Pesticide Product Registration ($428,387.00)
KG0 1060154 Storm Water Fees ($174,061.00)
KG0 1060159 Product Stewardship Fund ($110,604.00)
KG0 1060058 Underground Storage Tank Fines and Fees ($101,457.00)
KG0 1060332 Special Energy Assessment Fund ($99,940.00)
KG0 1060314 DC Municipal Aggregation Program ($62,272.00)
KG0 1060181 Lead Service Line Replacement Fund ($58,487.00)
KG0 1060318 Benchmarking Enforcement Fund ($56,595.00)
KT0 1060288 Solid Waste Disposal Fee Fund ($1,622,607.00)
KT0 1060286 Solid Waste Diversion Fund ($255,160.00)
KT0 1060268 Super Can Program ($11,246.00)
KV0 1060310 Motor Vehicle Inspection Station ($5,016.00)
LQ0 1060374 ABC Import and Class License Fees ($346,000.00)
LQ0 1011002 Dedicated Taxes ($637,750.00)
PA0 1060422 Gas Surcharge Revenue Paygo ($125,562.00)
RJ0 1060146 Subrogation Fund ($666,956.00)
RJ0 1060196 Captive Insurance Fund ($134,455.00)
RM0 1060123 Agreement with Independent Agencies ($2,550,643.00)
RM0 1011012 Gambling Addiction Treatment and Research ($172,460.00)
SR0 1060242 Insurance Assessment ($1,239,055.00)
SR0 1060240 HMO Assessment ($13,331.00)
SR0 1060254 Foreclosure Mediation Fund ($4,000.00)
SR0 1060252 Captive Insurance Fund ($165,729.00)
SR0 1060245 Securities and Banking Fund ($116,293.00)
TC0 1060381 Public Vehicles for Hire Consumer Service ($193,065.00)
TO0 1060025 DC Net Services Support ($300,000.00)
VA0 1060007 Office of Veterans Affairs Fund ($7,000.00)
TOTAL ($127,176,543.00)

(b) The amounts identified in subsection (a) of this section shall be made available as set forth in the approved Fiscal Year 2025 Budget and Financial Plan.

Sec. 6. Excess Fiscal Year 2024 resources shall be reserved for expenditures in subsequent years as set forth in the approved Fiscal Year 2025 Budget and Financial Plan.

Sec. 7. Section 210(c) of the Clean and Affordable Energy Act of 2008, effective October 22, 2008 (D.C. Law 17-250; D.C. Official Code § 8-1774.10(c)), is amended as follows:

(a) Paragraph (2) is amended by striking the phrase "equal to 10% of the authorized contract level in that fiscal year" and inserting the phrase "equal to 10% of total Sustainable Energy Trust Fund revenues collected or 10% of the authorized contract level in that fiscal year, whichever is greater" in its place.

(b) Paragraph (13) is amended by striking the phrase "section 301 of the CleanEnergy Act" and inserting the phrase "section 301 of the CleanEnergy Act; provided, that no money shall be transferred from the Sustainable Energy Trust Fund to the Department of General Services under this paragraph in Fiscal Year 2024 through Fiscal Year 2028" in its place.

(c) Paragraph (16) is amended as follows:

(1) The existing text is designated as subparagraph (A).

(2) Newly designated subparagraph (A) is amended as follows:

(A) Strike the phrase "In Fiscal Years 2022, 2023, 2024, and 2025" and insert the phrase "In Fiscal Years 2022 and 2023" in its place.

(B) Strike the phrase "in Fiscal Years 2020 through 2025" and insert the phrase "in Fiscal Years 2020 through 2023" in its place.

(3) New subparagraph (B) is added to read as follows:

"(B) In Fiscal Years 2025, 2026, 2027, and 2028, transferring at least $7 million to the Green Finance Authority to support sustainable projects and programs; provided, that funding for such transfers is included in an approved budget and financial plan; provided further, that the total amount of money transferred to the Green Finance Authority from the Sustainable Energy Trust Fund in Fiscal Years 2025 through 2028 shall not exceed $60 million;".

(d) Paragraph (23) is amended by striking the phrase "; and" and inserting a semicolon in its place.

(e) Paragraph (24) is amended by striking the period at the end and inserting the phrase "; and" in its place.

(f) A new paragraph (25) is added to read as follows:

"(25) For Fiscal Year 2024 through Fiscal Year 2028, the purchase of wind or solar energy from the PJM interconnection region by the District government through a power purchase agreement, and the purchase of other energy for the District government; provided, that the amount used for this purpose shall not exceed the following thresholds:

"(A) For Fiscal Year 2024, $17,300,000;

"(B) For Fiscal Year 2025, $30,916,329;

"(C) For Fiscal Year 2026, $28,891,770;

"(D) For Fiscal Year 2027, $28,842,651; and

"(E) For Fiscal Year 2028, $28,609,863.".

