The Mayor shall publish, by class and by individual property, a listing of all real property exempt from the real property tax in the District. Such listing shall include the address, lot and square number, the name of the owner, the assessed value of the land and improvements of such property, and the amount of the tax exemption in the previous fiscal year.
§ 47–1002. Real property — Exemptions.
*NOTE: This section includes amendments by emergency legislation that will expire on March 17, 2025. To view the text of this section after the expiration of all emergency and temporary legislation affecting this section, click this link: Past Permanent Version.*
Only the following real property shall be exempt from taxation in the District of Columbia:
(1) Property belonging to the United States, unless the taxation of same has been authorized by Congress;
(2) Property belonging to the District of Columbia and used for governmental purposes (as determined by the Mayor), unless otherwise provided by law;
(3) Property authorized as exempt from real estate taxes by the United States Department of State's Office of Foreign Missions on the basis of its use for diplomatic or consular purposes or for the official business of an international organization;
(4) Repealed.
(5) Property heretofore specifically exempted from taxation by any special act of Congress, in force December 24, 1942, so long as such property is used for the purposes for which such exemption is granted. The Council of the District of Columbia shall report annually to the Congress the use being made of such specifically exempted property, and of any changes in such use, with recommendations;
(6) Art gallery buildings belonging to and operated by organizations which are not organized or operated for private gain, and are open to the public generally, and for admission to which no charge is made on more than 2 days each week;
(7) Library buildings belonging to and operated by organizations which are not organized or operated for private gain and are open to the public generally;
(8) Buildings belonging to and operated by institutions which are not organized or operated for private gain, which are used for purposes of public charity principally in the District of Columbia;
(9) Hospital buildings, belonging to and operated by organizations which are not organized or operated for private gain, including buildings and structures reasonably necessary and usual to the operation of a hospital;
(10) Buildings belonging to and operated by schools, colleges, or universities which are not organized or operated for private gain, and which embrace the generally recognized relationship of teacher and student;
(10A)(A) A building belonging to a foundation that is not organized or operated for private gain and that is organized and operated exclusively for the benefit (within the meaning of sections 170(b)(1)(A)(iv) or 509(a)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, approved October 22, 1986 (68A Stat. 58 and 83 Stat. 496); 26 U.S.C. §§ 170(b)(1)(a)(iv) and 509(a)(3)) of a college or university as described in paragraph (10) of this section that directly uses the building under a lease with a term of at least one year to provide dormitory, classroom, and related facilities for its students;
(B) The owner of a building exempted from real property taxation pursuant to subparagraph (A) of this paragraph shall notify the Office of Tax and Revenue within 30 days after the occurrence of any event, including the expiration or cancellation of a lease, that terminates the building’s entitlement to the exemption.
(11) Buildings belonging to and used in carrying on the purposes and activities of the National Geographic Society, American Pharmaceutical Association, the Medical Society of the District of Columbia, the National Lutheran Home, the National Academy of Sciences, Brookings Institution, the American Forestry Association, the American Tree Association, the Carnegie Institution of Washington, the American Chemical Society, the American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf, and buildings belonging to such similar institutions as may be hereafter exempted from such taxation by special acts of Congress;
(12) Cemeteries dedicated to and used solely for burial purposes and not organized or operated for private gain, including buildings and structures reasonably necessary and usual to the operation of a cemetery;
(13) Churches, including buildings and structures reasonably necessary and usual in the performance of the activities of the church. A church building is one primarily and regularly used by its congregation for public religious worship;
(14) Buildings belonging to religious corporations or societies primarily and regularly used for religious worship, study, training, and missionary activities;
(15) Pastoral residences actually occupied as such by the pastor, rector, minister, or rabbi of a church; provided, that such pastoral residence be owned by the church or congregation for which said pastor, rector, minister, or rabbi officiates; and provided further, that not more than 1 such pastoral residence shall be so exempt for any 1 church or congregation;
(16) Episcopal residences owned by a church and used exclusively as the residence of a bishop of such church;
(17) Buildings belonging to organizations which are charged with the administration, coordination, or unification of activities, locally or otherwise, of institutions or organizations entitled to exemption under the provisions of §§ 47-1002, 47-1005, and 47-1007 to 47-1010, and used as administrative headquarters thereof;
(18)(A) Grounds belonging to and reasonably required and actually used for the carrying on of the activities and purposes of any institution or organization entitled to exemption under the provisions of §§ 47-1002, 47-1005, and 47-1007 to 47-1010.
(B)(i) Additional grounds belonging to and forming a part of the property of such institutions or organizations as of July 1, 1942. Such exemption shall be granted only upon the filing of a written application to the Mayor of the District of Columbia, supported by an affidavit that such additional grounds are not held for profit or sale but only for the enlargement and expansion of said institution or organization.
(ii) If, however, at any future date the grounds so exempted, or any portion thereof, shall be sold and a profit shall result from such sale the taxes thereon for each year from the date of acquisition of such property for which no tax has been paid shall immediately become due and payable, without interest; provided, however, that the total of such taxes shall not exceed 50% of the net profit derived from such sale. The Mayor shall be furnished a copy of the contract of sale together with other evidence necessary to establish the amount of profit or loss therefrom at least 10 days prior to the date of settlement of such sale. Taxes assessed under this subparagraph shall constitute a lien upon such property;
(19) Buildings owned by and actually occupied and used for legitimate theater, music, or dance purposes by a corporation which is not organized or operated for commercial purposes or for private gain, which buildings are open to the public, generally, and for admission to which charges may be made to cover the cost of expenses and the real property (and any interest therein) situated on any portion of the lot that is designated, as of October 1, 2003, as lot 878 in square 456 and that is owned, occupied, and used, directly or indirectly through one or more wholly-owned subsidiary organizations, by a legitimate theater company is hereby exempt from all real property taxation so long as the property continues to be so owned and occupied, and used for the exempt purposes described in § 47-1002(18) and § 47-1002(19), providing for exemption of certain real properties;
(20)(A) Multifamily and single family rental and cooperative housing for, and individual condominium units rented to low and moderate income persons which are receiving assistance through 1 or more of the following federal programs:
(i) interest reduction payments made under § 236 of the National Housing Act (§ 1715z-1 of Title 12, United States Code);
(ii) payments made for new construction, substantial rehabilitation, or moderate rehabilitation under § 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (§ 1437f of Title 42, United States Code) or payments made under any renewal of a contract originally made under the new construction, substantial rehabilitation, or moderate rehabilitation under section 8 that entitled the property to the exemption;
(iii) payments made under § 101 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965 (§ 1701s of Title 12, United States Code);
(iv) mortgage insurance under § 221 (d)(3), BMIR, of the National Housing Act (§ 1715l (d)(3) of Title 12, United States Code);
(v) direct loans made under § 202 of the Housing Act of 1959 (§ 1701q of Title 12, United States Code); and
(vi) rental rehabilitation funded under § 17 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. § 1437o), if 80% or more of the units in the housing project are provided to low-income persons or families receiving assistance under 42 U.S.C. § 1437o; provided, however, that the owner(s) of such exempt property shall submit by March 1st of each year an annual income and expense statement to the District of Columbia Department of Finance and Revenue and shall make a yearly payment in lieu of taxes in an amount calculated in the following manner:
(I) If the owner(s) is not organized for profit, no payment shall be required; and
(II) If the owner(s) is organized as a limited dividend or limited profit owner, or a profit owner, a payment for such building, in an amount equal to 5% of the gross income derived from the operation of such building during the latest completed annual accounting period, shall be required.
(B) If the owner(s) of exempt property fail to make the payment in lieu of taxes in a manner which the Office of Tax and Revenue shall prescribe, the property shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 13A, and the payment in lieu of taxes shall be deemed a delinquent real property tax from the day it was due and not paid for purposes of the real property sale.
(C) This paragraph (20) shall not apply to those properties granted an exemption before January 5, 1971, under paragraph (8) of this section.
(D) For purposes of this paragraph, the term:
(i) “Condominium” means the ownership of a single dwelling unit in a horizontal property regime as that term is used in § 42-2003; and
(ii) “Individual condominium units” means a portion of the condominium designed and intended for individual ownership together with the undivided interest in the common elements to which they appertain.
As the exemption provided for in subparagraph (A)(vi) of this paragraph applies to the Southern Court project located at 845, 855, 865, 875, and 885 Chesapeake Street, S.E., and 860, 870, 880, and 890 Southern Avenue, S.E., on lot 39 in Square 6210 in the District of Columbia, it shall be effective for the tax year beginning July 1, 1986;
(21) Property transferred to a qualifying lower income homeownership household in accordance with § 47-3503(c);
(22) Property transferred to a qualifying nonprofit housing organization in accordance with § 47-3505(d);
(23)(A) Subject to the provisions of subparagraph (B) of this paragraph, the development of a qualified supermarket, as defined in § 47-3801.
(B) The real property tax exemption granted by subparagraph (A) of this paragraph shall apply only:
(i) For 10 consecutive real property tax years beginning with the tax year in which a certificate of occupancy was issued for the development;
(ii) During the time that the real property is used as a supermarket;
(iii) In the case of the development of a qualified supermarket, on real property not owned by the supermarket, if the owner of the real property leases the land or structure to the supermarket at a fair market rent reduced by the amount of the real property tax exemption; and
(24) Property transferred to a resident management corporation in accordance with § 47-3506.01;
(25) The improvements located on that portion of Lot 800 of Square 1112 known as the Correctional Treatment Facility, only during the time that the improvements are operated as a correctional facility housing inmates in the custody of the District of Columbia Department of Corrections;
(26)(A) The real property (and any improvements thereon) described as Square 454, Lots 41, 824, 838, 857, 877, 878; the portion of the public alley that reverted to (i) former Lot 820, (which is currently known as Lot 866), and (ii) former Lot 821 (which is currently known as Lot 867) pursuant to the Plat of Alley Closing filed with the Surveyor of the District of Columbia in Liber 17 at folio 74; the portions of the public alley that will revert to Lots 41, 824, 838, 857, 877 and 878, all in Square 454, pursuant to the alley closing approved by the Closing of Public Alleys in Square 454 and Square 455, S.O. 98-194 Act of 1999, effective October 22, 1999 (D.C. Law 13-48; 46 DCR 6768), during the period commencing November 8, 2000 and terminating with respect to any portion of such real property on the date that a final certificate of occupancy shall have been issued with respect to improvements on such portion of such real property.
(B) The amount of all taxes, fees, and deposits exempt, abated, or waived under this paragraph, section 2(b) of the Gallery Place Economic Development Amendment Act of 2000, effective April 3, 2001 (D.C. Law 13-241; 48 DCR 610) [D.C. Code § 2-1217.31(b)], and §§ 47-902(17), 45-922(24) [§ 42-1102(24)], and 47-2005(28) [§ 47-2005(30)], shall not exceed, in the aggregate, $7 million;
(27)(A) The real property (and any improvements thereon) described as Square 299, Lot 831, during the period commencing October 1, 2001 and terminating, with respect to any portion of the real property, on the date that a final certificate of occupancy shall have been issued with respect to improvements on the portion of the real property, until the Development Sponsor sells the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Project, as evidenced by the recordation of a deed conveying title to Square 299, Lot 831, at which time such amounts shall be due and payable without penalty or interest.
(B) The amount of all taxes, fees, and deposits deferred under this paragraph, section 2(b) of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Tax Deferral Act of 2002, passed on 2nd reading on September 17, 2002 (Enrolled version of Bill 14-466) [D.C. Law 14-232], and §§ 42-1102(25), 47-902(19), and 47-2005(33) [§ 47-2005(34)], shall not exceed, in the aggregate, $4 million.
(C) For purposes of this paragraph, the term:
(i) “Development Sponsor” means Portals Hotel Site, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, and its successors and assigns.
(ii) “Mandarin Oriental Hotel Project” means the acquisition and initial development, construction, equipping, and furnishing of a Mandarin Oriental hotel within the Portals project, located on Square 299, Lot 831, consisting of a 400-room hotel with approximately 33,000 square feet of associated meeting and banquet space, 2 restaurants, a health spa and fitness center totaling approximately 10,000 square feet, and approximately 90,000 square feet of public parking space for approximately 200 cars.
(iii) “Mandarin TIF Bonds” means the tax increment financing bonds issued in connection with the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Project pursuant to the Tax Increment Revenue Bonds Mandarin Hotel Project Emergency Approval Resolution of 2000, effective March 7, 2000 (Res. 13-510; 47 DCR 2133), and the Mandarin Hotel Project Modification Approval Resolution of 2000, effective December 19, 2000 (Res. 13-745; 48 DCR 83).
(D) This paragraph shall apply upon the closing of the sale of the Mandarin TIF Bonds;
(28)(A) Land and improvements that are located in the Housing Overlay District established pursuant to section 1706 of Title 11 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (11 DCMR § 1706), the Arts Overlay District established pursuant to section 1704 of Title 11 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (11 DCMR § 1704), and the Historic Preservation District established pursuant to section 1707 of Title 11 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (11 DCMR § 1707), and not otherwise exempt pursuant to this section, for the period specified in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph; provided, that the land and improvements satisfy at least one of the requirements set forth in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph.
(B) The exemption granted by this paragraph shall only apply to:
(i) Land and improvements as to which a theater company of the type described in paragraph (19) of this section is or was, as of the effective date of the Square 456 Payment in Lieu of Taxes Extension Emergency Act of 2002, passed on an emergency basis on June 18, 2002 (Enrolled version of Bill 14-701) [July 10, 2002], the contract purchaser or owner; or
(ii) Improvements developed pursuant to a vertical subdivision, horizontal property regime, condominium regime, or common building permit, or pursuant to a combined lot development method or sharing a common primary ingress or egress on a single or one or more adjoining lots of record concurrent with the development of a theater company described in paragraph (19) of this section or any wholly-owned subsidiary of the theater company, with a floor area of not less than 18,000, and not more than 100,000 square feet, to be used for theater and ancillary purposes by a theater company of the type described in paragraph (19) of this section.
(C) The exemption granted by this paragraph shall only apply if, to the extent that the property is not otherwise exempt, the property owner is obligated under § 47-1052 or any other law to make payments in lieu of taxes in furtherance of the public interest to promote the economic development of the District of Columbia and the improvement of the general public welfare and for the benefit of the District of Columbia and its residents.
(D) This paragraph shall expire on the day after the date on which the District and Qualified Theater Company have entered into a grant agreement for the making of the grant identified in § 47-1052(a)(7)(B), and the funding of that grant;
(29) Except as provided in the PILOT Agreement, property, including land, any improvements thereon, and any possessory interests therein, for which payments in lieu of taxes are being made under a PILOT agreement pursuant to part E of subchapter IV of Chapter 3 of Title 1 [§ 1-308.01 et seq.], during the term of the PILOT agreement;
(30)(A) Land (other than Lots 0074 and 0075, Square 737, and Lot 0021, Square 769, but excluding any portion of the land known as Reservation 17A which becomes part of Square 737, and land consisting of streets or alleys located within the Capper/Carrollsburg PILOT Area established pursuant to § 47-4611 upon abandonment thereof and reversion to Square 737 or 769 or lot included in Square 737 or 769) in the Capper/Carrollsburg PILOT Area and not otherwise exempt under this section and all improvements that are located in the Capper/Carrollsburg PILOT Area and not otherwise exempt under this section, for the period specified in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the improvements on Lots 0074 and 0075, Square 737, and Lot 0021, Square 769 (excluding any portion of the land known as Reservation 17A which becomes part of Square 737 and land consisting of streets or alleys located within the Capper/Carrollsburg PILOT Area established pursuant to § 47-4611 upon abandonment thereof and reversion of Square 737 or 769 or lot included in Square 737 or 769) shall not be exempt from the special tax provided in § 1-204.81.
(B) This paragraph shall expire the day after the bonds, notes, or other obligations issued by the District of Columbia pursuant to the PILOT Authorization Increase and Arthur Capper/Carrollsburg Public Improvements Revenue Bonds Approval Act of 2006, effective March 8, 2007 (D.C. Law 16-244; 54 DCR 609), together with interest and premium, if any, thereon, and all costs and expenses in connection with any suit, action, or proceeding by or on behalf of the holders of the District’s bonds, notes or other obligations are fully met and discharged;
(31)(A) Property owned by a title-holding entity that is not organized or operated for private gain, as to which all of the ownership, membership, or beneficial interest is vested in one or more organizations, each of which is entitled to an exemption under paragraphs (6) through (20) of this section, and that is used by one or more organizations, each of which is entitled to an exemption under paragraphs (6) through (20) of this section, for the activities and purposes entitling each such organization to the exemption.
(B) A title-holding entity shall notify the Office of Tax and Revenue within 30 days of any change in any of its owners, members, or beneficial interest holders.
