(1) "Designated epinephrine auto-injector" means a disposable drug-delivery system with a spring-activated needle, which is obtained with a prescription for a particular person, that is designed for the emergency administration of epinephrine to a person suffering an episode of anaphylaxis.
(1A) “Emergency circumstances” means reasonably apparent circumstances that indicate that any delay in treatment would endanger the health or life of the student.
(2) “Medication” means any prescription or non-prescription drug used to treat conditions and illnesses covered by this subchapter. The term "medication" does not include sunscreen.
(3) “Medication action plan” means a written medical treatment plan for an individual student that is developed and submitted to a school in accordance with § 38-651.03.
(3A) "OSSE" means the Office of the State Superintendent of Education established by § 38-2601.
(3B) "Public school" means a District of Columbia Public Schools school or a public charter school. The term "public school" excludes any parochial school or private school in the District.
(4) “Responsible person” means, in the case of a student under 18 years of age, a parent, legal guardian, legal custodian, foster parent, or other adult charged with the ongoing care and supervision of the student, and, in the case of a student 18 years of age or older, the student himself or herself.
(5) “School” means:
(A) Any public school operated under the authority of the Mayor of the District of Columbia; and
(B) Any charter school, parochial school, or private school in the District.
(5A) "Sunscreen" means a lotion, cream, spray, or gel regulated by the federal Food and Drug Administration that is used for purposes of absorbing, reflecting, or scattering ultraviolet radiation and preventing sunburn.
(5B) "Undesignated emergency medications" means:
(A) Albuterol;
(B) Glucagon; and
(C) Any other medication designated by the Department of Health by rule pursuant to § 38-651.12 that would be administered in emergency circumstances to a student without a prescription for that medication on file with the school.
(6) "Undesignated epinephrine auto-injector" means a disposable drug delivery system with a spring-activated needle, which is obtained without a prescription for a particular person, that is designed for the emergency administration of epinephrine to a person suffering an episode of anaphylaxis.
(7) "UEA plan" means the undesignated epinephrine auto-injector plan established pursuant to § 38-651.04a.
[(8)] "UEMA plan" means the undesignated emergency medications action plan established pursuant to § 38-651.06.