Sec. 8. The Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Act of 2004, effective April 12, 2005 (D.C. Law 15-340; D.C. Official Code § 34-1431 et seq.), is amended as follows:

(a) Section 4 (D.C. Official Code § 34-1432) is amended follows:

(1) Subsection (b) is amended as follows:

(A) Designate the existing text as paragraph (1).

(B) New paragraphs (2) and (3) are added to read as follows:

"(2) The standard shall not apply to electricity sold to the District of Columbia government beginning January 1, 2024, and ending September 30, 2028.

"(3) The District of Columbia government shall not purchase renewable energy credits that do not meet the requirements of the standard until the electricity sold to the District of Columbia government is in compliance with the standard.".

(2) Subsection (e) is amended by adding a new paragraph (3) to read as follows:

"(3) Any solar energy system not located within the District or in a location served by a distribution feeder serving the District that was certified by the Commission prior to February 1, 2011, shall be decertified by the Commission no later than January 1, 2025.".

(b) This section shall apply as of January 1, 2024.

Sec. 9. Notwithstanding section 1152(b)(2)(A) of the Universal Paid Leave Implementation Fund Act of 2016 ("Act"), effective October 8, 2016 (D.C. Law 21-160; D.C. Official Code § 32-551.01(b)(2)(A)), in Fiscal Year 2024, up to $24.05 million of the money in the Universal Paid Leave Fund, established by section 1152(a) of the Act (D.C. Official Code § 32-551.01(a)), may be used to fund the Universal Paid Leave Administration Fund, established by section 1153(a) of the Act (D.C. Official Code § 32-551.02(a)).

Sec. 10. The Clean Curbs Pilot Program Act of 2023, effective September 6, 2023 (D.C. Law 25-50; D.C. Official Code § 8-1090), is repealed.

Sec. 11. The Homeless Services Reform Act of 2005, effective October 22, 2005 (D.C. Law 16-35; D.C. Official Code § 4-751.01 et seq.), is amended as follows:

(a) Section 7(b)(4)(B) (D.C. Official Code § 4-753.01(b)(4)(B)) is amended to read as follows:

"(B) Rapid Re-Housing programs for the purpose of providing housing relocation and stabilization services and time-limited rental assistance to help a homeless individual or family move as quickly as possible into permanent housing and achieve stability in permanent housing.".

(b) Section 9(a)(18) (D.C. Official Code § 4-754.11(a)(18)) is amended to read as follows:

"(18) Continuation of shelter or housing services provided within the Continuum of Care without change, pending the outcome of any fair hearing requested within 15 calendar days of receipt of written notice of a suspension, termination, or program exit, other than:

"(A) A transfer pursuant to section 20;

"(B) An emergency transfer, suspension, or termination pursuant to section 24;

"(C) A program exit from a Rapid Re-Housing due to a statutory or regulatory time limit on the duration of services provided by the Rapid Re-Housing program;".

(c) Section 22b (D.C. Official Code § 4-754.36b) is amended as follows:

(1) Subsection (a)(1) is amended to read as follows:

"(1) The housing program is provided on a time-limited basis, and the client's time period for receiving services has run out; or".

(2) Subsection (c) is amended as follows:

(A) The existing text is designated as paragraph (1).

(B) A new paragraph (2) is added to read as follows:

"(2)(A) Paragraph (1) of this subsection shall not apply to a program exit from a Rapid Re-Housing program if the program exit is due to the client reaching a statutory or regulatory time limit on the duration of services provided by the Rapid Re-Housing program.

"(B) Any client who requests an administrative review within 15 days of receipt of notice of a program exit due to the client reaching a statutory or regulatory time limit on the duration of services provided by a Rapid Re-Housing program shall continue to remain in the housing program pending the administrative review decision."

(d) Section 26 (D.C. Official Code § 4-754.41) is amended as follows:

(1) Subsection (b) is amended as follows:

(A) Paragraph (1) is amended by striking the phrase "section 27;" and inserting the phrase "section 27; except, that an administrative review decision regarding the validity of a decision to exit a client from a Rapid Re-Housing program because the client's time period for receiving services has run out due to a statutory or regulatory time limit on the duration of services provided by the Rapid Re-Housing program may not be appealed pursuant to this paragraph;" in its place.