(C) For the purposes of this paragraph, the term “title-holding entity” means an entity whose activities are limited to holding record title to a property, providing the property (with or without consideration) for the use of the one or more organizations, each of which is entitled to an exemption under paragraphs (6) through (20) of this section, for the activities and purposes entitling each such organization to the exemption, encumbering the property with indebtedness, and repaying indebtedness secured by the property, including a nonprofit entity owning real estate titled through an LLC with a single member being the nonprofit applicant;
(32)(A) Real property belonging to an organization that is not organized or operated for private gain and that maintains a current license as a continuing care retirement community, as provided by [§ 44-151.02], or any successor provision, shall be exempt from taxation; provided, that the real property is used as a continuing care retirement community.
(B) For the purposes of this paragraph, the term "continuing care retirement community" means a continuing care facility, as defined in [§ 44-151.01(3)], governed by [Chapter 1A of Title 44];
(33)(A) Buildings belonging to a qualified active low-income community business ("QALICB") participating in a transaction qualifying for the New Markets Tax Credit in which all of the ownership or membership interest of the QALICB is vested in one or more organizations, each of which is entitled to an exemption under paragraphs (5) through (20) of this section and that are used by one or more organizations, each of which is entitled to an exemption under paragraphs (5) through (20) of this section for the activities and purposes entitling each such organization to the exemption.
(B) For purposes of this paragraph, the terms "qualified active low-income community business" and "New Markets Tax Credit" have the same meaning as provided in § 45D of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. § 1 et seq.).
(C)(i) The Chief Financial Officer shall render a decision on an exemption under this paragraph within 60 days of receiving a properly completed property tax exemption application ("application") and conduct an inspection of the property within a 3-year period to verify that the property is being used for the purposes stated in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph.
(ii) The Chief Financial Officer may grant an exemption pursuant to an application prior to actual use of the property provided that the property is used for the purposes stated in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph within 3 years after the exemption is granted; except, that the Chief Financial Officer may extend the period for a reasonable period of time upon the request of the recipient of the exemption and the presentation of evidence showing, to the satisfaction of the Chief Financial Officer, as to why additional time is needed.
(iii) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if the property is not used as required by subparagraph (A) of this paragraph within the permitted period of time, the exemption shall be rescinded retroactive to the initial grant of the exemption, subject to the appeal provisions of § 47-1009; and
(34) The real property (and any improvements thereon) described as Lot 47 in Square 455 so long as the Land Disposition Agreement—Ground Lease, by and among the District of Columbia Redevelopment Land Agency, the District of Columbia, and DC Arena, L.P., dated as of December 29, 1995, and recorded with the Recorder of Deeds on January 5, 1996, as instrument number 9600001285, as may be amended from time to time, remains in effect; and
The property situated in square 153 in the City of Washington, District of Columbia, described as lot 132, owned, occupied, and used by the Disabled American Veterans, is hereby exempt from all taxation so long as the same is so owned and occupied, and not used for commercial purposes, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009.
§ 47–1004. National Society of the Colonial Dames of America.
The property in the District of Columbia described as lot no. 801, in square no. 1285, together with the improvements thereon, known as premises no. 2715 Q Street Northwest, and the furnishings therein, owned by the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the District of Columbia, shall be exempt from taxation, national and municipal, so long as the same is used for nonprofit purposes. There shall also be exempt from taxation upon the same terms and conditions the adjoining property owned by the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America, now designated on the records of the Assessor of the District of Columbia as Lots 813 and 814 in Square 1285, together with any improvements which may hereafter be erected thereon by said National Society of the Colonial Dames of America.
§ 47–1005. Real property tax exemption.
(a) If a building (or a portion thereof) or grounds belonging to and actually used by an institution, organization, or other entity exempt from real property taxation under § 47-1002 is used to secure rent or income for an activity other than that for which the exemption was granted, the building (or portion thereof) or grounds shall be assessed and taxed, unless otherwise prohibited by law.
(b) If a building (or a portion thereof) or grounds belonging to and actually used by an institution, organization, or other entity exempt from real property taxation is used to secure a rent or income for any activity, where the exemption was not specifically limited to a particular use, the building (or a portion thereof) or grounds shall be assessed and taxed. This subsection shall not apply to real property exempt under § 47-1002(1) through (3), buildings or grounds subject to taxation under subsection (a) of this section, or real property immune from the levy and collection of tax under the laws of the United States.
(c) This section shall not apply to grounds used as an urban farm as certified by the Department of Energy and Environment pursuant to § 47-868.
(d) This section shall not apply to buildings or grounds used to generate stormwater retention credits certified in accordance with section 531 of Title 21 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (21 DCMR § 531).
§ 47–1005.01. Interests in real property belonging to government and international organizations.
*NOTE: This section includes amendments by emergency legislation that will expire on March 17, 2025. To view the text of this section after the expiration of all emergency and temporary legislation affecting this section, click this link: Past Permanent Version.*
(a) For purposes of this section, the term “exempt purpose”, as applied to a lessee or user, shall mean an exempt purpose with specified use, operation, and other restrictions as set forth in § 47-1002(4) through (20) and § 47-1002(31).
(b) If real property (or a portion thereof), which is exempt or immune from real property taxation under § 47-1002(1) through (3) or the law of the United States or the District of Columbia, is leased, loaned, or otherwise made available to any person in connection with a business or as a residence, or both, and the use is not for an exempt or immune purpose , the leasehold interest, possessory interest, beneficial interest, or beneficial use of the lessee or user of the real property shall be assessed and taxed. The Mayor shall determine the assessed value of the interest or use in accordance with § 47-820(a)(3) as if the lessee or user of the real property were the owner of the real property and the real property were not exempt or immune from taxation; provided, that the taxable value may be adjusted by the Mayor to reflect the duration of the interest or use remaining; provided further, that the Mayor may impute a duration of the interest or use based upon the intent, actions, and policies of the parties to the conveyance, the history of the real property, the perception of third parties, and written documents.
(c) This section shall not apply if:
(1) A payment is made in lieu of taxes in an amount equivalent to the tax which would be lawfully assessed if the real property were not exempt or immune from real property taxation;
(2) The application of this section would cause the District of Columbia to breach a pre-existing agreement or other legal obligation;
(3) The person liable for the tax under this section is subject to taxation under § 47-2002.04 and has paid the tax; or
(4) The real property is subject to taxation under § 47-1005.
(c-1)(1) Effective June 9, 2001, an existing or future lease entered into under the provisions of the Land Acquisition for Housing Development Opportunities Program, set forth in Chapter 45 of Title 10 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (10 DCMR § 45) (“LAHDO”), shall be exempt from all taxes, assessments, and public charges related to the leased land, including any possessory interest tax, for periods for which the Department of Housing and Community Development (“DHCD”) certifies in writing to the lessee and the Chief Financial Officer that the lessee is in compliance with its LAHDO lease and the lessee is in good standing with DHCD.
(2) As to any property for which a written certification of compliance is issued, DHCD shall notify the lessee and the Chief Financial Officer if the lessee no longer is in compliance with its lease or is not in good standing with DHCD.
(3) The exemption provided in this subsection shall end at the beginning of the first month following the date that the lessee did not comply with its lease or was not in good standing with DHCD, whichever occurs first.
(d) The provisions of § 47-831 shall apply in the case where a leasehold interest, possessory interest, beneficial interest, or beneficial use has escaped or been omitted from assessment and taxation, or the assessment has been made void.
(e) The lessee or user shall be subject to the same application process, filing requirements for reports and income and expense statements, taxes, and penalties as an institution, organization, corporation, or association under § 47-1007.
(f)(1) A notice of proposed assessed value shall be mailed to the lessee or user in the same manner and as required under Chapter 8 for a notice of proposed assessed value to an owner of real property.
(2) A lessee or user may appeal from a notice of proposed assessed value and real property classification in the same manner and under the same conditions as an owner under § 47-825.01 [repealed].
(3) Tax assessed under this section shall be a personal liability of a lessee or user of real property and billed to the lessee or user. Payments of tax shall be applied in the same manner as payments of real property tax. The tax due under this section shall not give rise to a lien against the real property. If the tax is not paid within the time prescribed for payment of real property tax, there shall be added to the tax a penalty of 10% of the unpaid amount, plus interest on the unpaid amount at the rate of 1.5% per month (or portion of a month) until the tax is paid. The amount of the unpaid tax, plus penalty and interest due, shall constitute a delinquent tax to be collected in accordance with Chapter 44 of this title and subject to the statute of limitations of collections in Chapter 43 of this title.
(g)(1) The Mayor may assign assessment and taxation squares and lots, or implement such other designation system, to identify a parcel or (portion thereof) for which the corresponding leasehold interest, possessory interest, beneficial interest, or beneficial use of the lessee or user of the real property may be subject to taxation and assessed to the lessee or user in accordance with this section.
(2) A person subject to tax under this section shall provide to the Mayor a District of Columbia Business Tax Identification Number and other tax identification number which the Mayor may require.
(h) The rate of tax under § 47-812, for the applicable classification under § 47-813 determined according to the use of the leased or loaned real property, shall be applied to the assessed value for purposes of the tax levy.
(i) The estimated assessment roll, description of the real property to which the interest or use relates, mailing address of the person with the interest or use, property use information, valuation history, other information in the public record, and information (excluding a confidential lease) not made confidential as a valuation record as defined under § 47-821(d)(2) may be published by the Mayor by any form of electronic media, including the Internet.
(j) The provisions of § 47-811.02 shall apply to any payment of possessory interest tax.
(a)(1) Real property eligible for the low-income housing tax credit provided by section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, approved October 22, 1986 (100 Stat. 2189; 26 U.S.C. § 42), ("affordable housing") that is owned by or leased to an organization that is not organized or operated for private gain, or that is owned by or leased to an entity controlled, directly or indirectly, by such an organization, for which a certification has been made as to both the real property and owner or lessee pursuant to subsection (b)(1) of this section (and that has not been revoked under subsection (b)(2) of this section) shall be exempt from the taxes imposed by Chapters 8 and 10 of this title and from a payment in lieu of tax imposed under § 47-1002(20) during the time that the real property is being developed for or being used as affordable housing and is subject to restrictive covenants governing the income of residents that occupy the affordable housing units during the federal low-income housing tax credit compliance period, including any extended use period; provided, that if the property is eligible for the tax relief provided by this subsection in part because it is leased to an organization that is not organized or operated for private gain, or is leased to an entity controlled, directly or indirectly, by such an organization, the owner and lessee shall certify to the Mayor, and the Mayor shall confirm, that the value of the tax abatement provided by this subsection will be passed through to the lessee.
(2) The conveyance of a property to an owner or lessee for which a certification as to both the property and owner or lessee has been made pursuant to subsection (b)(1) of this section (and that has not been revoked under subsection (b)(2) of this section) shall be exempt from the tax imposed by Chapter 11 of Title 42, and the transfer of any of property by an owner or lessee for which a certification as to both the property and owner or lessee has been made pursuant to subsection (b)(1) of this section (and that has not been revoked under subsection (b)(2) of this section) shall be exempt from the tax imposed by Chapter 9 of Title 47. Unless waived by regulation, a copy of the certification shall accompany the deed at the time it is submitted for recordation in order to claim an exemption.
(3) A security interest instrument, including a mortgage or deed of trust, securing debt incurred to acquire, develop, or redevelop property described in paragraph (1) of this subsection, or a refinancing or modification of a debt on such property, shall be exempt from the tax imposed by Chapter 11 of Title 42; provided, that a certification of exemption has been made pursuant to subsection (b)(1) of this section with respect to both the owner granting the security interest and the property encumbered by the security interest. Unless waived by regulation, to claim an exemption, a copy of the certification of exemption shall accompany the security interest instrument at the time it is submitted for recordation.
(a-1)(1) Real property shall be exempt from the taxes imposed by Chanpters 8 and 10 of this title and from a payment in lieu of tax imposed under § 47-1002(20), for the time period set forth in paragraph (2) of this subsection, if:
(A) The real property is owned by or leased to a nonprofit owner, as defined by § 47-1005.03(a)(2), or leased to a nonprofit organization that provides rental housing in buildings that it owns and that satisfies the requirements of § 47-1005.03(a)(2)(B);
(B) Affordable housing developed or to be developed on the real property has been awarded financial assistance in the form of a grant or a loan from the Housing Production Trust Fund or other District government low-income housing financing assistance program designated by the Mayor to provide housing affordable to households earning not in excess of 80% of the adjusted median income, as defined by § 47-1005.03(a)(1);
(C) The financial assistance described in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph was awarded after August 23, 2021;
(D) A certification as to both the real property and owner or lessee has been made pursuant to subsection (b)(1) of this section (and that has not been revoked under subsection (b)(2) of this section); and
(E) The real property is subject to, and in compliance with, restrictive covenants governing the income of residents that occupy or will occupy the affordable housing units developed or to be developed on the real property.
(2) Real property described in paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be exempt from the taxes imposed by Chapters 8 and 10 of this title and from a payment in lieu of tax imposed under § 47-1002(20) during the time that the real property is being developed for or being used as affordable housing.
(b)(1) The Mayor shall certify to the Office of Tax and Revenue ("OTR") each property and owner or lessee eligible for an exemption. The certification shall identify:
(A) The property to which the certification applies by square and lot, or parcel or reservation number;
(B) The full legal name of the owner or lessee, including taxpayer identification number, that is eligible;
(C) The tax or taxes to which the certification applies;
(D) The portion of the property that is eligible;
(E) The effective date of the exemption, which shall be:
(i) In the case of an application by an eligible owner, the date on which the eligible owner acquired the real property or October 1, 2012, whichever is later; and
(ii) In the case of an application by an eligible lessee, the date on which the eligible lessee leased the real property, or October 1, 2021, whichever is later.
(F) Any other information OTR shall require to administer the exemption.
(2) The Mayor shall notify OTR if any property, owner, or lessee certified as eligible under paragraph (1) of this subsection becomes ineligible for the exemptions under subsection (a) or (a-1) of this section. The notification shall identify:
(A) The property to which the notice applies by square and lot or parcel or reservation number;
(B) The full legal name of the owner or lessee, including taxpayer identification number;
(C) The tax or taxes to which the notice applies;
(D) The portion of the property ineligible;
(E) The date on which the property, owner, or lessee became ineligible; and
(F) Any other information OTR shall require to administer the termination of the exemption.
(3) OTR shall administer the exemption provided under this section in the same manner as the exemptions provided under § 47-1002, and properties exempted under subsection (a) or (a-1) of this section shall be subject to §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009, except that an owner or lessee, whichever is applicable, shall not be required to file an application with OTR to qualify for an exemption.
(c) The grant of a tax exemption as provided in this section shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other tax relief or assistance from any other source applicable to either the real property or its owner or lessee.
(d) This section shall apply for real property tax years beginning after September 30, 2012.
(A) For a household of one, 70% of the median income for a household of 4 in the Washington Metropolitan Statistical Area as published by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development most recently prior to the date such household income was determined;
(B) For a household of 2, 80% of the median income for a household of 4 in the Washington Metropolitan Statistical Area as published by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development most recently prior to the date such household income was determined;
(C) For a household of 3, 90% of the median income for a household of 4 in the Washington Metropolitan Statistical Area as published by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development most recently prior to the date such household income was determined;
(D) For a household of 4, 100% of the median income for a household of 4 in the Washington Metropolitan Statistical Area as published by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development most recently prior to the date such household income was determined;
(E) For a household of 5, 108% of the median income for a household of 4 in the Washington Metropolitan Statistical Area as published by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development most recently prior to the date such household income was determined;
(F) For a household of 6 or more, 116% of the median income for a household of 4 in the Washington Metropolitan Statistical Area as published by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development most recently prior to the date such household income was determined.
(2) "Nonprofit owner" means an entity that:
(A) Provides rental housing in land and buildings that it owns; and
(B)(i) Is exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code;
(ii) Is a limited liability company, the sole member of which is an entity that is exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; or
(iii) Is a limited-equity cooperative as defined by § 42-2061(2).
