Code of the District of Columbia

§ 23–1331. Definitions.

*NOTE: The amendments to this section by section 30(h) of D.C. Law 25-175 shall expire 225 days after August 5, 2024 (March 18, 2025).*

As used in this subchapter:

(1) The term “judicial officer” means, unless otherwise indicated, any person or court in the District of Columbia authorized pursuant to section 3041 of Title 18, United States Code, or the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, to bail or otherwise release a person before trial or sentencing or pending appeal in a court of the United States, and any judge of the Superior Court.

(2) The term “offense” means any criminal offense committed in the District of Columbia, other than an offense triable by court-martial, military commission, provost court, or other military tribunal, which is in violation of an Act of Congress.

(3) The term “dangerous crime” means:

(A) Any felony offense under Chapter 45 of Title 22 (Weapons) or Unit A of Chapter 25 of Title 7 (Firearms Control);

(B) Any felony offense under Chapter 27 of Title 22 (Prostitution, Pandering);

(C) Any felony offense under Unit A of Chapter 9 of Title 48 (Controlled Substances);

(D) Arson or attempted arson of any premises adaptable for overnight accommodation of persons or for carrying on business;

(E) Burglary or attempted burglary;

(F) Cruelty to children;

(G) Robbery or attempted robbery;

(H) Any felony offense under Chapter 30 of Title 22 (Sexual Abuse);

(I) Any felony offense established by the Prohibition Against Human Trafficking Amendment Act of 2010 [D.C. Law 18-239; § 22-1831 et seq.] or any conspiracy to commit such an offense; or

(J) Fleeing from an officer in a motor vehicle (felony).

(4) The term “crime of violence” means aggravated assault; act of terrorism; arson; assault on a police officer (felony); assault with a dangerous weapon; assault with intent to kill, commit first degree sexual abuse, commit second degree sexual abuse, or commit child sexual abuse; assault with significant bodily injury; assault with intent to commit any other offense; burglary; carjacking; armed carjacking; child sexual abuse; cruelty to children in the first degree; extortion or blackmail accompanied by threats of violence; gang recruitment, participation, or retention by the use or threatened use of force, coercion, or intimidation; kidnapping; malicious disfigurement; manslaughter; manufacture or possession of a weapon of mass destruction; mayhem; murder; robbery; sexual abuse in the first, second, or third degrees; misdemeanor sexual abuse pursuant to § 22-3006(b); misdemeanor sexual abuse of a child or minor pursuant to § 22-3010.01(a-1); strangulation; use, dissemination, or detonation of a weapon of mass destruction; or an attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy to commit any of the foregoing offenses.

(5) The term “addict” means any individual who habitually uses any narcotic drug as defined by section 4731 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 so as to endanger the public morals, health, safety, or welfare.

(6) The term “physical injury” means bodily harm greater than transient pain or minor temporary marks.