(B) Paragraph (2)(F) is amended to read as follows:

"(F) Exit the client from a housing program; except, that a decision to exit a client from a Rapid Re-Housing program because the client's time period for receiving services has run out due to a statutory or regulatory time limit on the duration of services provided by the Rapid Re-Housing program may not be reviewed pursuant to this paragraph; or".

(2) Subsection (d) is amended by striking the phrase "This right to continuation of shelter or housing services provided within the Continuum of Care pending appeal shall not apply in the case of an emergency suspension or termination pursuant to section 24." and inserting the phrase "This right to continuation of shelter or housing services provided within the Continuum of Care pending appeal shall not apply in the case of an emergency suspension or termination pursuant to section 24, or in the case of a program exit from a Rapid Re-Housing program due to a statutory or regulatory time limit on the duration of services provided by the Rapid Re-Housing program." in its place.

(e) Section 27(d) (D.C. Official Code § 4-754.42(d)) is amended by adding a new paragraph (3) to read as follows:

"(3) Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection, the administrative review may be conducted on the papers and without an in-person review if the purpose of the administrative review is to ascertain the validity of a decision to exit a client from a Rapid Re-Housing program because the client's time period for receiving services has run out due to a statutory or regulatory time limit on the duration of services provided by the Rapid Re-Housing program .".

Sec. 12. (a) The Universal Paid Leave Amendment Act of 2016, effective April 7, 2017 (D.C. Law 21-264; D.C. Official Code § 32-541.01 et seq.), is amended as follows:

(1) Section 101(6A) (D.C. Official Code § 32-541.01(6A)) is amended by striking the word "contribute" both times it appears and inserting the word "pay" in its place.

(2) Section 103 (D.C. Official Code § 32-541.03) is amended as follows:

(A) Subsection (a) is amended as follows:

(i) Strike the phrase "shall contribute an amount equal to 0.62%, or a lower rate computed pursuant to section 104a(c)(2), of" and insert the phrase "shall pay an amount equal to 0.75% of" in its place.

(ii) Strike the phrase "Universal Paid Leave Fund" and insert the word "District" in its place.

(B) Subsection (b) is amended as follows:

(i) Strike the phrase "shall contribute an amount equal to 0.62%, or a lower rate computed pursuant to section 104a(c)(2), of" and insert the phrase "shall pay an amount equal to 0.75% of" in its place.

(ii) Strike the phrase "Universal Paid Leave Fund" and insert the word "District" in its place.

(C) A new subsection (b-1) is added to read as follows:

"(b-1) Payments received by the District pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) of this section shall be deposited in the Universal Paid Leave Fund; except, that any amounts collected in excess of the amount that would be needed to maintain the solvency of the Universal Paid Leave Fund for the duration of the financial plan, based on the Chief Financial Officer's certifications pursuant to section 104a(b)(1), shall instead be deposited into the General Fund of the District of Columbia.".

(3) Section 104a (D.C. Official Code § 32-541.04a) is amended as follows:

(A) Subsection (b) is amended as follows:

(i) Paragraph (2) is amended by striking the phrase ", which shall reflect any employer contribution rate change required pursuant to subsection (c) of this section, as certified pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection." and inserting a period in its place.

(ii) Paragraph (3) is repealed.

(B) Subsection (c)(2) is repealed.

(C) Subsection (d)(1) is amended by striking the phrase "or employer contribution rate change pursuant to this section," and inserting the phrase "or the first employer payment to the District is due after an employer contribution rate change," in its place.

(b) Section 1152(e)(1) of the Universal Paid Leave Implementation Fund Act of 2016, effective October 8, 2016 (D.C. Law 21-160; D.C. Official Code § 32-551.01(e)(1)), is amended by striking the phrase "section 103 of the Act" and inserting the phrase "section 103(b-1) of the Act" in its place.

(c) This section shall apply as of July 1, 2024.

Sec. 13. Section 102(d) of the Ballpark Omnibus Financing and Revenue Act of 2004, effective April 8, 2005 (D.C. Law 15-320; D.C. Official Code § 10-1601.02(d)), is amended by striking the phrase "the first $22 million of any excess that accrues during Fiscal Year 2024" and inserting the phrase "the first $32.37 million of any excess that accrues during Fiscal Year 2024" in its place.

Sec. 14. (a) Any money in the Vision Zero Enhancement Omnibus Amendment Act Implementation Fund, established by section 9q of the Department of Transportation Establishment Act of 2002, effective November 13, 2021 (D.C. Law 24-45; D.C. Official Code § 50-921.25), shall, on the effective date of this act, be transferred to the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia.

(b) Section 905(b) of the Fiscal Year 1997 Budget Support Act of 1996, effective December 3, 2020 (D.C. Law 23-149; D.C. Official Code § 50-2209.05(b)), is repealed.