(b) Subject to subsection (d) of this section, land and buildings used by a nonprofit owner to provide rental housing shall be exempt from District of Columbia real property taxation as of the date of acquisition by the nonprofit owner; provided, that the land and buildings are acquired by the nonprofit owner in an arm's-length transaction on or after October 1, 2020, or, in the case of a nonprofit owner that is a limited-equity cooperative as defined by [§ 42-2061(2)], on or after October 1, 2021; provided further, that beginning no later than 12 months following the date of such acquisition, each of the following requirements has been certified as having been met pursuant to subsection (f) of this section, and thereafter on an annual basis are recertified as having been met pursuant to subsection (f) of this section:
(1) Not fewer than 50% of the occupied units are occupied by tenants with household incomes, for the year preceding the later of the date of acquisition by the nonprofit owner or initial occupancy by such tenants, not in excess of 80% of the adjusted median income;
(2) The remainder of the occupied units are occupied by tenants with household incomes, for the year preceding the later of the date of acquisition by the nonprofit owner or initial occupancy by such tenants, not in excess of 120% of the adjusted median income;
(3)(A) Rents charged to the tenants described in paragraph (1) of this subsection are not in excess of 30% of 80% of the adjusted median income for a household consisting of the number of persons indicated by the occupancy standard for the unit occupied by such tenant, and rents charged to tenants described in paragraph (2) of this subsection are not in excess of 30% of 120% of the adjusted median income for a household consisting of the number of persons indicated by the occupancy standard for the unit occupied by such tenant; provided, that the total rent paid to the non-profit landlord for any individual unit shall not exceed the greater of the Housing Choice Voucher Program rent for the submarket in which the property is located or in any submarket immediately adjacent to the property, established annually by the District of Columbia Housing Authority;
(B) For the purposes of this paragraph, the term "occupancy standard" means, for a:
(i) Studio/efficiency unit, 1 person;
(ii) One-bedroom unit, 1.5 persons;
(iii) Two-bedroom unit, 3.0 persons;
(iv) Three-bedroom unit, 4.5 persons; and
(v) Four-bedroom unit, 6 persons[;]
(4) Increases to the rents charged to the tenants described in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection are limited to the levels permissible in units subject to rent control;
(5) The nonprofit owner of the property maintains a policy to retain as residents those tenants described in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection who become unable to pay their rent because of financial hardship, and such policy is supported by an indigency reserve set at an amount reasonably determined to provide short-term assistance to tenants maintained by such nonprofit owner or by a nonprofit affiliate thereof; and
(6) Such nonprofit owner, or its sole member if the nonprofit owner is disregarded for income tax purposes, is the subject of a Determination Letter issued by the Internal Revenue Service providing for recognition under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; except, that this requirement shall not apply to a limited-equity cooperative.
(c) A tenant described in paragraph (1) or (2) whose income rises after initial occupancy shall be deemed to continue to have income below the limit set forth in paragraph (1) or (2), respectively; provided, that if the tenant's prior year income exceeds 140% of the adjusted median income, the nonprofit owner shall rent the next unit of comparable size that becomes vacant to a tenant with prior year income not in excess of the income limit set forth in paragraph (1) or (2) that previously was applicable to the tenant whose income now exceeds 140% of the adjusted median income;
(d) In the event that a rental unit in a building owned by a nonprofit owner is occupied by a tenant whose prior year income exceeds the income limit set forth in subsection (b)(5) of this section as of the date of acquisition by the nonprofit owner or initial occupancy by such tenant, or by a tenant whose income increases above 140% of adjusted median income during the course of his or her tenancy, that fact shall not render the remainder of the land or building where the rental unit is situated ineligible for exemption from District of Columbia real property taxation pursuant to this section; provided, that the rental unit itself occupied by such tenant shall not be exempt from such taxation.
(e) Deeds to property for which a certification as to both the property and owner has been made pursuant to subsection (f)(1) of this section, shall be exempt from the tax imposed by [Chapter 11 of Title 42], and the transfer of any of property by a nonprofit owner for which a certification has been made pursuant to subsection (f)(1) of this section, shall be exempt from the tax imposed by Chapter 9 of Title 47. Unless waived by regulation, a copy of the certification shall accompany the deed at the time it is submitted for recordation in order to claim an exemption.
(f)(1) The non-profit owner shall cause an independent compliance monitor to certify under penalty of perjury, to the Department of Housing and Community Development and to the Office of Tax and Revenue ("OTR") each property eligible for an exemption under this section. The certification to OTR shall identify:
(A) The property to which the certification applies by square and lot, or parcel or reservation number;
(B) The full legal name of the owner, including taxpayer identification number, that is eligible;
(C) The tax or taxes to which the certification applies;
(D) The number of units in the property that are eligible;
(E) The effective date of the exemption, which shall be the date on which the organization acquired the parcel, or October 1, 2019, whichever is later; and
(F) Any other information OTR shall require to administer the exemption.
(2) For purposes of the certification required under paragraph (1) of this subsection, a determination of whether a particular property or unit is eligible for an exemption under this section shall be based upon income certification or similar information provided by the applicable tenants.
(3)(A) OTR shall administer the exemption from District of Columbia real property taxation provided under this section using the same procedures as are used for the exemptions provided under § 47-1002.
(B) Properties exempted from District of Columbia real property taxation under this section shall be subject to §§ 47-1007 and 47-1009, except that an owner shall not be required to file an application with OTR to qualify for an exemption.
(4) Properties exempted from District of Columbia real property taxation under this section shall not be subject to § 47-1005 to the extent leased to entities otherwise entitled to exemption under this chapter if such leasehold were owned by such tenant.
(g)(1) The grant of a tax exemption as provided in this section shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other tax relief or assistance from any other source applicable to either the real property or its owner.
(2) A tax exemption granted pursuant to this section shall be available from the date initially exempted; provided, that the property owner remains eligible for such exemption.
(h) This section shall apply for real property tax years beginning after September 30, 2019.
(i)(1) Notwithstanding any eligibility for an exemption from the rent stabilization program pursuant to [§ 42-3502.05(a)], any property covered by this section shall be subject to the requirements of [§§ 42-3502.05(f) through 42-3502.19] after the expiration or termination of a tax exemption provided by this section.
(2) Upon the expiration or termination of the tax exemption, rent charged for a unit may not exceed one of the following:
(A) If a unit is not vacant, the rent charged shall be the rent charged on the date of the expiration or termination of the tax exemption; or
(B) If the unit is vacant, the maximum rent charged shall be the rent charged on the date of the expiration or termination of the tax exemption, plus a single vacancy increase authorized by [§ 42-3502.13(a)].
(3) For the purposes of this section, "rent charged" shall have the same definition as in [§ 42-3501.03(29A)].
§ 47–1006. Use of property by agencies of the United States or American Red Cross.
The use and occupancy of real property in the District of Columbia by any department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States of America, or by the American Red Cross, on a basis which does not result in the receipt of rent or income to the owner thereof within the meaning of § 47-1005, shall not operate to terminate the tax-exempt status of such property if exempted from taxation prior to such use and occupancy; and, further, that any taxes, penalties, or interest which may be due by reason of such change in the use and occupancy of such property and unpaid on November 30, 1945, shall be abated; provided, that nothing contained in this section shall be construed as authorizing any refund of any taxes, penalties, or interest paid prior to November 30, 1945.
§ 47–1007. Real property tax exemption.
(a) Every institution, organization, corporation, or association owning property exempt under the provisions of paragraphs (4) to (20) of § 47-1002 shall, before April 2 of each year, furnish the Mayor a report, under oath, showing the purposes for which its exempt property has been used during the preceding calendar year; provided however, that the requirement for a report shall be satisfied by submitting an application for exemption from tax, and an income and expense statement pursuant to § 47-1002(20). Upon written application by the institution, organization, corporation, or association filed before April 2 of any year, the Mayor may extend the time for filing said report for a reasonable period.
(b) If such report is not filed within the time provided herein, or as extended by the Mayor, the property of the institution, organization, corporation, or association affected shall immediately be assessed and taxed until the required report is filed; provided, that the Mayor may abate the tax for reasonable cause.
(c) If the report is not filed within the time provided in subsection (a) of this section, or as extended by the Mayor, a penalty in the amount of $250 shall be assessed. The penalty shall constitute a delinquent tax on the real property when not paid within 30 days after the date of levy. The Mayor may abate the penalty for reasonable cause.
§ 47–1008. Abatement or refund of tax assessed against exempt property.
The Commissioner of the District of Columbia, upon written application by the owner of real property, filed within 90 days from December 24, 1942, is authorized to abate any tax assessed against any real property exempted by §§ 47-1002, 47-1005, and 47-1007 to 47-1010 where such tax was assessed after January 1, 1941, or to refund any such tax within the limitations of appropriations therefor.
§ 47–1009. Appeals from assessments.
(a)(1) Within 6 months after the date on which the Mayor mails written denial of an exemption under §§ 47-1002, 47-1005, and 47-1007 to 47-1010, any institution, organization, corporation, or association aggrieved by any assessment, classification, equalization, or valuation of real property deemed to be exempt from taxation under the provisions of §§ 47-1002, 47-1005, and 47-1007 to 47-1010 may appeal to the Superior Court of the District of Columbia in the same manner and to the same extent as is provided in §§ 47-3303 and 47-3304. Payment of the tax bill shall not be a prerequisite for the appeal.
(2) Approval of the assessment rolls described in § 47-825(g) [repealed], shall not preclude the Mayor from making decisions on applications for exemptions filed before July 1st and pending before the Mayor at the time the assessment roll is approved, and all decisions in regard to the application shall be appealable as provided in paragraph (1) of this subsection.
(b)(1) Applications for exemption from the real property tax must be received on or before September 30 to obtain the exemption for the full tax year. If approved, the exemption will become effective as of October 1 of the tax year for which the exemption is granted.
(2) Effective October 1, 1994, and for each tax year thereafter:
(A) Any real property eligible for exemption from real property tax under § 47-1002 shall be exempt from real property tax as of the first month following the date on which a properly completed application has been filed. Real property tax shall be prorated on a monthly basis. The Mayor may prorate the real property tax to the date the property is eligible for an exemption from real property tax. Real property is eligible for an exemption from real property tax if it meets the requirements set forth in § 47-1002 and a properly completed application is filed with the Mayor.
(B) When real property exempt from real property tax, as provided for in this section, becomes ineligible for the exemption, the owner of the real property shall notify the Mayor (in a manner and at a time as the Mayor may prescribe by regulation) of the real property’s ineligibility. The Mayor shall terminate the exemption effective as of the first full month following the date the property became ineligible for the exemption.
§ 47–1010. Rules and regulations.
The Mayor may promulgate regulations to carry out the purpose of this chapter and amend or repeal any existing regulations promulgated to carry out the purpose of this chapter.
§ 47–1010.01. Real property tax exemption.
(a) That portion of real property designated as Lots 37, 40, 824-825, 829-832, 859, 880-882, 887, 890, and 892 in Square 677 in the District of Columbia that is used to secure a rent or income from a tenant that is exempt from federal income taxation under § 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 [26 U.S.C. § 501] as an organization described in § 501(c)(3), (c)(4), (c)(5), or (c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 [26 U.S.C. § 501], and that occupies space in the improvements, shall be afforded real property tax relief.
(b) That portion of real property designated as Lots 45, 49, 51, 834-842, 869-871, 883, 888-889, 891, 893, and 895-896 in Square 677 in the District of Columbia that is used to secure a rent or income from a tenant that is exempt from federal income taxation under § 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 [26 U.S.C. § 501] as an organization described in § 501(c)(3), (c)(4), (c)(5), or (c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 [26 U.S.C. § 501], and that occupies space in the improvements, shall be afforded real property tax relief.
(c) Subject to the provisions of subsection (d) of this section, the real property tax relief granted by subsections (a) and (b) of this section shall apply only during the time that:
(1) The real property is owned by the Center for Public Administration and Service, Inc., or its successors or assigns; and
(2) The improvements to be constructed on either the land described in subsection (a) of this section or the land described in subsection (b) of this section are used as the headquarters of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, the International City Management Association, and the International City Management Association Retirement Corporation.
(d) The real property tax relief granted by subsections (a) and (b) of this section shall consist of:
(1) An exemption from real property taxation from the date of acquisition of the land by the Center for Public Administration and Service, Inc., or its successors or assigns, until the completion of the fifth real property tax year beginning after the date of issuance of the final certificate of occupancy for the improvements to be constructed on the land; and
(2) A 50% reduction in the real property tax from the completion of the fifth real property tax year beginning after the date of issuance of the final certificate of occupancy for the improvements to be constructed on the land until the completion of the tenth real property tax year beginning after the date of issuance of the final certificate of occupancy.
(e) The provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009 shall apply with respect to the real property tax relief granted by this section.
§ 47–1011. Property of United States, District of Columbia, and foreign legations exempt from assessments for improvements.
No property except that of the United States or the District of Columbia and property authorized as exempt from real estate taxes by the United States Department of State's Office of Foreign Missions on the basis of its use for diplomatic or consular purposes or for the official business of an international organization shall be exempt from assessments for improvements.
§ 47–1012. Louise Home.
The buildings and grounds of the Louise Home, and all property held by the trustees thereof for the purposes of the trust contained in a certain deed from William W. Corcoran dated November 21, 1869, and recorded in liber 630 at folio 458 of the land records of the District of Columbia, on the square no. 166 shall be free from all taxes and assessment by the municipal authorities, or by the United States, so long as the same shall be held and used for the purposes of the said trust.
§ 47–1013. Sheridan tapestries.
No personal taxes shall be levied against certain tapestries, which were presented to the late Lieutenant-General Philip H. Sheridan for gallant and meritorious services, and which were on exhibition in the National Museum on April 27, 1904, so long as they are exhibited in said Museum.
§ 47–1014. Chesapeake and Ohio Canal.
For and in consideration of the expenses the said stockholders will be at, not only in cutting the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, erecting locks and dams, providing aqueducts, feeders, and other works, and in improving and keeping the same in repair, the said Canal and all other works aforesaid, or required to improve the navigation thereof, at any time hereafter, with all their profits, subject to the limitations herein provided, and to none other, shall be, and the same are hereby, vested in the said stockholders, their heirs and assigns, forever, as tenants in common, in proportion to their respective shares, and be forever exempt from the payment of any tax, imposition, or assessment whatsoever.
§ 47–1015. Oak Hill Cemetery Company.
The property owned by The Oak Hill Cemetery Company shall be forever inalienable by the said corporation, and shall be exempted from all public assessments and taxes so long as the same shall remain dedicated to the purposes of a cemetery.
§ 47–1016. Corcoran Gallery of Art — Real property and works of art.
The buildings described in a certain deed from William W. Corcoran to the trustees of the Corcoran Gallery of Art, dated May 10, 1869, and recorded May 18, 1869, in liber D, no. 8, folio 294 et seq., one of the land records of Washington County, District of Columbia, and the grounds connected therewith, together with all of the works of art that may be contained therein, shall be free from all taxes and assessments by the municipal authorities, or by the United States, so long as the same shall be held and used for the purposes set forth in said deed.
§ 47–1017. Corcoran Gallery of Art — Endowment fund.
All property held as endowment fund by the trustees of the Corcoran Gallery of Art, in the City of Washington, District of Columbia, for the purpose of revenue to support said institution, shall be, and the same is hereby, declared exempt from all taxation and assessments by the municipal authorities or by the United States so long as the same shall be so held.
§ 47–1018. Howard University.
(a) The property, real and personal, of Howard University and its subsidiaries shall be exempt from taxation so long as such property is used for the purposes set forth in the charter of the University, or for uses consistent with the educational, social, and community-oriented mission of Howard University and its subsidiaries, including for academic uses, dormitory facilities, and healthcare facilities notwithstanding that any real estate used for such purposes is leased by the University or a subsidiary to an entity exempt from tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or sold or contracted to be sold by the University or a subsidiary, the title to which may be in the name of the subsidiary.
(b) For the purposes of this section, the term "subsidiary" means a wholly owned entity of Howard University that would be entitled to an exemption under § 47-1002(31).
§ 47–1019. Luther Statue Association.
The lands acquired and held by the Luther Statue Association, and the statue erected thereon, and all the improvements and appurtenances thereto, shall be entirely exempt from taxation, and shall not be chargeable or assessed for any purpose whatever; provided, that this section may be modified, repealed or amended, whenever Congress may see fit to do so.
§ 47–1020. Saint Mark’s Protestant Episcopal Church.
A certain piece of land situated in the City of Washington, District of Columbia, known as lots 9 and 11, in square 788 of the plan of that City, and occupied by the church known as Saint Mark’s Protestant Episcopal Church, and all the buildings, grounds, and property appurtenant thereto and used in connection therewith in the District of Columbia, shall be exempt from any and all taxes or assessments, national, municipal, or county.
§ 47–1021. Young Women’s Christian Home.
The property, whether real or personal, owned by the trustees of Young Women’s Christian Home and used exclusively for the charitable purposes of said organization shall be exempt from taxation.
§ 47–1022. Young Women’s Christian Association — Property.
All property of the Young Women’s Christian Association of the District of Columbia located in the District of Columbia and occupied and used by such Association for its legitimate purposes shall be exempt from all national and municipal taxation so long as such property is so occupied and used.
§ 47–1023. Young Women’s Christian Association — Accrued liability.