Sec. 15. Notwithstanding the Grant Administration Act of 2013, effective December 24, 2013 (D.C. Law 20-61; D.C. Official Code § 1-328.11 et seq.), in Fiscal Year 2024, the Department of Human Services shall award a grant of $100,000 to an organization located in the District that serves homeless youth and that administers a housing and support services program for otherwise homeless mothers ages 18 to 21 and their children.

Sec. 16. Section 2053 of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development Grant Program Amendment Act of 2023, effective September 6, 2023 (D.C. Law 25-50; 70 DCR 10366), is amended by striking the phrase "in Fiscal Year 2023, the Deputy Mayor shall" and inserting the phrase "in Fiscal Year 2023 or Fiscal Year 2024, the Deputy Mayor shall" in its place.

Sec. 17. Notwithstanding the Grant Administration Act of 2013, effective December 24, 2013 (D.C. Law 20-61; D.C. Official Code § 1-328.11 et seq.), in Fiscal Year 2024, DMPED shall issue a grant of $6 million to the Washington Drama Society, Inc., d/b/a Arena Stage, to assist the organization in retiring its debt.

Sec. 18. Career Ready Early Scholars Program

(a) Section 2a(a) of the Youth Employment Act of 1979, effective January 5, 1980 (D.C. Law 3-46; D.C. Official Code § 32-242(a)), is amended by adding new paragraphs (6) and (7) to read as follows:

"(6)(A) Career Ready Early Scholars ("CRES") Summer Program. - DOES shall create a summer program for youth between 9 and 13 years of age that provides occupational skills, academic enrichment, life skills, career exploration, work readiness, or youth development trainings.

"(B) DOES is authorized to spend appropriated funds for the CRES summer program to provide participants with:

"(i) Cash equivalents, not to exceed the value of $150 per week per participant, as an incentive to participate in the program;

"(ii) Meals and snacks during program hours; and

"(iii) Public transportation to and from the program.

"(C) Following the completion of the CRES summer program each year, DOES shall administer a survey to participants and, by September 15, publish the results of the survey and transmit them, along with a blank copy of the survey, to the Office of the State Superintendent of Education ("OSSE"), the Chancellor of the District of Columbia Public Schools ("DCPS"), and the Council.

"(D) By December 1 each year, DOES shall issue and submit to the Council, OSSE, and the Chancellor of DCPS a report detailing:

"(i) The total number of participants who participated in the CRES summer program;

"(ii) The total number of participants who completed the CRES summer program;

"(iii) Partner organizations with whom participants engaged in experiences; and

"(iv) Participants' demographic data, as available.

"(7)(A) Career Ready Early Scholars ("CRES") Year-Round Program. -Beginning in School Year 2024-2025, DOES may administer an after-school program for youth between 9 and 13 years of age that provides occupational skills, academic enrichment, life skills, career exploration, work readiness, or youth development trainings during the school year.

"(B) DOES is authorized to spend appropriated funds for the program to provide participants with:

"(i) Cash equivalents, not to exceed $150 per week per participant, as an incentive to participate in the CRES year-round program; and

"(ii) Meals and snacks during program hours.".

(b) The Middle School Career Exploration Pilot Temporary Amendment Act of 2023, effective November 28, 2023 (D.C. Law 25-84; 70 DCR 13816), is repealed.

(c) Applicability.

This section shall apply as of June 1, 2024.

Sec. 19. (a) Section 106b of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia Clarification and Elected Term Amendment Act of 2010, effective October 22, 2015 (D.C. Law 21-36; D.C. Official Code § 1-301.86b), is amended by adding a new subsection (g) to read as follows:

"(g) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, $25,000,000 of the amount received by the District in Fiscal Year 2024 in settlement of District of Columbia v. Michael J Saylor and MicroStrategy, Inc., Superior Court of the District of Columbia Case No. 2021 CA 001319 B, and deposited into the Fund pursuant to subsection (b)(1) of this section shall be recorded as local fund revenue and shall be made available as set forth in the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget and Financial Plan.".

(b) This section shall apply as of June 4, 2024.

Sec. 20. Fiscal impact statement.

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Budget Director as the fiscal impact statement required by section 4a of the General Legislative Procedures Act of 1975, approved October 16, 2006 (120 Stat. 2038; D.C. Official Code § 1-301.47a).

Sec. 21. Effective date.

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in section

412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.12(a)).

Law Information


  • D.C. Act 25-499 (PDF)
  • 71 DCR 7957


July 8, 2024

Legislative History (LIMS)