The Young Women’s Christian Association of the District of Columbia is hereby relieved from any accrued liability to the United States or the District of Columbia for taxes imposed upon any of the property of such Association located in the District of Columbia for any tax period during which such property was occupied and used by such Association for its legitimate purposes.
§ 47–1024. Young Men’s Christian Association.
All property belonging to the Young Men’s Christian Association of the District of Columbia, used and occupied by that Association, shall, so long as the same is so owned and occupied, be exempt from taxation, national and municipal; provided, that where ground of said Association is larger than is reasonably required for its use, or is not actually used for the legitimate purposes of said Association, or if said ground or buildings shall be used for private gain, such portion of said ground or buildings as shall not actually be used for the purposes of said Association, or from which it derives a rent or income, such portion of the same, or a sum equal in value to such portion, shall be taxed against such Association.
§ 47–1025. Cedar Hill.
When the Frederick Douglass Memorial and Historical Association shall have acquired title in fee simple to the whole or a part, as the case may be, of the property known as Cedar Hill, in the Village of Anacostia, in the District of Columbia, and formerly occupied as the homestead of the late Frederick Douglass, said land and premises shall be, and hereby are declared to be, exempt from all taxes and assessments for taxation so long as the same shall be used for the purposes of this incorporation. Congress reserves the right to amend or repeal this section.
§ 47–1026. Edes Home.
The property held by the Edes Home actually and exclusively used and occupied for a home for aged and indigent widows shall while and as long as so actually and exclusively used and occupied, be free from any tax, burden, or assessment, laid or to be laid by the United States or under any authority emanating therefrom. This section shall be and remain at all times subject to repeal, alteration, or amendment by the Congress of the United States.
§ 47–1027. General Education Board.
(a) All real property of the General Education Board within the District of Columbia which shall be used by the corporation for the educational or other purposes of the corporation as aforesaid, other than the purpose of producing income, and all personal property and funds of the corporation held, used, or invested for educational purposes as aforesaid, or to produce income to be used for such purposes, shall be exempt from taxation; provided, however, that this exemption shall not apply to any property of the corporation which shall not be used for, or the income of which shall not be applied to, the educational purposes of the corporation; and provided further, that the corporation shall annually file with the Secretary of the Interior of the United States a report in writing, stating in detail the property, real and personal, held by the corporation, and the expenditure or other use or disposition of the same or the income thereof during the preceding year.
(b) This section shall be subject to alteration, amendment, or repeal at the pleasure of the Congress of the United States.
§ 47–1028. Daughters of American Revolution — Lots 8, 9, and 10, square 173.
The property situated in square no. 173 in the City of Washington, District of Columbia, described as lots 8, 9, and 10, inclusive, occupied by the Daughters of the American Revolution, is hereby exempt hereafter (May 21, 1924) from all taxes, so long as the same is so occupied and used, subject to the provisions of § 47-1002, providing for exemptions of church and school property, and acts amendatory thereof.
§ 47–1029. Daughters of American Revolution — Square 173.
That the property situated in square no. 173, in Washington City, District of Columbia, occupied on February 27, 1903, by the Daughters of the American Revolution is hereby exempt from all taxation so long as the same is so occupied and used, subject to the provisions of § 47-1002, providing for exemptions of church and school property, and acts amendatory thereof.
§ 47–1030. Daughters of American Revolution — Square 173 — Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16.
The property situated in square 173 in the City of Washington, District of Columbia, described as lots 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, inclusive, occupied by the Daughters of the American Revolution, is exempt from and after February 28, 1921, from all taxation so long as the same is so occupied and used, subject to the provisions of § 47-1002, providing for exemptions of church and school property, and acts amendatory thereof.
§ 47–1031. Daughters of American Revolution — Square 173 — Lots 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28.
The property situated in square 173 in the City of Washington, District of Columbia, described as lots 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28, inclusive, occupied by the Daughters of the American Revolution, is hereby exempt from all taxation so long as the same is so occupied and used, subject to the provisions of § 47-1002, providing for exemptions of church and school property, and acts amendatory thereof.
§ 47–1032. Daughters of American Revolution — Square 173 — Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, and 11.
The property situated in square 173 in the City of Washington, District of Columbia, described as lots 4, 5, 6, 7, and 11, inclusive, occupied by the Daughters of the American Revolution, is hereby exempt from and after February 23, 1916, from all taxation so long as the same is so occupied and used, subject to the provisions of § 47-1002, providing for exemptions of church and school property, and acts amendatory thereof.
§ 47–1033. National Society United States Daughters of 1812; lot 811, square 210.
The property situated in square no. 210 in the City of Washington, District of Columbia, described as lot 811, occupied and used by the National Society United States Daughters of 1812, is hereby exempt from all taxation so long as the same is so occupied and used, subject to the provisions of § 47-1002, providing for exemptions of church and school property.
§ 47–1034. National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution.
All property, real and personal, belonging to or held by the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution in the District of Columbia, used, and occupied by that Society for its purposes, so long as the same is so owned, used, and occupied, is exempt from taxation, national and municipal.
§ 47–1035. The American Legion; lot 32 and 33 in square 185 and lot 01 in square 763.
The property situated in square 185 in the City of Washington, District of Columbia, described as lots 32 and 33, owned, occupied, and used by the American Legion, and the property situated in square 763 in the District of Columbia, described as lot 01, owned, occupied, and used by the Kenneth H. Nash Post #8 American Legion, are hereby exempt from all taxation so long as these same properties continue to be so owned and occupied, and not used for commercial purposes, subject to the provisions of § 47-1002, providing for exemptions of church and school properties.
§ 47–1036. National Education Association.
All real property of the National Education Association of the United States within the District of Columbia, which shall be used by the corporation for the educational or other purposes of the corporation, other than the purpose of producing income, and all personal property and funds of the corporation, held, used, or invested for educational purposes aforesaid, or to produce income to be used for such purposes, shall be exempt from taxation; provided, however, that this exemption shall not apply to any property of the corporation which shall not be used for or the income of which shall not be applied to the educational purposes of the corporation. Congress may from time to time alter, repeal, or modify this section, but no contract or individual rights made or acquired shall thereby be divested or impaired.
§ 47–1036.01. National Education Association — Real property subject to District taxation.
Notwithstanding any provision of any federally granted charter or any other provision of law, the real property of the National Education Association located in the District of Columbia shall be subject to taxation by the District of Columbia in the same manner as any similar organization.
§ 47–1037. Society of the Cincinnati; part of lot 5, lots 42, 43, 49, and 837 in square 67.
(a) The property situated in square no. 67 in the City of Washington, District of Columbia, described as lot no. 42, as per plat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia, in liber 27 at folio 135; lot no. 43, as per plat recorded in said Surveyor’s office in liber 28 at folio 25; lot no. 49 as per plat recorded in said Surveyor’s office in liber 40 at folio 15; and part of original lot no. 5 described as follows: beginning for the same at the northeast corner of said lot and running thence west along the south line of a public alley 30 feet wide 47 and seventeen one-hundredths feet to the east line of another public alley, 30 feet wide; thence south along the east line of said alley 74 feet; thence east 47 and seventeen one-hundredths feet to the west line of a public alley 15 feet wide; thence north along the west line of said alley 74 feet to the place of beginning; occupied by the Society of the Cincinnati, a corporation of the District of Columbia, with all the buildings and improvements thereon, and the contents thereof are hereby exempt from all taxes so long as the same is so occupied and used, subject to the provisions of § 47-1002, providing for the exemption of church and school property, subject to the proviso that said Society shall maintain therein a national museum for the custody and preservation of historical documents, relics, and archives, especially those pertaining to the American Revolution, which museum shall be accessible to the public at such reasonable hours and under such regulations as may, from time to time, be prescribed by said Society; and subject to the further proviso that if any part of said property is sold, then the exemption as to said part and said part only shall determine and if any part of said property is leased then the exemption shall cease for so long and so long only as said part is so leased. This exemption to become effective on February 24, 1938.
(b) The real property known for assessment and taxation purposes as lot 837 in square 67 shall be exempt from real property tax so long as the property is owned by the Society of the Cincinnati, the property is used for the purposes of the Society of the Cincinnati, and the Society of the Cincinnati continues to meet the requirements set forth in section 2 of the Closing of a Public Alley in Square 67, S.O. 88-309, Act of 1990, effective March 6, 1991 (D.C. Law 8-215; 38 DCR 144).
§ 47–1038. American Veterans of World War II; lot 805, square 160.
The property situated in square 160 in the City of Washington, District of Columbia, described as lot 805, owned, occupied, and used by the AMVETS, American Veterans of World War II, is hereby exempt from all taxation so long as the same is so owned and occupied, and not used for commercial purposes, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009.
§ 47–1039. Veterans of Foreign Wars; lots 38, 20, 19, and 841, square 757 and lot 0001 in square 2709.
(a) The property situated in square 757 in the City of Washington, District of Columbia, described as lots 38, 20, 19, and 841 owned by the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, is hereby exempt with respect to taxable years beginning on and after July 1, 1959, from all taxation so long as the same is owned and occupied by the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and is not used for commercial purposes, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009.
(b) The property situated in square 2709 in the District of Columbia, described as lot 0001, owned, occupied, and used by the Bethea-Welch Post 7284, Veterans of Foreign Wars, is hereby exempt from all taxation so long as this property continues to be so owned and occupied, and not used for commercial purposes, subject to the provisions of § 47-1002, providing for exemptions of church and school property.
§ 47–1040. National Woman’s Party; lots 863, 864, and 885, square 725.
Certain property in the District of Columbia, known in the 1600’s and 1700’s as Cerne Abbey Manor; later the property of members of the distinguished Carroll and Sewall families, still later the office and residence of Albert Gallatin, Secretary of the Treasury, 1801-1813, who here directed the financing of the Louisiana Purchase; since 1929 the headquarters of the National Woman’s Party and known as the Alva Belmont House, described as lots nos. 863, 864, and 885 in square no. 725, together with improvements thereon and outbuildings, and the furniture, furnishings, and other personal property therein, owned by the National Woman’s Party, Inc., a nonprofit corporation organized and existing under the laws of the District of Columbia; shall be exempt from taxation, in recognition of the patriotic efforts made by the National Woman’s Party, Inc., to preserve this historic monument, so long as the same property is owned by said National Woman’s Party, Inc., and is not used for commercial purposes or for the purpose of securing a rent or income, subject to the proviso that said corporation shall maintain the said property as historical buildings which shall be preserved for their architectural, historical, and educational significance, which buildings shall be accessible to members of the general public without charge or payment of a fee of any kind at such reasonable hours and under such regulations as may from time to time be prescribed by said corporation, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009.
§ 47–1041. American Association of University Women; lot 84, square 197.
The real estate described for assessment and taxation purposes as lot 84 in square 197, in the City of Washington, District of Columbia, owned by the American Association of University Women, Educational Foundation, Incorporated, a District of Columbia corporation, is hereby exempt from all taxation so long as the same is owned, occupied, and used by the American Association of University Women, Educational Foundation, Incorporated, for its educational and other corporate purposes, or is jointly occupied with the American Association of University Women, a Massachusetts corporation organized not for profit, for its educational and other corporate purposes, and is not used for commercial purposes, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009.
§ 47–1042. National Guard Association; lot 60, square 625.
The property situated in square 625 in the City of Washington, District of Columbia, described as lot 60, together with the improvements thereon, shall be exempt from all taxation so long as the property is owned by and titled in the name of the National Guard Association of the United States, a District of Columbia nonprofit corporation, is occupied by the Association, is used solely for purposes of the Association, and is not used for commercial purposes, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009. The transfer of the property to the National Guard Association of the United States shall be exempt from all transfer and recordation taxes of the District of Columbia.
§ 47–1043. Woodrow Wilson House.
Certain property in the District of Columbia described as lots no. 36 and 37 in square no. 2,517, as recorded in the Office of the Surveyor of the District of Columbia in liber 64, at folio 69, together with the improvements thereon and the furnishings therein, being premises no. 2340 S Street Northwest, known as the Woodrow Wilson House, owned by the National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States, a corporation chartered by Act of Congress approved October 26, 1949, be exempt from all taxation, so long as the same is used in carrying on the purposes and activities of the National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States, and is not used for commercial purposes, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009. Use of the premises by agencies of the United States of America or by any organization exempt from federal income taxation for museum purposes or conference accommodations shall not affect the exemption from taxation provided for herein.
§ 47–1044. American Institute of Architects Foundation.
(a) Subject to the provisions of subsection (b) of this section, the following property in the District of Columbia owned by the American Architectural Foundation, Incorporated, a nonprofit corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York, shall be exempt from taxation by the District of Columbia:
(1) The real property (including the improvements thereon known as the Octagon House) which is described as lot 36 in square 170; and
(2) The furniture, furnishings, and other personal property located in any improvements on such real property.
(b)(1) The property described in subsection (a) of this section shall be exempt from taxation by the District of Columbia so long as:
(A) That property is owned by the Foundation referred to in subsection (a) of this section and is used in carrying on its purposes and activities, except as provided in subparagraph (B)(ii) of this paragraph, and is not used for any commercial purposes; and
(B) The Octagon House is:
(i) Maintained by that Foundation as a historical building to be preserved for its architectural and historical significance; and
(ii) Accessible to the general public for payment of a reasonable fee at such reasonable hours and under such regulations as may, from time to time, be prescribed by that Foundation.
(2) The provisions of § 47-1005 shall apply with respect to the property made exempt from taxation by this section, and the Foundation shall make the reports required by § 47-1007 and shall have the appeal rights provided by § 47-1009.
(c) This section shall apply with respect to taxable years beginning after June 30, 1969.
§ 47–1045. Prince Hall Freemason and Eastern Star Charitable Foundation, lot 0826 in square 0333.
Certain property located in the District of Columbia described as lot 0826 in square 0333 situated at 1000 “U” Street, N.W., together with improvements thereon and furnishings therein, with equitable and legal title in the name of the Prince Hall Freemason and Eastern Star Charitable Foundation, is hereby exempt from all taxation so long as the same is used in carrying on the purposes and activities of the Prince Hall Freemason and Eastern Star Charitable Foundation and is not used for exclusively commercial purposes, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009.
§ 47–1046. American Legion, James Reese Europe Post No. 5, lot 33 in square 3508.
Certain property located in the District of Columbia described as lot 33 in square 3508 situated at 2027 North Capitol Street, N.E., together with improvements thereon and furnishings therein, with equitable and legal title in the name of the American Legion, James Reese Europe Post No. 5, is hereby exempt from all taxation so long as the same is used in carrying on the purposes and activities of the American Legion, James Reese Europe Post No. 5 and is not used for exclusively commercial purposes, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009.
§ 47–1047. ARCH Training Center, lots 80, 81, and 949 in Square 5861.
The properties located in the District of Columbia described as lots 80, 81, and 949, in square 5861 situated at 747-775 Howard Road, S.E., owned, occupied, and used by the ARCH Training Center, are hereby exempt from all taxation so long as these same properties continue to be so owned and occupied, and not used for commercial purposes, subject to the provisions of § 47-1002, providing for exemption of certain real properties.
§ 47–1048. Shakespeare Theatre; lot 814, square 787.
(a) Beginning January 1, 1995, the property, real and personal, situated in square 787 in the District of Columbia, described as lot 814, owned, occupied, and used by the Shakespeare Theatre in the Nation’s Capital is hereby exempt from all taxation so long as, and to the extent that, the same is owned and occupied by the Shakespeare Theatre and used for nonprofit residential purposes in support of theatrical and educational activities of the Theatre and subject to the provisions of § 47-1002.
(b) Any taxes paid in association with the real or personal property described in subsection (a) of this section prior to April 20, 1999 shall be refunded.
§ 47–1049. Lowell School, lot 80, in square 2745-F.
The property located in the District of Columbia described as lot 80 in square 2745-F, together with the improvements thereon, situated at 1626, 1630, 1636, 1638, and 1640 Kalmia Road, N.W., and 7775 17th Street, N.W., owned, occupied, and used by the Lowell School, Inc., are hereby exempt from all taxation so long as the same is used in carrying on the purposes and activities of the Lowell School, Inc., and not used for commercial purposes, and subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009.
§ 47–1050. Greater Southeast Community Hospital Corporation and Hadley Memorial Hospital.
(a)(1) Beginning Tax Year 2001 and ending Tax Year 2007, the property in the District of Columbia, described as lots 3 and 4, square 5919, operated as Greater Southeast Community Hospital, shall be exempt from taxation so long as the same properties are used in carrying on the purposes and activities of the Greater Southeast Community Hospital.
(2) Beginning Tax Year 2001 and ending Tax Year 2006, the property in the District of Columbia, described as parcel 252-0093, operated as Hadley Memorial Hospital, together with improvements thereon and personal property thereon, which property is owned by Doctors Community Healthcare Corporation, shall be exempt from taxation so long as the same property is used in carrying on the purposes and activities of the Hadley Memorial Hospital.
(a-1) For property tax years beginning 2003 and ending 2005, the property tax abatement provided in subsection (a) of this section shall be contingent upon the entities being licensed to operate by the District of Columbia Department of Health.
(b) For property tax years beginning in 2006, the property tax abatement provided in subsection (a) of this section shall be contingent upon an annual certification by the Mayor that the Greater Southeast Community Hospital Corporation has complied with the terms of the following:
(1) The Memorandum of Understanding, dated July 19, 2001, between the Greater Southeast Community Hospital Corporation and the District of Columbia Office of Local Business Development;
(2) The First Source Employment Agreement, dated September 26, 2001, between the Greater Southeast Community Hospital Corporation and the District of Columbia Department of Employment Services; and
(3) The schedule of annual capital expenditures contained in Attachment S to the Committee on Finance and Revenue’s October 9, 2001 Report, as filed with the Secretary to the Council of the District of Columbia, on Bill 14-9, the Greater Southeast Community Hospital Corporation and Hadley Memorial Hospital Tax Abatement Act of 2001.
(c) The Mayor shall make the annual certification required by subsection (b) of this section on or before June 30 prior to the property tax year for which the property tax abatement shall be effective. The certification shall be made for a prior 12-month period which the Mayor shall designate by regulation. If the Mayor fails to issue a certification stating whether or not there has been compliance, the certification of compliance shall be deemed to have been made.
(d) Within 60 days after [April 4, 2003], the Mayor shall submit proposed regulations to implement the certification process provided for under subsection (b) of this section to the Council for a 45-day period of review, not including Saturdays, Sundays, legal holidays, or periods of Council recess. The Council may approve the proposed regulations in whole or in part. If the Council has not approved or disapproved the regulations upon expiration of the 45-day review period, the regulations shall be deemed approved.
§ 47–1051. Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company, lot 0042 in square 0457.
The real property comprising a portion of the lot that is designated, as of October 1, 2001, as lot 0042 in square 0457 in the District of Columbia, is hereby exempt from real property and deed recordation taxation so long as, and to the extent that, the same is leased to Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company, a District of Columbia nonprofit corporation, for the construction and occupancy of the real property for the nonprofit purposes of Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company; provided, that the exemption shall be subject to the provisions of § 47-1002 as if Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company were the owner of the real property; provided further, that the effective date of the exemption shall be determined under § 47-1009(b)(2) where the date of execution of the lease shall be deemed the date the application is filed. Any paid real property and deed recordation taxes shall be refunded to the payer under the same conditions and subject to the same provisions as if the exemption were granted administratively.
§ 47–1052. Payments in lieu of taxes, lots 878 and 880, square 456.
(a) For the purposes of this section, the term:
(1) “Bonds” means any bonds, notes, or other instruments issued by the District pursuant to section 490 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 774; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.90), the proceeds of which shall be used in whole or in part to finance or refinance the construction of a theater with a floor area of not less than 18,000 square feet to be used for theater and ancillary facilities on a Parcel.
(2) “District” means the District of Columbia.
(3) “Initial PILOT period” means the period:
(A) Beginning on the earlier of the date on which some or all of the Site is:
(i) Under contract to a contract purchaser who is the Qualified Theater Company; or
(ii) Owned by the Qualified Theater Company; and
(B) Ending on the 6th anniversary of the beginning date.
(4) “Owner” means an owner of a Parcel, other than the Qualified Theater Company.
(5) “Parcel” means each portion of the Site.
(6) “Payment in lieu of taxes” or “PILOT” means payments made in lieu of real property taxes pursuant to this section.
(7)(A) “PILOT period” means the period:
(i) Beginning on the earlier of the date on which some or all of the Site is:
(I) Under contract to a contract purchaser who is the Qualified Theater Company; or
(II) Owned by the Qualified Theater Company; and
(ii) Ending upon the earlier of:
(I) The date on which the Initial PILOT Period expires if, on that date, the District has not issued a building permit for a theater with a floor area of not less than 18,000 square feet to be used for theater and ancillary facilities on any Parcel; or
(II) The real property tax year in which the total amount of payments in lieu of taxes pursuant to this section shall equal or exceed $30 million.
(B) Notwithstanding subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, the PILOT period and Initial PILOT period shall not begin if, on or before November 15, 2002, the District shall make and fund a grant to a Qualified Theater Company in an amount of not less than $20 million, less reasonably projected earnings on the proceeds pending disbursement determined as of the date the grant is funded, for use by the Qualified Theater Company for capitalizable expenditures incurred in connection with the planning, development, acquisition, or construction of a building to include a theater of the type described in § 47-1002(19) on all or a portion of the Site. The Mayor may make and fund such grant, which shall, if made, be subject to the following condition: if a building permit has not been issued for a theater with a floor area of not less than 18,000 square feet to be used for theater and ancillary facilities on any Parcel before the 6th anniversary of the date the grant is made and funded or, if the grant recipient determines that it is unable or unwilling to acquire title to all or a portion of the Site by December 31, 2003, the grant recipient shall:
(i) Repay the District the principal amount of the grant, less the actual third-party capitalizable expenditures incurred by the grant recipient for capitalizable costs incurred in furtherance of the acquisition and development of a building to include a theater with a floor area of not less than 18,000 square feet on all or a portion of the Site including, architectural and engineering fees and expenses; title, survey, and environmental fees and expenses; development and consulting fees and expenses; legal fees; permit fees; insurance costs; issuance costs and related costs, fees, and expenses; land acquisition deposits, costs, fees, and expenses; and capitalizable interest costs; which costs shall not to exceed $6 million in the aggregate; and
(ii)(I) Convey title to such portions of the Site as it has acquired to the District for the sum of its cost thereof, plus any interest costs incurred by it in carrying the property so conveyed; or
(II) Proceed to closing and convey title to the District at the grant recipient’s cost pursuant to simultaneous all-cash closings.
(8) “Qualified Theater Company” means any entity that:
(A) Operates a theater of the type described in § 47-1002(19);
(B)(i) Owns some or all of the Site; or
(ii) Is or was the contract purchaser of some or all of the Site as of [July 10, 2002]; and
(C) Is the current wholly-owned subsidiary of an entity that is described in the subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph.
(9) “Site” means lots 878 and 880 in square 456 in the District of Columbia, including any improvements thereon, and any combination thereof, all portions of such lots without regard to any subsequent subdivision or resubdivision of such lots, and any other lots developed along with any part of lots 878 and 880 in square 456 pursuant to the combined lot development method.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (d) of this section, during the PILOT period, no real property taxes shall be due and payable from the owner of a Parcel during the PILOT period. In lieu of real property taxes during the PILOT period, the owner of each Parcel shall pay a PILOT, in the amount that would be owed to the District if the Parcel were subject to real property taxation (including interest and penalties in the same amount that would be imposed on delinquent real property tax payments), to the Qualified Theater Company in the manner provided in this section.
(c) Except as provided in subsection (d) of this section, during the PILOT period, the District shall, in lieu of any real property tax bills, send a PILOT bill to each owner of each Parcel, and shall send a copy of the PILOT bills to the Qualified Theater Company. The PILOT bills shall be sent out at the same time and in the same manner as real property tax bills would be sent for the Parcels and shall state the amount of the PILOT owed by the property owner. Except as otherwise provided for pursuant to subsection (g) of this section, the PILOT bill shall state that payments shall be made to the Qualified Theater Company, or at the Qualified Theater Company’s direction, within the same time period that real property tax payments are required to be made.
(d) If, before the expiration of the Initial PILOT Period, on the date that a PILOT payment is made, the total amount of PILOT payments equals or exceeds $6 million and no building permit for a theater with a floor area of not less than 18,000 square feet to be used for theater and ancillary facilities on any Parcel has been issued, the collection of the PILOT shall be suspended and the imposition of real property taxes on the Site shall resume. If, after the suspension of the collection of the PILOT but during the Initial PILOT Period, the building permit is issued, then collection of the PILOT shall resume and PILOT bills shall be sent as provided in subsection (c) of this section.
(e) The PILOT shall constitute a prior lien on the applicable Parcels to the same extent as a real property tax lien.
(f) The Qualified Theater Company may pledge its interest in the PILOT as an account pursuant to Article 9 of Title 28.
(g) If the District issues Bonds, the District may, in financing documents that it enters into in connection with that transaction, provide for the PILOT to be made to the bond trustee for the benefit of the holders of the Bonds, to be used only to pay principal, premium, and interest on the Bonds and for any other payments set forth in the financing documents. If such provisions are included in the financing documents, the PILOT shall constitute a lien against the property on which the PILOT was assessed to the same extent as a real property tax lien and shall be deemed to be a tax within the meaning of 11 U.S.C. §§ 502(b), 505, and 507(a)(8)(B).
(h) The Qualified Theater Company, through its counsel, may file suit in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia against any owner of a Parcel whose PILOT is at least 60 days overdue. The Qualified Theater Company may recover as damages a delinquent PILOT, including interest and penalties, and the Qualified Theater Company’s attorneys’ fees.
(i) Any judgment obtained pursuant to subsection (h) of this section shall not be waived or reduced by the District and shall only be satisfied by the payment to the Qualified Theater Company of the full amount of the judgment, by waiver or compromise by the Qualified Theater Company, or by sale of the relevant Parcel pursuant to subsection (k) of this section.
(j) If the Qualified Theater Company obtains a judgment in a suit filed pursuant to subsection (h) of this section, it may execute upon the judgment using any method authorized by District law.
(k) If a PILOT shall remain unpaid for 180 days after it is due, upon the request of the Qualified Theater Company or its designee, and upon presentment of evidence in a form satisfactory to the District of the PILOT delinquency, the District shall sell the applicable Parcel in the same manner and under the same conditions as property sold for delinquent real property taxes, at the next ensuing tax sale for which proper notice may be given, if the PILOT, including interest and penalties thereon, shall not have been paid in full prior to the sale. The proceeds shall be applied towards the delinquent PILOT, including interest and penalties thereon; provided, that the proceeds from the sale shall be applied first toward any delinquent water and sewer charges, and then toward any delinquent litter control nuisance fines, in accordance, respectively with §§ 34-2407.02 and 34-2110, and § 8-807). The proceeds for the delinquent PILOT, including interest and penalties thereon, and the Qualified Theater Company’s costs associated with the sale shall be delivered to the Qualified Theater Company within 30 business days after their receipt by the District.
(l) A Parcel owner may challenge the accuracy of any PILOT bill in the same manner as if it were a real property tax bill. If, after a Parcel owner pays a PILOT bill, the District determines that the amount of the PILOT bill was incorrect and resulted in an overpayment of some or all of that payment by the Parcel owner, the amount of the overpayment shall be credited against the next PILOT bill with respect to the Parcel.
(m) The remedies available to a Qualified Theater Company under subsections (h), (i), and (j) of this section shall be satisfied only by execution against the Site and no deficiency arising therefrom shall give rise to a personal obligation of the Owners. The penalties, interest, and legal fees provided for in subsections (h), (i), and (j) of this section shall be limited to those available to the District in connection with a tax sale for delinquent real property taxes under Chapter 13A.
(n) This section shall expire on the day after the date on which the District and the Qualified Theater Company have entered into a grant agreement for the making of the grant identified in subsection (a)(7)(B) of this section, and the funding of that grant. The Mayor shall notify the Council when the District and the Qualified Theater Company have entered into the grant agreement and the grant is funded.
§ 47–1053. DC Teachers Federal Credit Union; lot 809, square 938.
(a) The real estate taxes on the nonprofit real property of the DC Teachers Federal Credit Union, including any interest, penalties, fees, fines, and other related charges assessed against the DC Teachers Federal Credit Union, on real property located 903 D Street, N.E., lot 809, square 938, shall be subject to a full or partial tax exemption for the portion of the real property which is used for the nonprofit activities of DC Teachers Federal Credit Union.
(b) Pursuant to § 47-1002, this section shall apply only to a District of Columbia sponsored, federally-chartered, credit union which has its place of business located in a current or former District of Columbia-owned property.
§ 47–1054. Capitol Hill Community Garden Land Trust; lot 30, square 1060.
(a) The Council of the District of Columbia orders that all real property taxes, interest, penalties, fees, and other related charges assessed against real property located at square 1060, lot 30, for the period of tax years 1997 to 2003, be forgiven, and that any payment already made for this period, as of [April 5, 2005], be refunded; provided, that this property is owned and used by the Capitol Hill Community Garden Land Trust as a community garden, which is available for use by the public, and not used for commercial purposes.
(b) The one-time transfer of the property specified in subsection (a) of this section to the Capitol Hill Community Garden Land Trust shall not be subject to the recordation and transfer taxes and fees under Chapters 9 or 14 of this title.
(c) Upon the transfer of the property described in subsection (a) of this section to the Capitol Hill Community Garden Land Trust, the property shall be exempt from all taxation so long as the same is used in carrying out the public purposes and activities of the Capitol Hill Community Garden Land Trust, and not used for commercial purposes and subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007 and 47-1009.
§ 47–1055. Payments in lieu of taxes, Reservation 13 Benefit Area.
If, upon transfer of jurisdiction or title from the United States of America to the District of Columbia, the real property located in the District of Columbia historically known as Reservation 13 is exempt from real property taxes, exempt real property that is leased, loaned, or otherwise made available to any person in connection with a commercial enterprise or as a residence shall be subject to payments in lieu of taxes, unless exempt pursuant to section 47-1002 , in an amount equivalent to the tax which would be lawfully assessed if the real property were not exempt or immune from real property taxation. Payments in lieu of taxes shall be treated in the same manner as a tax under § 47-1330(2) and shall be subject to collection under Chapter 13A of this title.
§ 47–1056. Rosedale Conservancy, lot 817 in square 1954.
(a) The property located in the District of Columbia described as part of lot 817 in square 1954 situated at 3501 Newark Street, N.W., owned, occupied, and used by the Rosedale Conservancy, is hereby exempt from all taxation so long as:
(1) The real property remains unimproved (except for repairs or maintenance), is maintained as open space and parkland in a manner consistent with the real property’s historical significance, and is reasonably accessible to the general public without charge or payment of a fee of any kind; and
(2) After the transfer of the real property from The Conservation Fund, Inc.:
(A) The real property is owned by the Rosedale Conservancy, an organization qualifying under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, approved October 22, 1986 (100 Stat. 2085; 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3)), and is used solely to further the tax-exempt purposes of the Rosedale Conservancy; and
(B) The Rosedale Conservancy does not lease or otherwise allow other persons to occupy the real property in whole or in part.
(b) Sections 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009 shall apply to the real property.
(c) All real property taxes, interest, penalties, fees, recordation and transfer taxes, and other related charges assessed against real property located on part of square 1954, lot 817, for the period beginning September 25, 2002, including all taxes related to the transfer of the real property from Youth for Understanding to The Conservation Fund, Inc., the interim ownership of the real property by The Conservation Fund, Inc., and the subsequent transfer of the real property from The Conservation Fund, Inc., to the Rosedale Conservancy, shall be forgiven, and any payments already made for this period shall be refunded; provided, that this property is transferred to the Rosedale Conservancy.
§ 47–1057. Crispus Attucks Development Corporation, lot 0046 in square 3117.
The real property located at 77 U Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., lot 0046 in square 3117, shall be exempt from all taxation so long as it is used to carry out the public purposes and activities of the Crispus Attucks Development Corporation and is not used for commercial purposes, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009.
§ 47–1058. Emmaus Rehabilitation Project, lot 74 in square 366.
The real property, described as lot 74 in square 366 in the District of Columbia, is hereby exempt from real property and transfer and deed recordation taxation so long as, and to the extent that, the same is occupied by Emmaus Services for the Aging, Inc., an organization qualifying under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 , approved October 22, 1986 (100 Stat. 2085; 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3) ), and is used to further the tax-exempt purposes of Emmaus Services for the Aging, Inc. Any real property and transfer and deed recordation taxes paid shall be refunded to the payer under the same conditions and subject to the same provisions as if the exemption were granted administratively.
§ 47–1059. American College of Cardiology and American College of Cardiology Foundation.
Property owned, occupied, and used by the American College of Cardiology and the American College of Cardiology Foundation, is hereby exempt from all taxation so long as the property continues to be so owned and occupied, and not used for commercial purposes, subject to the provisions of § 47-1002 and § 47-1007, providing for exemption of certain real properties.
§ 47–1060. Southeast Neighborhood House, lots 0808, 0904, and 0905 in square 5802.
The properties located in the District of Columbia described as lots 0808, 0904, and 0905 in square 5802, situated in the 1200 block of Maple View Place, S.E., and the 2200 block of Mount View Place, S.E., owned by Southeast Neighborhood House, Inc., or to be transferred to same, are hereby exempt from real property taxation so long as the properties continue to be so owned and continue to be occupied and used by Southeast Neighborhood House, Inc., or Children of Mine, Inc., District of Columbia nonprofit corporations, and not used for commercial purposes, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009 as if the exemptions were granted administratively under this chapter.
§ 47–1061. Hill East Community Garden; lot 0109 in square 1100.
(a) Upon the transfer of real property located at square 1100, lot 0109 to the Capitol Hill Community Garden Land Trust or to the Hill East Community Garden, the property shall be exempt from all taxation so long as the same is available for use by the public generally, not used for commercial purposes, and subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009 as if the exemption were granted administratively under this chapter.
(b) The one-time transfer of the property specified in subsection (a) of this section from the Capitol Hill Community Garden Land Trust to the Hill East Community Garden shall not be subject to the transfer tax imposed under Chapter 9 of this title, the recordation tax imposed under Chapter 11 of Title 42, or the penalty imposed under Chapter 14 of this title.
§ 47–1062. Bread for the City Community Garden.
The real property located in square 445, lots 198, 199, and 200, which is owned and used by Bread For The City as a community garden, is hereby exempt from all taxation so long as the property continues to be so owned and used, not used for commercial purposes, and subject to the provisions of § 47-1005, § 47-1007, and § 47-1009, as if the exemption were granted administratively under this chapter.
§ 47–1063. Department of the District of Columbia Veterans of Foreign Wars; lot 0040, square 5167.
Property situated in square 5167, located at 1601 Kenilworth Avenue, N.E., described as lot 0040, owned, occupied, and used by the Department of the District of Columbia Veterans of Foreign Wars, is hereby exempt from all taxation so long as this same property continues to be owned and occupied by the Department of the District of Columbia Veterans of Foreign Wars, and not used for commercial purposes, providing for exemption of certain real properties.
§ 47–1064. Payments in lieu of taxes; lots 826 and 831, square 491.
(a) Subject to subsection (b) of this section, the real properties located in the District of Columbia described as lots 826 and 831 in square 491, together with improvements thereon, owned by The Freedom Forum, Inc., a nonprofit corporation exempt from federal income taxation, or a wholly owned entity thereof disregarded for purposes of federal income taxation (“properties”), are hereby exempt from real property taxation as of December 21, 2000. Recordation taxes assessed against The Freedom Forum, Inc., or its disregarded entity, as a result of the transfer of the properties, shall be forgiven and any amounts paid therefor shall be refunded to the payor. The Freedom Forum, Inc., and its disregarded entity, shall be exempt from transfer and recordation taxes arising from the transfer of any portion of the properties.
(b)(1) Upon issuance of a final certificate of occupancy to The Freedom Forum, Inc., or its disregarded entity, to operate the Newseum on the properties, the properties, or portion thereof, shall be subject to a payment in lieu of taxes at the election of the District of Columbia in accordance with the provisions of that certain Land Use Restriction Agreement dated as of December 21, 2000 and recorded among the land records of the District of Columbia at the Recorder of Deeds (“Land Records”) as Document Number 2000117290, as amended by that certain First Amendment to Land Use Restriction Agreement dated as of June 17, 2002 and recorded among the Land Records as Document Number 2002071121 (as amended, “Land Use Restriction Agreement”). The payment shall be treated in the same manner as a tax under § 47-1330(2) and shall be subject to collection under Chapter 13A [of this title].
(2) Upon transfer of any portion of the properties to an unrelated person, the portion of the properties so transferred shall be subject to real property taxation in accordance with the provisions of the Land Use Restriction Agreement.
(3) The foregoing provisions notwithstanding, if the Freedom Forum, Inc., or its disregarded entity, enters into a joint venture with a third party for purposes of residential development on the properties, or a portion thereof, the portion of the properties on which the residential development occurs shall become subject to real property taxation upon the earlier of:
(A) The date of issuance of a final certificate of occupancy to The Freedom Forum, Inc., or its disregarded entity, to operate the Newseum on the properties; or
(B) The date of issuance of the first final certificate of occupancy for the residential development.
(4) Paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection shall be of no further force and effect when any portion of the properties is transferred to Johns Hopkins University.
(c) An exemption provided under subsection (a) as to the properties shall expire upon the first day of the month following the date of recordation of the deed conveying such property; provided, that the deed is timely recorded under § 47-1431(a).
§ 47–1065. Douglass Knoll, Golden Rule, 1728 W Street and Wagner Gainsville Rehabilitation Projects, lot 840 in Square 525, lots 33 through 36 in square 5734, lots 42 through 44 in square 5835, lot 166 in square 5778, lots 38 through 44 in square 5894, and lots 69 through 72 in square 5895.
(a) The real property, described as lot 840 in square 525 in the District of Columbia, shall be exempt from real property taxation for so long as the property is:
(1) Owned by Golden Rule Plaza, Inc., a tax-exempt organization;
(2) Used as a qualified low-income housing project pursuant to a land use restriction agreement with the District of Columbia Housing Finance Agency; and
(3) Receives assistance from one or more federal Housing and Urban Development programs pursuant to section 542 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992, approved October 28, 1992 (106 Stat. 3794; 12 U.S.C. § 1715z-22) (“Section 542 Program”).
(b) The real property, described as lots 33 through 36 in square 5734 and lots 42 through 44 in square 5835, shall be exempt from real property taxation for so long as the property is:
(1) Owned by Wagner Gainesville, LP and controlled by its general partner, The Non-Profit Community Development Corporation Housing Development, Inc., a tax-exempt organization (“NPCDC”); and
(2) Used as a qualified low-income housing project pursuant to an indenture of restrictive covenants with the Department of Housing and Community Development.
(c) The real property, described as lot 166 in square 5778, shall be exempt from real property taxation for so long as the property is:
(1) Owned by 1728 W Street LP, and controlled by its general partner the Non-Profit Community Development Corporation of Washington, D.C., Inc., a tax-exempt organization; and
(2) Used as a qualified low-income housing project pursuant to an indenture of restrictive covenants with the Department of Housing and Community Development.
(d) The real property, described as lots 38 through 44 in square 5894 and lots 69 through 72 in square 5895 in the District of Columbia, shall be exempt from real property taxation for so long as the property is:
(1) Owned by Douglass Knoll Cooperative Limited Partnership and controlled by its general partner NPCDC Housing Development, Inc., an organization solely owned and controlled by the Community Development Corporation, a tax-exempt organization;
(2) Used as a qualified low-income housing project pursuant to a restrictive land use agreement with the Housing Finance Agency; and
(3) Receives assistance from a Section 542 program.
(e) The real property described in this section shall be exempt from real property taxation as provided by this section so long as the real property meets the requirements of this section, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009 as if the exemptions were granted administratively.
§ 47–1066. The Catholic University of America’s Soldiers and Airmen’s Home, parcel No. 121/29.
The Catholic University of America’s Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home, parcel No. 121/29, located in the Northeast quadrant of the District of Columbia and comprising approximately 49 acres of land generally bounded by North Capitol Street, Irving Street, Michigan Avenue, Harewood Road, and the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center, together with the improvements thereon and owned by The Catholic University of America, shall be exempt from all taxation so long as it is owned and planned for use by, or actually used by, The Catholic University of America for its purposes and activities, and is not used for commercial purposes, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009, as if the exemption were granted administratively.
§ 47–1067. Way of the Cross Church of Christ; lots 918, 7, 9, 11, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 800, 801, 861, 863, 865, 867, 869, and 871 in square 5730.
The real property located at square 5730, lots 918, 7, 9 , 11, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 800, 801, 861, 863, 865, 867, 869 , and 871 , shall be exempt from all taxation so long as the property is owned by the Way of the Cross Church of Christ and the property located on square 5730, lot 918 is used as the principal residence of the pastor of the church.
§ 47–1068. Appalachian State University, lot 42 in square 871.
The property located in the Southeast quadrant of the District of Columbia and described as lot 42 in square 871, comprising land located adjacent to North Carolina Avenue, S.E., together with the improvements thereon and owned by The Board of Trustees of the Endowment Fund of Appalachian State University, shall be exempt from all taxation so long as it is owned by The Board of Trustees of the Endowment Fund of Appalachian State University and planned for use by the Appalachian State University for its purposes and activities, and is not used for commercial purposes, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009.
§ 47–1069. American Psychological Association, lot 146, square 677.
The real estate described for assessment and taxation purposes as lot 146, square 677, in the District of Columbia, and the buildings located thereon, owned by APA 750 LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the American Psychological Association, a District of Columbia nonprofit corporation, is hereby exempt from taxation for that portion of property owned by APA 750 LLC and occupied and used by the American Psychological Association to the extent that the property continues to be so owned and occupied, and not used for commercial purposes, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1007 and 47-1009.
§ 47–1070. Walter Reed military housing.
Certain real property, described as parcels 319/2, 319/3, and 319/4, at the Walter Reed U.S. Army Medical Center, together with the improvements thereon and any future improvements constructed thereon, shall be exempt from all taxation, including ordinary and special taxes and use or possessory interest taxes, on real property or the use thereof, so long as the property is used for the purposes of housing military personnel or their families, as contemplated by 10 U.S.C. §§ 2871 through 2885 , subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009. The transfer of a leasehold or fee interest in the property, or the improvements thereon, from the United States of America, or any branch of the U.S. military; the recordation of any lease, deed, deed of trust, other security instrument, or financing used for the improvement or construction of military housing; and the transfer from any entity to the United States government, or any branch of the U.S. military, shall be exempt from all transfer and recordation taxes of or imposed by the District of Columbia.
§ 47–1071. National Community Reinvestment Coalition and Subsidiaries; Lot 20, Square 222 and Lot 37, Square 221.
(a) The real estate described for assessment and taxation purposes as lot 20, square 222, in the District of Columbia, and the buildings located thereon, owned by National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Inc., a District of Columbia nonprofit corporation, is hereby exempt from taxation for that portion of property owned by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition and occupied and used by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition or its nonprofit tenants to the extent that the property continues to be so owned and occupied, and not used for commercial purposes, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1007 and 47-1009.
(b)(1)(A) Subject to paragraph (2) of this subsection:
(i) The real property described as Lot 37, Square 221, and the buildings thereon ("Property"), shall be exempt from real property taxation so long as the Property is owned by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition ("NCRC") or a direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiary of NCRC, and used for the purposes and activities of NCRC, the direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiary of NCRC, or the nonprofit tenants of NCRC, and not used for commercial purposes, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009 as if the exemption had been granted administratively under this chapter; and
(ii) A deed granted to or transferred from NCRC, or a direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiary of NCRC, with respect to:
(I) The Property, shall be exempt from recordation or transfer tax as if the Property was entitled to or receiving an exemption under § 47-1002 during the time and to the extent that the Property is entitled to exemption under sub-subparagraph (i) of this subparagraph; and
(II) Lot 20 in Square 222, shall be exempt from recordation or transfer tax as if the Property was entitled to or receiving an exemption under § 47-1002 during the time and to the extent that Lot 20 in Square 222 is entitled to exemption under subsection (a) of this section.
(B) For the purposes of subparagraph (A)(ii) of this paragraph, the term "deed" shall have the same meaning as provided in § 42-1101(3)).
(2)(A) The exemptions provided under this subsection and the forgiveness provided under section 3 of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition Real Property Tax Exemption Amendment Act of 2018, passed on 2nd reading on January 9, 2018 (Enrolled version of Bill 22-521)("NCRC Tax Act"), shall be contingent upon NCRC, one or more direct or indirect subsidiaries of NCRC, or one or more company affiliates of NCRC, beginning with the tax year that this subsection and subsection (c) are applicable, investing through equity or debt financing at least $10 million in affordable-housing development and preservation and, in addition to the $10 million, at least $1.5 million in the development of entrepreneurship, with a priority given to returning citizens, over 10 consecutive real property tax years ("commitment").
(B) Each applicant for entrepreneurial assistance shall be required to meet federally mandated minimum underwriting standards, as required by 12 C.F.R. § 614.4150 (1997), for any loan provided pursuant to subparagraph (A) of this paragraph.
(C) For the purposes of this paragraph, the term:
(i) "Company affiliate" means a company that is less than 50% owned by NCRC, or is in some way related to NCRC.
(ii) "Returning citizens" means persons who are residents of the District who were previously incarcerated.
(c)(1) By January 1 of the year following the year that NCRC has fulfilled the commitment as described in subsection (b)(2) of this section or of the expiration of the 10-year commitment period described in subsection (b)(2) of this section, whichever is earlier, NCRC shall submit a report to the Mayor detailing its compliance, or the extent of its compliance, with the commitment.
(2) Within 60 days after the report required by paragraph (1) of this subsection is filed, the Mayor shall certify to the Office of Tax and Revenue that the commitment has been satisfied or has not been satisfied, whichever applies.
(3) If the commitment has not been satisfied, all real property, recordation, and transfer taxes, together with all penalties and interest that was forgiven pursuant to section 3 of the NCRC Tax Act or exempted pursuant to subsection (b) of this section shall be due and payable to the District of Columbia and such taxes, penalties, and interest shall be a lien against the Property to secure repayment of such amounts; provided, that recordation and transfer taxes may also be collected as otherwise provided by law.
§ 47–1072. New Columbia Community Land Trust; lots 803, 804, 805, 806, 807, and 808 in square 4110.
(a) The real property located at lots 803, 804, 805, 806, 807, and 808 in square 4110 shall be exempt from taxation so long as the property is owned by the New Columbia Community Land Trust and the property is used as a public park.
(b)(1) The Council orders that all unpaid real property taxes, interest, penalties, fees, and other related charges assessed against real property located at lots 803, 804, 805, 806, 807, and 808 in square 4110, shall be forgiven; provided, that if the property is used or sold for any purpose other than as a public park or for the provision of affordable housing, the sum of all such unpaid real property tax and penalties and all real property taxes accruing thereafter, plus 5% interest, shall be paid to the District of Columbia from the proceeds from the sale; provided further, that this subsection shall constitute a lien against the real property to secure the repayment of such amounts.
(2) For the purposes of this subsection, the term “affordable housing” means residential real property provided under the standards of any affordable housing program in the District of Columbia.
(c) The exemption under this section shall be subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1007 and 47-1009.
§ 47–1073. Triangle Community Garden; lot 58, square 1966.
(a) The real property located at lot 58, square 1966 shall be exempt from taxation so long as the real property is used as a community garden.
(b) The Council orders that all unpaid real property taxes, interest, penalties, fees, and other related charges assessed against real property located at lot 58, square 1966, shall be forgiven and the amount necessary to redeem the real property under § 47-1361(a)(1) shall be deposited with the Chief Financial Officer on behalf of the owner; provided, that all other amounts necessary to redeem the real property under § 47-1361 are paid from any source to the Chief Financial Officer on behalf of the owner; provided further, that if the real property is used for any purpose other than as a community garden, the sum of all such unpaid real property tax and penalties and all real property taxes accruing thereafter, plus 5% interest, shall be paid to the District of Columbia; provided further, that this subsection shall constitute a lien against the real property to secure the repayment of such amounts.
§ 47–1074. Theatre Downtown, Inc.; lot 26, square 406.
The portion of real property located at lot 26, square 406 and leased to the Theatre Downtown, Inc., is hereby exempt from real property taxation so long as it is leased to the Theatre Downtown, Inc., and used for the purpose of producing and staging live theatre performances; provided, that the benefit of this exemption shall be passed on to the Theatre Downtown, Inc.
§ 47–1075. Far Southeast Community Organization; lots 73, 74, and 75 in square 5753.
(a) For the purposes of this section, the term “inclusive housing” means a housing development in which all units are rented to occupying households with not more than 80% of area median income (adjusted for household size) for a rent not exceeding 30% of household income as such amounts are determined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.
(b) The real property located at lots 73, 74, and 75, square 5753, shall be exempt from taxation so long as the property is owned by Far Southeast Community Organization and the property is used for inclusive housing. If the real property is sold or is not used for the purpose of inclusive housing, the exemption shall terminate as of the beginning of the year in which the sale or non-compliant use occurred; provided, that if the real property ceases to be used for the purpose of inclusive housing less than 15 years after the effective date of this section [March 14, 2007]:
(1) The exemption shall terminate as of the effective date of this section [March 14, 2007] and the amount of taxes exempted under this section shall become due; and
(2) This subsection shall constitute a lien against the property to secure the repayment of such amount, plus interest accruing thereon.
§ 47–1076. Heurich House Foundation; Lot 79, Square 115. [Repealed]
§ 47–1077. Tregaron Conservancy, Lots 848, 857, 859, and 860.
The real property described as Lots 848, 857, 859, and 860, shall be exempt from real property taxation so long as:
(1) The real property is owned by the Tregaron Conservancy, a District corporation which is exempt from federal taxes, and is used solely to further its tax-exempt purposes;
(2) The real property is not improved further (except as necessary for maintenance), is maintained as open space and parkland in a manner consistent with the real property’s historical significance, and is reasonably accessible to the general public without charge or payment of a fee of any kind; and
(3) All reports required by § 47-1007 are properly made by the Tregaron Conservancy.
§ 47–1078. SOME, Inc. and Affiliates Property Tax Exemption.
(a)(1) The real properties listed in paragraph (2) of this subsection and owned by SOME, Inc., Affordable Housing Opportunities, Inc., or by an entity controlled, directly or indirectly, by SOME, Inc., or Affordable Housing Opportunities, Inc., shall be exempt from real property taxation, effective as of the dates stated in paragraph (2) of this subsection, so long as:
(A) The real property continues to be used in accordance with the application for property tax exemption filed for that particular property;
(B) The owner continues to be SOME, Inc., or Affordable Housing Opportunities, Inc., or an entity controlled, directly or indirectly, by SOME, Inc., or Affordable Housing Opportunities, Inc.; or
(C)(i) The owner is any entity, for-profit or nonprofit; and
(ii) The real property continues to be under applicable use restrictions during a:
(I) Federal low-income housing tax credit compliance period; or
(II) Department of Housing and Community Development compliance period.
(2) The following real properties shall be exempt from real property taxation in accordance with paragraph (1) of this subsection:
(A) Lot 811, Square 3567, located at 1876 4th Street, N.E., effective August 1, 2006;
(B) Lot 812, Square 3567, located at 1876 4th Street, N.E., effective August 1, 2006;
(C) Lot 33, Square 5322, located at 360 50th Street, S.E., effective June 1, 2007;
(D) Lot 34, Square 5322, located at 350 50th Street, S.E., effective June 1, 2007;
(E) Parcel 2180096, Square 5616, located at 1701 19th Street, S.E., effective April 1, 2006;
(F) Lot 815, Square 5637, located at 2810-2872 Texas Avenue, S.E., effective June 1, 2007;
(G) Lot 47, Square 5760, located at 2125 18th Street, S.E., effective July 1, 2005;
(H) Lot 894, Square 5765, located at 1667 Good Hope Road, S.E., effective January 1, 2007;
(I) Lot 811, Square 6129, located at 3828—3830 South Capitol Street, S. E., effective June 1, 2007;
(J) Lot 822, Square 6164, located at 740 Barnaby Street, S.E., effective March 1, 2007;
(K) Lots 2086—2127, Square 6164, located at 730—736 Chesapeake Street, S.E., effective November 1, 2007;
(L) Lots 808, 809, 7000, 7001, 7003, 7004, 7005, 7007, 7010, and 7012, Square 5139, located at 4414 and 4430 Benning Road, N.E., effective November 1, 2015; and
(M) Lots 2003, 2004, and 2005, Square 5139, located at 4414, 4420, and 4430 Benning Road, N.E., effective October 1, 2018.
(b) The properties contained in this section shall make the annual reports required by § 47-1007.
(c) The conveyance of any of the properties described in subsection (a) of this section to SOME, Inc., Affordable Housing Opportunities, Inc. or an entity controlled, directly or indirectly, by either of them shall be exempt from the tax imposed by Chapter 11 of Title 42, and the transfer of any of the properties described in subsection (a) of this section by SOME, Inc., Affordable Housing Opportunities, Inc., or an entity controlled, directly or indirectly, by either of them shall be exempt from the tax imposed by Chapter 9 of this title.
§ 47–1079. Golden Rule Plaza, Inc., Lots 837, 841, and 842, Square 525, and Lot 840, Square 526.
The real properties described as Lots 837, 841, and 842, Square 525, and Lot 840, Square 526, owned by Golden Rule Plaza, Inc., a nonprofit corporation, shall be exempt from all taxation for a period of 15 years so long as these real properties continue to be owned by Golden Rule Plaza, Inc., and are not used for commercial purposes, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009.
§ 47–1080. Bolling Air Force Base housing.
(a) The real property, located in Square 6072, or otherwise at the Bolling Air Force Base, together with the improvements thereon, and any future improvements constructed thereon, shall be exempt from all taxation, including ordinary and special taxes and use or possessory interest taxes, on real property or the use thereof, so long as the property is used for the purposes of housing military personnel or their families, as contemplated by 10 U.S.C. §§ 2871 through 2885, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009.
(b) The following shall be exempt from all transfer and recordation taxes of, or imposed by, the District:
(1) The transfer of a leasehold or fee interest in the property, or the improvements thereon, from the United States of America, or any branch of the United States military;
(2) The recordation of any lease, deed, deed of trust, other security instrument, or financing used for the improvement or construction of military housing and related facilities; and
(3) The transfer from any entity to the United States government, or any branch of the United States military.
§ 47–1081. KIPP DC — Douglass Property; Lot 950, Square 5872.
(a) The real property located at 2600-2620 Douglas Road, S.E., and described as Lot 950, Square 5872, shall be exempt from real property taxation, including possessory interests, so long as the real property continues to be owned, or occupied under a ground lease, by KIPP DC or KIPP DC — Douglass QALICB, Inc.
(b) Any transfer, assignment, or other disposition of all or any portion of the real property described in subsection (a) of this section, including an assignment of leasehold interest in the real property or a sublease of the real property, between KIPP DC and KIPP DC Douglass QALICB, Inc., shall be exempt from the tax imposed by § 42-1103 and § 47-903.
§ 47–1082. The Studio Theatre housing.
(a) Subject to subsection (b) of this section, the following real property described shall be exempt from taxation so long as the real property is owned by The Studio Theatre, Inc., a District of Columbia nonprofit corporation, is used for housing in support of the nonprofit activities of the theater, and is not used for any commercial purposes:
(b) The Studio Theatre, Inc. shall make the reports required by § 47-1007 and shall have appeal rights provided by § 47-1009.
(c) Repealed.
(d) Repealed.
§ 47–1083. Building Bridges Across the River, Inc., Lots 2 and 6, Square 5894.
The real property located at 3315 and 3321 23rd Street, S.E., Lots 2 and 6, Square 5894, owned by Building Bridges Across the River, Inc., a nonprofit corporation, shall be exempt from all taxation so long as the real property continues to be owned by Building Bridges Across the River, Inc., and is used as a community playground.
§ 47–1084. Affordable Housing Opportunities, Inc. residential rental project; Lot 800, Square 5984, and Lot 916, Square 5730.
(a) The real properties described as Lot 800, Square 5984, and Lot 916, Square 5730, owned by Affordable Housing Opportunities, Inc., or by an entity controlled, directly or indirectly, by Affordable Housing Opportunities, Inc., shall be exempt from real property taxation so long as the real properties continue to be owned by Affordable Housing Opportunities, Inc., or by an entity controlled, directly or indirectly, by Affordable Housing Opportunities, Inc., or continue to be under applicable use restrictions during a federal low-income housing tax credit compliance period, and not used for commercial purposes, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009.
(b) The conveyance of any of the properties described in subsection (a) of this section to Affordable housing [Housing] Opportunities, Inc. or an entity controlled, directly or indirectly, by it shall be exempt from the tax imposed by Chapter 11 of Title 42 of the District of Columbia Official Code, and the transfer of any of the properties described in subsection (a) of this section by Affordable Housing Opportunities, Inc., or an entity controlled, directly or indirectly, by it shall be exempt from the tax imposed by Chapter 9 of this title.
(c) All recordation and transfer taxes, interest, penalties, fees, and other related charges assessed against Affordable Housing Opportunities, Inc., or SOME, Inc. or an entity controlled, directly or indirectly, by Affordable Housing Opportunities, Inc. or SOME, Inc. with respect to real property located at Lot 800, Square 5984, or Lot 916, Square 5730, or any of the properties described in § 47-1078(a)(2), for any conveyance or transfer prior to [September 14, 2011], shall be forgiven, and any payments already made shall be refunded.
§ 47–1085. KIPP DC — Shaw Campus; Lot 163, Square 510.
(a) The real property located at 421 P Street, N.W., and described as Lot 163, Square 510 shall be exempt from real property taxation, including possessory interests, so long as the real property continues to be owned, or occupied under a ground lease, by KIPP DC, KIPP DC — Shaw QALICB, Inc., or any other subsidiary of KIPP DC.
(b) Any transfer, assignment, or other disposition of all or any portion of the real property described in subsection (a) of this section, including an assignment of leasehold interest in the real property or a sublease of the real property, between KIPP DC and KIPP DC — Shaw QALICB, Inc., or any other subsidiary of KIPP DC, shall be exempt from the tax imposed by § 42-1103 and § 47-903.
§ 47–1086. United House of Prayer for All People — kitchen or feeding facilities.
(a) The portion of the following real property used for kitchen or feeding facilities shall be exempt from real property taxation so long as the real property is owned by the United House of Prayer for All People, a tax-exempt organization, and the remainder of the real property is used for its tax-exempt purposes:
(1) Lot 0116, Square 0448, located at 601 M Street, N.W.;
(2) Lot 0987, Square 5861, located at 1123 Howard Road, S.E.;
(3) Lot 0168, Square 1026, located at 1314 H Street, N.E.;
(4) Lot 0034, Square 5325, located at 215 51st Street, S.E.; and
(5) Lot 0109, Square 0442, located at 1717 7th Street, N.W.
(b) The real property tax exemption under subsection (a) of this section shall be subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009.
(c) This section shall apply as of March 1, 2011.
§ 47–1087. Hill Center at the Old Naval Hospital; Lot 5, Square 948.
(a)(1)(A) The real property, described as Lot 5, in Square 948 (commonly known as Hill Center), and any successor lots or any assessment and taxation lots created within Lot 5, (“property”) shall be exempt until July 1, 2017, from real property, recordation, and transfer taxation imposed under this title, so long as the real property continues to be leased by the Old Naval Hospital Foundation (“ONHF”) under and according to the terms of the lease between the District of Columbia and ONHF, dated December 12, 2010, (“2010 lease”) and any holder of a possessory interest in the property shall be exempt from possessory interest taxation imposed under § 47-1005.01 until July 1, 2017, notwithstanding any sublease, license, assignment, or other conveyance of the right to use the property from ONHF to any sub-lessee, licensee, assignee, or other conveyee (“receiving entity”); provided, that the receiving entity uses the property pursuant to, and in conformance with, the use provisions of the 2010 lease and subject to the provisions of § 47-1009; provided further, that both the special exemptions from real property tax and the possessory interest tax under this section shall expire on July 1, 2017.
(B) Starting on July 1, 2017, the property, ONHF, and the possessory interest of a receiving entity that could not qualify for a real property tax exemption under § 47-1002 were it the owner of the property shall be subject, as applicable, to § 47-1005, and ONHF, additionally, shall be subject to §§ 47-1007 and 47-1009.
(2) [Repealed].
(b) The lease, sublease, license, assignment, or other conveyance of any interest for any use of the property described in subsection (a) of this section that is not prohibited by the 2010 lease shall be exempt from recordation and transfer taxation during the period of the exemption described in subsection (a) of this section.
§ 47–1088. Meridian Public Charter School — Harrison Campus Property; Lot 814, Square 235.
(a) The real property located at 2120 13th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., and described as Lot 814, Square 235, shall be exempt from real property taxation and possessory interest taxation so long as the real property continues to be owned or occupied under a ground lease by Meridian Public Charter School or Meridian-Harrison QALICB, Inc.
(b) Any transfer, assignment, or other disposition of all or any portion of the real property described in subsection (a) of this section, including an assignment of leasehold interest in the real property or a sublease of the real property between Meridian Public Charter School and Meridian-Harrison QALICB, Inc., or a deed of trust with respect to the real property granted by Meridian Public Charter School or Meridian-Harrison QALICB, Inc., to a third party lender, shall be exempt from the tax imposed by § 42-1103 and § 47-903.
§ 47–1088.01. Meridian International Center.
(a)(1) Beginning on the effective date of this section, the real property designated as Lots 806, 808, and 809 in Square 2568, known as the Meridian House and the White-Meyer House, and Lots 2369 through 2401, 2413 through 2417, 2423, 2441, and 2442 in Square 2567, together with any improvements and furnishings (“Property”) shall be exempt from all taxation; provided, that the Property is:
(A) Owned by the Meridian International Center, a District of Columbia nonprofit corporation;
(B) Used for the purposes and activities of the Meridian International Center; and
(C) Not used for any commercial purposes, except as provided in subsection (b) of this section.
(2) Use of the premises by agencies of the United States of America or by any organization exempt from federal income taxation shall not affect the exemption from taxation provided for in this section.
(b) Section 47-1005 shall apply with respect to the Property; provided, that a portion of the Property may be rented out to another person or entity as long as the rent or other income generated shall be used for the maintenance and preservation of the Property.
(c) Meridian International Center shall comply with the reporting requirement of § 47-1007 and have the appeal rights provided by § 47-1009.
§ 47–1089. Jubilee Housing Limited Partnership Residential Rental Project; Lots 62, 63, and 809, Square 2576, and Lot 818, Square 2566.
Beginning October 1, 2012, the real properties described as Lots 62, 63, and 809, Square 2576, and Lot 818, Square 2566, owned by Jubilee Housing, Inc., or by Jubilee Housing Limited Partnership, shall be exempt from real property taxation so long as the real properties continue to be owned by Jubilee Housing, Inc., or Jubilee Housing Limited Partnership, and continue to be under applicable use restrictions during a federal low-income housing tax credit compliance period, and not used for commercial purposes, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009.
§ 47–1090. Washington Latin Public Charter School property; Lot 0800, Square 3327.
(a) The real property located at 5210 2nd Street, N.W., and described as Lot 0800, Square 3327, shall be exempt from real property taxation and possessory interest taxation so long as the real property continues to be owned or occupied under a ground lease by Washington Latin Public Charter School or Latin Rudolph QALICB, LLC.
(b) Any transfer, assignment, or other disposition of all or any portion of the real property described in subsection (a) of this section, including as assignment of leasehold interest in the real property or a sublease of the real property between Washington Latin Public Charter School and Latin Rudolph QALICB, LLC, or a deed of trust with respect to the real property granted by Washington Public Charter School or Latin Rudolph QALICB, LLC, to a third party lender, shall be exempt from the tax imposed under § 42-1103 and § 47-903.
(c) The exemptions set forth in this section shall apply:
(1) To successor corporations or entities organized or incorporated by Washington Latin Public Charter School for the purposes of receiving New Market Tax Credits administered by the U.S. Treasury Department; and
(2) As of April 12, 2013.
§ 47–1091. Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Property; Lot 6, Square 3663.
(a) The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Property, Lot 6, Square 3663, located in the northeast quadrant of the District of Columbia and comprising approximately 5 acres of land, generally bounded by the Basilica’s parking lot, Harewood Road, and the Catholic University of America, together with the improvements thereon and owned by the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception (“Property”) shall be exempt from all taxation so long as it is owned and planned for use by, or actually used by, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception for its purposes and activities and is not used for commercial purposes, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009.
(b) If the owner applies for and is granted a real property tax exemption under § 47-1002, the exemption provided under subsection (a) of this section shall terminate on the day before the effective date of the exemption granted under § 47-1002.
(c) Real property taxes, interest, penalties, fees, and other related charges assessed against the Property for the period of July 1, 2012, through the end of the month following [Dec. 24, 2013], as well as transfer and recordation taxes, interest, and penalties incurred as a result of the conveyance of Lot 6 in Square 3663 to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Property, shall be forgiven, and any payments made for the period or on account of the conveyance shall be refunded.
§ 47–1092. YMCA Community Investment Initiative, Lot 2010, Square 234.
(a) The real property located at 1325 W Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., and described as Lot 2010, Square 234, shall be exempt from real property taxation, and interests in the property shall be exempt from possessory interest taxation so long as the real property continues to be:
(1) Used and occupied by the Young Men’s Christian Association of Metropolitan Washington (“YMCA DC”);
(2) Owned by YMCA DC or the Young Men’s Christian Association Community Investment Initiative (“YMCA CII”); and
(3) Used for carrying out the charitable functions of the YMCA DC, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009 as if the exemption had been granted administratively.
(b)(1) Any transfer, assignment, or other disposition of all or any portion of the real property described in subsection (a) of this section to YMCA DC or YMCA CII, any security interest instrument with respect to the property given by YMCA DC or YMCA CII to a third party lender, or a lease of the property between YMCA DC and YMCA CII shall be exempt from the tax imposed by § 42-1103, so long as the real property continues to be used and occupied by YMCA DC; and
(2) Any transfer, assignment, or other disposition of all or any portion of the real property described in subsection (a) of this section by YMCA DC or YMCA CII, including a lease of the property between YMCA DC and YMCA CII, shall be exempt from the tax imposed by § 47-903, so long as the real property continues to be used and occupied by YMCA DC.
(c) The exemptions set forth in this section shall apply to successor nonprofit entities formed by YMCA DC for purposes of meeting requirements under the New Market Tax Credit provided by section 45D of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, so long as the real property continues to be used and occupied by YMCA DC.
(d) The Council orders that all real property tax, penalties, interest, fees, and other related charges assessed against the real property described in subsection (a) of this section through the end of the month during which this act becomes effective be forgiven, and that any payments already made be refunded. The Council further orders that all recordation and transfer taxes, penalties, and interest collected with respect to the transfers described in subsection (b) of this section through the end of the month during which this act becomes effective be forgiven and payments already made be refunded.
§ 47–1093. American Academy of Achievement.
(a)(1) Beginning on [February 26, 2015], the real property designated as Lot 0829 in Square 0182, known as the American Academy of Achievement building, together with any improvements and furnishings (“Property”) shall be exempt from all taxation; provided, that the Property is:
(A) Owned by the American Academy of Achievement, a nonprofit corporation;
(B) Used for the purposes and activities of the American Academy of Achievement; and
(C) Not used for any commercial purposes, except as provided in subsection (b) of this section.
(2) Use of the premises by agencies of the United States of America or by any organization exempt from federal income taxation shall not affect the exemption from taxation provided for in this section.
(b) Section 47-1005 shall apply with respect to the Property; provided, that a portion of the Property may be rented out to another person or entity as long as the rent or other income generated shall be used for the maintenance and preservation of the Property.
(c) The American Academy of Achievement shall comply with the reporting requirement of § 47-1007 and have the appeal rights provided by § 47-1009.
§ 47–1094. Supreme Council of Scottish Rite Free Masonry of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States; Lot 108, Square 192.
The real property described as Lot 108 in Square 192 shall be exempt from real property taxation so long as the real property is owned by The Supreme Council (Mother Council of the World) of the Inspectors General Knights Commanders of the House of the Temple of Solomon of the Thirty-Third Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America (“Supreme Council”) or its subsidiaries, including the House of the Temple Historic Preservation Foundation, Inc., and is used by the Supreme Council or its subsidiaries to carry on their purposes and activities, and is not used for commercial purposes, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009 as if the exemption had been granted administratively under this chapter.
§ 47–1095. SeVerna, LLC, Lot 247, Square 621. [Repealed]
§ 47–1096. N Street Village, Inc., Lot 93, Square 242.
[Not funded].
§ 47–1097. Naval Lodge Building, Inc.; Lot 800, Square 789.
(a) The real property located at 330 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E., described as Lot 800, Square 789 ("Property") shall be exempt from real property taxation so long as the real property is owned by the Naval Lodge Building, Inc., a District of Columbia nonprofit corporation, the Naval Lodge No. 4, F.A.A.M. ("Lodge"), or a subsidiary of the Lodge, and is used for the purposes and activities of the Lodge, and is not used for any commercial purpose, except as provided in subsection (b) of this section.
(b)Section 47-1005 shall apply to the Property exempted under this section; provided, that so long as the rent or other income generated is used for the maintenance and preservation of the property, the property or a portion thereof may be rented to another person without loss of the exemption.
(c) The owner of the Property shall make the reports required by § 47-1007 and shall have the appeal rights provided by § 47-1009.
§ 47–1098. New Bethany Baptist Church; Lots 31, 32, and 806, Square 339; and Lots 23, 71, 72, 811, and 812, Square 367. [Repealed]
§ 47–1099. Jubilee Ontario Apartments, LP, Lot 805, Square 2565.
The portion of Lot 805 in Square 2565, located at 2525 Ontario Road, N.W. ("Property") that is used for nonresidential purposes, shall be exempt from real property taxation so long as the residential portion of the Property continues to be exempt from real property taxation pursuant to § 47-1005.02.
§ 47–1099.01. Women's National Democratic Club; Lot 5, Square 135.
(a) The real property located at 1526 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W., known for tax and assessment purposes as Lot 5, Square 135, shall be exempt from the tax imposed by Chapter 8 of this title as long as Women's National Democratic Club is the owner of the property, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1007 and 47-1009, but not § 47-1005.
(b) The tax exemption provided by this section shall begin as of October 1, 2017.
§ 47–1099.02. Africare Real Property; Lots 805, 817, 816, 808, and 806, Square 509.
(a) The real property located at 440 R Street, N.W., 430 R Street, N.W., 428 R Street, N.W., 426 R Street, N.W., and 424 R Street, N.W., described, respectively, as Lots 805, 817, 816, 808, and 806, , in Square 509 shall be exempt from real property taxation so long as the real property is owned by Africare, a District of Columbia nonprofit corporation, or a subsidiary of Africare, and is used for the purposes and activities of Africare and is not used for any commercial purpose.
§ 47–1099.03. University of the District of Columbia, Lot 114, Square 676.
The real property located at 801 North Capitol Street, N.E., Washington, D.C., and described as Lot 114, Square 676, shall be exempt from real property taxation so long as the real property continues to be leased by the University of the District of Columbia.
§ 47–1099.04. Washington Parks & People; Lots 841, 847, 848, and 851, Square 2841.
(a) The real property located in Lots 841, 847, 848, and 851 in Square 2841 shall be exempt from real property taxation so long as the real property is owned by Washington Parks & People, a District of Columbia nonprofit corporation, and is used as a park by the public generally, as a community garden, or as a children's playground, and is not used for commercial purposes, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009 as if the exemption had been granted administratively under this chapter.
(b) All real property taxes, special assessments, liens of the District of Columbia (including Clean Cities liens), interest, penalties, fees, and other related charges assessed against real property located in Lots 841, 847, 848, and 851 in Square 2841 for the period beginning with tax year 1998 and continuing through to [September 30, 2019] shall be forgiven and any payments made during this period shall be refunded.
§ 47–1099.05. Shaed School, LLC; Lot 816, Square 3552.
(a) The real property located at 200 Douglas Street, N.E., and described as Lot 816, Square 3552, ("real property") shall be exempt from real property taxation and possessory interest taxation so long as the real property continues to be owned or leased by Shaed School, LLC, and is used, or, if vacant, held for use, by one or more District of Columbia public charter schools.
(b) Any transfer, assignment, or other disposition of all or any portion of the real property, including a lease of the real property to Shaed School, LLC, or an assignment or sublease of the leasehold interest in the real property by Shaed School, LLC, to either a District of Columbia public charter school or Charter School Incubator Initiative, or a deed of trust or other security instrument with respect to the real property granted by Shaed School, LLC, to a lender, shall be exempt from the tax imposed by § 42-1103 and § 47-903.
(c) This section shall apply as of May 21, 2014.
§ 47–1099.06. 5601 East Capitol, LLC; Lot 153, Square 5283.
(a) The real property located at 5601 East Capitol Street, S.E., and described as Lot 153 in Square 5283, ("real property") shall be exempt from real property taxation and possessory interest taxation so long as the real property continues to be owned or leased by 5601 East Capitol, LLC, and is used, or, if vacant, held for use, by one or more District of Columbia public charter schools, the University of the District of Columbia, or the Capital Area Food Bank.
(b) Any transfer, assignment, or other disposition of all or any portion of the real property, including a lease of the real property to 5601 East Capitol, LLC, or an assignment or sublease of the leasehold interest in the real property by 5601 East Capitol, LLC, to a District of Columbia public charter school or Charter School Incubator Initiative, or a deed of trust or other security instrument with respect to the real property granted by 5601 East Capitol, LLC, to a lender, shall be exempt from the tax imposed by § 42-1103 and § 47-903.
(c) This section shall apply as of June 19, 2015.
§ 47–1099.07. St. Paul on Fourth Street, Inc.; Lots 1068 and 1069, Square 3648.
(a) The real property located at 3015 4th Street, N.E., and described as Lots 1068 and 1069 in Square 3648, ("real property") shall be exempt from real property taxation and possessory interest taxation so long as the real property continues to be owned by St. Paul on Fourth Street, Inc. and is used, or, if vacant, held for use, by one or more District of Columbia public charter schools or by one or more educational or faith-based nonprofit entities.
(b) Any transfer, assignment, or other disposition of all or any portion of the real property, including a transfer of the real property by or to St. Paul on 4th Street, Inc., or a deed of trust or other security instrument with respect to the real property granted by St. Paul on Fourth Street, Inc. to a lender, shall be exempt from the tax imposed by § 42-1103 and § 47-903.
(c) This section shall apply as of June 21, 2016.
§ 47–1099.08. Maime D. Lee, LLC; Lots 136 and 160, Parcel 124.
(a) The real property located at 5101 Fort Totten Drive, N.E., (also known as 100 Gallatin Street, N.E.,), and described as Lots 136 and 160, Parcel 124, ("real property") shall be exempt from real property taxation and possessory interest taxation so long as the real property continues to be owned or leased by Maime D. Lee, LLC, and is used, or, if vacant, held for use, by one or more District of Columbia public charter schools or Mary's Center for Maternal and Child Care, Inc.
(b) Any transfer, assignment, or other disposition of all or any portion of the real property, including a lease of the real property to Maime D. Lee, LLC, or an assignment or sublease of the leasehold interest in the real property by Maime D. Lee, LLC, to a District of Columbia public charter school or a sublease by a District of Columbia public charter school to Mary's Center for Maternal and Child Care, Inc., or a deed of trust or other security instrument with respect to the real property granted by Maime D. Lee, LLC, to a lender, shall be exempt from the tax imposed by by § 42-1103 and § 47-903.
(c) This section shall apply as of November 25, 2015.
§ 47–1099.09. National League of American Pen Women; Lot 0825, Square 0158.
(a) The real property located at 1300 17th Street, N.W., known for tax and assessment purposes as Lot 0825, Square 0158 ("Property") shall be exempt from real property taxation as long as the National League of American Pen Women is the owner and operator of the Property and [the Property] is used for the purposes and activities of the National League of Pen Women, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1007 [and] 47-1009, but not § 47-1005.
(b) The tax exemption provided by this section shall begin as of October 1, 2016.
§ 47–1099.10. Children's Hospital Research and Innovation Campus tax exemptions.
(a) Only that portion of real property currently described for assessment and taxation purposes as Square 2950, Lot 808, which is to be subdivided in part into Square 2950, Lots 824 and 826, effective for tax year 2020, and the buildings located thereon ("Property"), owned by Children's National at Walter Reed, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Children's Hospital, a District of Columbia nonprofit corporation, shall remain exempt from real property taxation to the extent the Property is validly exempt as of the day before the date any lease is granted to certain business entities known as Building 52/53 NMTC Borrower, LLC, and Building 54 NMTC Borrower, LLC (controlled directly or indirectly by Children's Hospital), and for the period during which the Property is eligible to receive federal tax benefits, including New Markets Tax Credits under 26 U.S.C. § 45D, Opportunity Zone tax benefits under 26 U.S.C. § 1400Z-1, et seq., or Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits under 26 U.S.C. § 47; provided, that the Property shall be subject to subsection (c) of this section and §§ 47-1007 and 47-1009. The Property shall be subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007 and 47-1009 where a sublease or lease is made to another entity (other than the certain business entities referenced in this subsection) that would not qualify for exemption under § 47-1002 if it were both the owner and user of the property.
(b) Any transfer, assignment, or other disposition of all or any portion of the Property, including an assignment of leasehold interest in the Property or a sublease of the Property, between Children's National at Walter Reed, LLC, and Children's Hospital, any business entity controlled directly or indirectly by Children's Hospital, or a security interest instrument, including a deed of trust, secured by the Property or any interest therein, shall be exempt from the tax imposed by §§ 42-1103 and 47-903.
(c)(1) The buildings located on the Property, owned by Children's National at Walter Reed, LLC, or any subsidiary of Children's Hospital ("Children's") shall remain exempt from real property taxation; provided, that for any contract entered into for architectural design services, construction services, or materials, including design, professional and technical services, construction management and trade work, development, renovation, and suppliers ("services and materials") needed for the development, remodel, or construction of Phase II of the Children's National Research & Innovation Campus ("Project"), Children's submits to the Department of Small and Local Business Development ("Department") for approval a plan to set and adhere to a Project goal to spend at least 35% of its adjusted budget ("spend goal") spread out over the remaining term of the federal tax credit with small business enterprises ("SBE"), as defined in [§ 2-218.02(16)].
(2) The adjusted budget shall consist of costs associated with the services and materials listed in paragraph (1) of this subsection, all construction costs less qualifying expenses, including acquisition and financing related costs, those construction-related costs in areas with no SBE representation, and government fees and permit costs.
(3) If there are insufficient SBEs to fulfill the annual spend goal set forth in paragraph (l) of this subsection, then Children's may count its spend with qualified and certified business enterprises, as defined in [§ 2-218.02(1D)], toward its annual spend goal.
(4) Pursuant to [§ 2-218.51], Children's may request a waiver in writing to the Director of the Department. The Director may approve the waiver if Children's reasonably demonstrates that there is insufficient market capacity for the goods or services that comprise the project and that the lack of capacity leaves Children's commercially incapable of achieving its subcontracting requirements at a project level.
(d)(1) The Department shall certify Children's Project spend numbers and submit certification of that spend to the Office of Tax and Revenue.
(2) If Children's fails to meet its SBE spend goal, Children's shall remit to the District the amount it would have otherwise had to pay in real property tax on behalf of the buildings on the Property at a sum proportionate to the difference between the Project spend goal and the actual SBE expenditure or, if necessary, § 2-218.01et seq. expenditures during the timeframe of the Project.
(3) If Children's exceeds its SBE spend goal for any one year, the excess spend will be attributed to the subsequent year's goal.
§ 47–1099.11. Emory United Methodist Church; Square 2940, Lots 826, 828, 831, 832, 7007, 7008, 7009, 7010, 7011, and 7012.
(a) The real property described for assessment and taxation purposes as Square 2940, Lots 826, 828, 831, 832, 7007, 7008, 7009, 7010, 7011, and 7012 ("real property") shall be exempt from real property taxation and possessory interest taxation so long as the real property is:
(1) Owned by Emory United Methodist Church or an entity controlled directly or indirectly by Emory United Methodist Church;
(2) If leased, leased to Beacon Center QALICB, LLC, or a nonprofit organization, including Emory Beacon of Light;
(3) If subleased, subleased to Beacon Center QALICB, LLC, or a nonprofit organization, including Emory United Methodist Church or Emory Beacon of Light; and
(4) Used, or, if vacant, held for use, by Emory United Methodist Church, an entity controlled directly or indirectly by Emory United Methodist Church, Beacon Center QALICB, LLC, or a nonprofit organization, including Emory Beacon of Light, for affordable housing or community-serving purposes, such as a church, gymnasium, classroom, food pantry, community or incubator kitchen, immigration clinic, small-business services, restaurant staffed by returning citizens, youth leadership academy, or health clinic.
(b) Any transfer, assignment, or other disposition of all or any portion of the real property, including a lease or sublease of the real property between Emory United Methodist Church or any entity controlled directly or indirectly by Emory United Methodist Church including Emory Beacon of Light, and Beacon Center QALICB, LLC, and any security interest instrument in the real property granted by Emory United Methodist Church, an entity controlled directly or indirectly by Emory United Methodist Church, or Beacon Center QALICB, LLC, shall be exempt from the tax imposed by §§ 42-1103 and 47-903.
§ 47–1099.12. Players Lounge; Lot 46, Square 5982.
(a) The real property, and any improvements on the property, located at 2737 Martin Luther King Jr., Ave., S.E., known for tax and assessment purposes as Lot 46, Square 5982, ("Property") shall be exempt from the tax imposed by Chapter 8 of this title for the period beginning October 1, 2019, and ending September 30, 2026, so long as the Property is owned by GST LLC and operated as Georgena's restaurant (also known as Players Lounge) ("Players Lounge").
(b) The tax exemption provided pursuant to this section shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other tax relief or assistance from any other source applicable to Players Lounge.
§ 47–1099.13. University of the District of Columbia, Lot 0007, Square 2051.
The real property located at 4225 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C., and described for assessment and taxation purposes as Lot 0007, Square 2051, shall be exempt from real property taxation so long as the real property continues to be leased by the University of the District of Columbia and used by the university for educational purposes.
(a) The real property, and any improvements on the property, located at 1708 S Street, NW, known for tax and assessment purposes as Lot 813, Square 0154 ("Property"), shall be exempt from the tax imposed by [Chapter 8 of this title] for the period beginning January 1, 2024, and ending January 1, 2034, so long as the Property is owned by Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
(b) The tax exemption provided pursuant to this section shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other tax relief or assistance from any other source applicable to the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.